Minutes of the Meeting of Drayton Parish Council
held on 13th July 2021 at 7:00pm in the Caudwell Day Centre.
Councillors Present: Tamsin Crane (Chairperson), Patricia Athawes (Vice Chairperson), Richard Wade (Vice Chairperson), Pervin Shahin (arrived at 7:26pm), Shane McAleavey, Graham Webb.
Councillors Not Present: Susan Harris.
In attendance: Lorraine Watling (Clerk and RFO), Christopher Price (Deputy Clerk), Richard Webber (OCC) (left at 8:11pm).
Public: 4 members of the public were present.
96/2021 Apologies for Absence. Cllr Susan Harris, and District Cllr Andrew Cook (VWHDC).
97/2021 Declarations of Interest, Dispensations or Use of Delegated Powers. Cllrs Tamsin Crane and Susan Harris each have a general interest in the Manor Farm development as they both live on this development. Cllr Richard Wade has a general interest in the Millennium Green because he is a member of the Millennium Green Trust Committee, and in the Allotments site as his wife rents an allotment. Cllr Graham Webb declared a general interest in the allotment site as he lives near the allotments.
98/2021 Cllr Vacancies.
a) Resignations. The resignations of Garin Schoonhoven, Claire Woollard and Irma Schoonhoven were noted.
[Clerk’s note: Drayton is entitled to 11 Parish Councillors so there are currently 4vacancies.]
b) Co-option to replace Natasha Brand. It was noted that the Parish Council can co-opt to replace Natasha Brand.
c) Election. It was noted that following the resignations of Garin Schoonhoven, Claire Woollard and Irma Schoonhoven, the VWHDC had received 10 valid requests for an election to fill each vacancy. A poll (if contested) will be held on Thursday 12 August 2021. It has already been agreed not to have poll cards.
ACTION: Deputy Clerk to circulate election notice to all Councillors.
99/2021 Report from OCC Councillor (Richard Webber).
a) Lodge Hill Interchange. It was noted that the Lodge Hill Interchange plans are fully funded and will happen within the next 2 years. This will enable to access and exit the A34 in both directions. Construction is currently scheduled for early 2022 subject to approval from Highways England, with completion in Summer 2023.
b) Housing Infrastructure Bid (HIB). It was noted that funding infrastructure to support the housing growth in the district has been successful and the county will receive funding from the government’s Housing Infrastructure Fund. There will be financial penalties of £6m per month if the work is not delivered by 2024.
c) Traffic Calming. It is recognised that traffic is currently an issue within Drayton and many other towns and villages. OCC is proposing to introduce 20mph speed limits within towns and villages as “Twenty is plenty”. All residents were encouraged to write to Cllr Webber and express their support for this initiative in Drayton.
Cllr McAleavey updated Cllr Webber about a recent meeting between Drayton Parish Council and OCC Highways to discuss how some s106 contributions allocated to traffic calming and road markings could be best spent within Drayton. 10 ideas have been submitted to OCC for consideration including a raised pedestrian crossing near The Dovecote on the High Street (considered to be a priority), traffic calming near Walnut Meadows/Sutton Wick and the Abingdon Road, measures to address the problems at the junction between Henleys Lane and Abingdon Road, and footpath issues. The sloping pavement along the Abingdon Road was discussed. Cllr Webber suggested that part of the problem may be due to the numerous driveways that are along the road. OCC has been asked to comment.
d) School Streets Initiative. This is a road safety initiative that would restrict vehicular access outside Primary Schools, twice a day for 1 hour, at set times to facilitate children arriving at and leaving school safely. by vehicles. Drayton Primary School should write to Cllr Richard if it would like to be considered for inclusion in the trial.
e) Parking on pavements.
ACTION: Richard Webber was asked to confirm what OCC is currently doing to enforce the parking restrictions relating to parking on pavements.
100/2021 Report from VWHDC Councillor.
Adrian Cooke was not present but had submitted a report prior to the meeting. The following was noted.
a) Walnut Meadow Sports Field Unauthorised Raising of Levels by Miller Homes. No update on the land levels.
[Matter continued under 108/2021.]
b) Covid. The rate of infections from the Covid Delta variant is increasing across the country. In Oxfordshire, Oxford City currently has a significant problem. People were reminded to: keep a distance, wear a mask, wash their hands, socialise outdoors where possible, and to keep indoor spaces ventilated. Regular testing and completing the vaccination programme were still thought to be the best long-term plan for living with Covid nationally. Residents were encouraged to take up the offer of a first vaccination if they hadn’t done so already. The latest weekly vaccination figures were noted.
c) Abbey Meadows Outdoor Pool. The Abbey Meadows outdoor pool reopened on Monday 12th July. Residents were encouraged to use it over the summer.
d) Successful Planning Enforcement. It was noted that the District Councils enforcement team’s actions had recently resulted in Wyldecrest Parks (Management) Limited being fined £100,000.00 for breaching two planning enforcement notices ordering them to remove a mobile home and concrete base from Bayworth Mobile Home Park, which should only have been used as a car park.
