2021 9 Planning Minutes

Drayton Parish Council Planning Committee Minutes

held in the Caudwell Day Centre on 14th September 2021 at 7:00pm

Present: Graham Webb (Chairman), Patricia Athawes, Shane McAleavey, Richard Wade.

Not Present: All Councillors were present.

In Attendance: Christopher Price (Deputy Clerk and meeting administrator).

Public: 1 member of the public was present.

51/2021 Apologies for Absence. None.

52/2021 Declarations of Interest, Dispensations and Use of Delegated Powers. None.

53/2021 Public Participation. None.

54/2021 Minutes of the Previous Meeting. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

Proposed: Richard Wade Seconded: Patricia Athawes Resolved: Unanimous

55/2021 Old Planning Applications (Application(s) already responded to since last meeting).

P21/V1924/FUL. Hybrid Planning application: Formation of sports pitches with associated ground works, drainage and landscaping (Full application) and sports pavilion with associated car parking and access (outline application with all matters reserved except access). Land West of Abingdon Road Drayton. PC: Objection: Drayton Parish Council wishes to register its objection to the Hybrid Application. The Ground Levels indicated appear to reflect those recently obtained by the PC in a level survey of the pitch, carried out by independent consulting civil engineers. They are the existing levels. These levels do not comply with the original design levels or with those referred to in the 2016 Application for Discharge of Conditions P16/V0089/DIS, where the pitches were shown level with the roads. The design levels were intended to provide a playable sports pitch, and those existing do not. Thus it will be difficult for the Parish Council to deliver the promised facility. In addition the raised levels at the SW corner of Chestnut Drive have created a bank over a metre high. The houses here were sold with a prospect of an open aspect across the pitch which is now obscured by the bank.
P21/V1680/HH. Single storey extension at rear of the house. White flat roof and two roof windows. 22 Hilliat Fields Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JQ. PC: Noted.
P21/V2122/HH. Extend our existing dropped curb to enter our drive way. 10 Crabtree Lane Drayton Abingdon OX14 4HS. PC: Noted.
P21/V2176/FUL. Development of a brownfield site in Drayton to provide 9 purpose built houses to modern space and environmental standards. Land at Kiln Lane Drayton OX14 4FE. PC: Objection: The Parish Council objects to this application for the following reasons: 1. Allocation of development plots in Drayton already exceeds the SCHMA. 2. The clearing of the site and its development is not in accordance with the NDP agreed policy on Biodiversity P-S1. 3. A comprehensive contamination assessment and remedial plan would be expected. This site has a history of industrial use: 150 years as a brick works and then around 50 years as a garage and petrol forecourt. 4. The density appears more urban than rural, and there is a significant possibility of overlooking, especially of the existing houses adjoining the site. 5. The development would generate a significant increase in traffic at the junction of Kiln Lane and Steventon Road. This is at