101/2021 Public Participation.
a) Traffic Calming. A number of members of the public raised concerns about traffic speeding through the village. It was noted that when Thames Water recently closed Henleys Lane for a number of months there was a big improvement. Large vehicles such as hearses had reversed into the lane when required.
ACTION: Richard Webber to discuss with OCC Highways the possibility of closing Henleys Lane to through traffic.
b) Walnut Meadow Road Adoption. It was noted that Richard Webber still did not have anything to report on the adoption of the road to allow public access to the proposed sports facility.
c) Abingdon Road / Manor Farm Raised Pedestrian Crossing. It was noted that more road markings are required to warn drivers of the speed bump so that they slow down.
ACTION: Richard Webber to find out from OCC Highways when more road markings will be painted on the road to warn drivers of the speed bump.
102/2021 Minutes of the Previous Parish Council Meeting. The minutes of the previous Parish Council meetings were approved and signed by the Chairperson.
a) Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on 4th May 2021.
Proposed: Tamsin Crane Seconded: Shane McAleavey Resolved: Unanimous
b) Minutes of the Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting held on 1st June 2021.
Proposed: Tamsin Crane Seconded: Shane McAleavey Resolved: Unanimous
103/2021 Action Checklist from the Previous Meeting was reviewed and updated, and the additional points were noted.
a) Right of Way Working Group. It was noted that Christine West had joined this working group.
b) Manor Farm Plants that need Attention.
ACTION: Cllr Wade knows Mike Habermehl (Adams Habermehl Ltd) so will contact him to ask if he might be able to help the PC assess the various plantings within the parish.
104/2021 Scheme of Delegation. It was resolved that the Council allows the delegation of any of its activities to the Clerk in consultation with the Chairperson, or to an “Emergency Delegation Panel” (EDP) of the Clerk in consultation with the Chairperson, the Vice Chairpersons, and the chairperson of the relevant committee (being the committee relevant to the issue in question) to enable the Council to meet its statutory and other obligations when either;
a) the Council suspends meetings due to circumstances outside of its control, or
b) when an urgent decision is needed due to an emergency or when a meeting of Council isn’t quorate and timescales do not allow rescheduling of the meeting.
The delegated financial authority of the Clerk in consultation with the Chairperson is £750, in accordance with the Councils Financial Regulations. The delegated authority of the EDP is limited to a maximum of £10k per item/per month. Any expenditure will be reported at the next meeting of the Parish Council. The decisions can be taken by email or remotely using conference facilities such as Webex, Zoom or Teams. All decisions must be unanimously agreed.
Proposed: Tamsin Crane Seconded: Richard Wade Resolved: Unanimous
105/2021 Public Art (Pervin Shahin).
Entrance Gate Signs. It was noted that the police have objected to the proposed signs due to safety concerns.
ACTION: Pervin Shahin to contact the Neighbourhood Action Group to find out why the police have objected to the proposed signs so the PC can try to address these concerns.
[Matter continued under item 110/2021.]
Richard Webber (OCC) left at 8:11pm.
106/2021 Update to the Parish Councils Standing Orders. It was resolved to approve the inclusion of the scheme of delegation and other (minor) updates to the Parish Council Standing Orders.
Proposed: Richard Wade Seconded: Patricia Athawes Resolved: Unanimous
107/2021 Finance and Personnel Committee (Patricia Athawes). See Appendix A.
a) Payments.
- The list of payments had been circulated prior to the meeting and was noted.
- It was resolved to approve the payments to be made following the meeting.
Proposed: Richard Wade Seconded: Tamsin Crane Resolved: Unanimous
- The two councillors authorised by the Council to approve the online payments this month were Patricia Athawes and Graham Webb. They were also authorised to approve the payments that are required to be made before the next meeting.
b) Bank Statement and Reconciliation. Had been circulated prior to the meeting and was noted.
c) Disposition of Council Funds had been circulated prior to the meeting and was noted.
d) S137 Grant Application. Drayton Chronicle had applied for a £2,500.00 grant. It was resolved to approve this s137 grant application.
Proposed: Richard Wade Seconded: Tamsin Crane Resolved: Unanimous
108/2021 Planning Committee (Graham Webb). See Appendix B.
Walnut Meadow Sports Field Unauthorised Rising of Levels. It was noted that Tamsin Crane has received an email from Miller Homes stating that they have submitted a planning application to address the unauthorized raising of levels of the sports field.
(i) Deputy Clerk to look for the planning application from Miller Homes and arrange a meeting with VWHDC Planning Enforcement.
(ii) Clerk to ask the VWHDC if the S106 expiry dates can put on hold whilst the elevation of the sports field is resolved.
109/2021 Walnut Meadow Sports Facility – MUGA/Tennis provision. (Graham Webb).
It was noted that the only thing preventing the MUGA/Tennis provision from being progressed was the unadopted road access. It was also noted that Colin Arnold would be willing to join the Neighbourhood Development Plan Working Group.
- Tamsin Crane, Graham Webb and Richard Wade to draft a letter to be sent to OCC Highways asking if / when the road to the sports facility will be adopted.
- Clerk to forward Richard Wade the MUGA tender information on file so that he can then review this with Cllr Webb.
110/2021 s106 Public Art continued (Pervin Shahin).
- Walnut Shaped Bollards on the Village Green. It was noted that the contract has been signed by the artist and the walnuts are expected to be installed at the end of October 2021.
ACTION: Pervin Shahin to contact the proposed landscapers involved in this project.
- Entrance Gate Signs. It was noted that the artists are willing to continue the project if the current objections from the police are resolved.
ACTION: It was noted that the Clerk will submit an s106 application to VWHDC requesting a contribution to enable phase 1 of the footpath/cycle way improvements to be undertaken.
111/2021 Wildlife Group Shed. It was agreed not to purchase a shed (from the OCC Cllr priority fund grant already received) due to security concerns. This money will be reallocated to the other budget headings within the grant application.
ACTION: Clerk to explore further storage options with local organisations.
Reserved Business. Exclusion of the Public and Press. In view of the nature of the business to be transacted any members of the public and press were temporarily excluded from the meeting (Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1).
112/2021 Burial Ground. An update about the covenant was noted. It was resolved to instruct the PC’s solicitors to try and resolve this matter.
Proposed: Graham Webb Seconded: Patricia Athawes Resolved: Unanimous
ACTION: Tamsin Crane to liaise with the PC’s solicitors.
113/2021 Programme Manager. The Clerk provided an update about the response to the job advertisement placed with OALC.
114/2021 Funeral Director Debt. It was noted that the Parish Council is owed money for an interment. The PC is entitled to charge interest at 8% under the Late Payment of Debts Act 1998.
ACTION: Clerk to write to the funeral director stating that there will be a late payment fee applied from the date of the letter and request that the debt be paid within a week.
This funeral director will not be permitted to operate in the Drayton Burial Ground until the fee is paid.
End of Reserved Business.
115/2021 Items to be noted from Parish Councillors.
a) Tommy Silhouette. It was noted that no local charity / organisation has yet applied for a grant to fund a Tommy Silhouette.
b) MACE Shop Break in. It was noted that the Dane’s convenience store (Mace/Paper shop) was broken into on Monday 5th July 2021 at 3.40am and goods were stolen.
ACTION: Clerk to contact the Neighbourhood Action Group to discuss.
116/2021 Date of the next Meetings. 10th August 2021.
The Chairperson declared the meeting closed at 9:42pm
Signed: Date:
Appendix A
Finance & Personnel Committee
Payments of £500 or more since the last meeting
Staff salaries 1,470.20
C Wilmott Smith – caretaking 655.00
The Landscape Group – grass cutting 1,116.00
Surrey Hills Solicitors – professional advice 1,080.00
Drayton Chronicle s137 grant 2,500.00
Disposition of Council Funds as at 01st July 2021
Unity Bank 674 £265,241.66 0% Current Acct
NS&I 779 £20,487.64 0.01% Savings Acct
Unity Bank 554 £15,185.52 0.10% Projects Acct
Total £300,914.82
Appendix B
Planning Committee Applications
P20/V2741/HH. Front & Side Single Storey Extension. The Hollies Barrow Road Drayton Oxfordshire OX14 4SU. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Pending. |
P20/V3237/FUL. Demolition of existing commercial building. Construction of two semi-detached houses. Norrington House 22 High Street Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JL. PC: Response: The Parish Council regrets the loss of the retail outlet but acknowledges that the commercial building has been vacant for a number of years and there may not be a demand for it. It is also worth noting that there may be a new pedestrian crossing along the High Street near this location that needs to be considered along with this planning application. VWHDC: Planning Permission on 12th May 2021. |
P20/V3357/HH. Two storey side extension. 226 Steventon Road Drayton Abingdon OX13 6RN. PC: Objection: The Parish Council is concerned about the size of the extension and the loss of light to the neighbouring house. VWHDC: Pending. |
P21/V0365/HH. 17 Binning Close – Single storey rear extension and linked first floor rear extension 18 Binning Close – linked first floor extension. 17 & 18 Binning Close Drayton Abingdon OX14 4LN. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Planning Permission on 22nd April 2021. |
P21/V0357/FUL. The addition of a 2 space car port and home office over. Barn to the rear of 24 High Street Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JL. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Planning Permission on 20th April 2021. |
P21/V0554/HH. Two storey rear extension, single storey glazed link and garage conversion. 8 Walnut Way Drayton Abingdon OX14 4FY. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Planning Permission on 30th June 2021. |
P21/V0643/HH. Erect single storey rear extension, single storey front extension and apply external cladding and render. 50 Hilliat Fields Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JF. PC: Objection. The proposed cladding is out of character with the rest of the estate of some 60 houses, all of with are rendered and painted, none of them have cladding. The design and appearance would clearly be out of character with the Hilliat Fields area. VWHDC: Pending. |
P21/V0392/HH. Proposed extension to garage to form gym. 38 Church Lane Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JS. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Planning Permission on 23rd April 2021. |
P20/V3237/FUL Amendment: No. 1 – dated 2nd March 2021. Demolition of existing commercial building. Construction of two semi-detached houses (As amended by plans and additional information received 2 March, 19 March and 1 April 2021). Norrington House 22 High Street Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JL. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Planning Permission on 12th May 2021. |
P21/V0860/HH. Construction of a garden building for home office/gym/exercise purposes. The building will be located at the end of a long garden, be made of a timber frame construction with painted render and cedar cladding. Exercises and equipment require the additional height of a pitched roof. 236 Steventon Road Drayton Abingdon OX13 6RN. PC: Support: There are other garden buildings similarly located. 2. 4m high complies with the regs on garden buildings. VWHDC: Planning Permission on 4th June 2021, |
P21/V0991/HH. Construction of new garage on side of house, new windows and render finish to existing walls. Threeways Milton Road Drayton Abingdon OX14 4EZ. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Planning Permission on 25th May 2021. |
P21/V0944/HH. Garage conversion. 10 Holly Lane Drayton Abingdon OX14 4FW. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Planning Permission on 22nd June 2021. |
P21/V1121/HH. Part demolition of garage & erection of single storey rear extension. 79 Steventon Road Drayton Abingdon OX14 4LA. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Planning Permission on 9th June 2021. |
P20/V3357/HH Amendment: No. 1 – dated 17th May 2021. Two storey side extension (sunlight and overshadowing assessment received 3 March 2021 and amended plan received 17 May 2021). 226 Steventon Road Drayton Abingdon OX13 6RN. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Pending. |
P21/V1370/HH. Proposed new front porch and new flat roof single garage to the side of the property. 39 Hilliat Fields Drayton Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 4JF. PC: Support. VWHDC: Planning Permission on 7th July 2021. |
P21/V0554/HH Amendment: No. 1 – dated 2nd June 2021. Single storey rear extension and garage conversion (as amended by revised plans submitted on the 02nd June 2021). 8 Walnut Way Drayton Abingdon OX14 4FY. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Planning Permission on 30th June 2021. |
P21/V1300/HH. Installation of a corner summerhouse with an overall elevation of 3 metres. Height to eaves is 2.5 metres with a pitched cedar shingle roof bringing the overall height to 3 metres. Wood and glass summerhouse painted in dark grey. 85 High Street Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JW. PC: Support. VWHDC: Planning Permission on 7th July 2021. |
P21/V1240/FUL. Retrospective application for 1 bedroom dwelling used in conjunction with existing garden machinery business. Retrospective consent for existing open fronted garden machinery (building C) and workshop/office/showroom (building B and reduced workshop (building D). Remove structure E 9open store) and canopy to building D. Retrospective consent for existing decking – amenity area for building A. Apply new timber (tapered boarding) cladding to existing structures. 1A Milton Road Drayton Abingdon OX14 4EZ. PC: Response: The Parish Council have, over the years, considered a number of planning applications and change of use applications for this site. In one case this was supported by the attendance of the applicant to make his case as a local business. We recall that the first change of use to a dwelling was (like the current one) retrospective and we were not entirely happy. It subsequently reverted to commercial, and this is another retrospective application. It may just be the random changes for a growing business, but we are concerned about any drift towards Residential Use, which will eventually support the building of a house. While we have no specific objection to the application we do believe that the limits on development of the site, which lies well outside the built-up area of the village should be made clear. VWHDC: Pending. |
P21/V1611/HH. Demolition of porch, conservatory and single storey front gable. Proposed single storey rear extension and loft conversion with dormers – including raising roof. Proposed single storey porch extension. 7 East Way Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JZ. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Pending. |
P21/V1727/HH. Single storey rear extension. 240 Steventon Road Drayton Abingdon Oxfordshire OX13 6RN. PC: Support. VWHDC: Pending. |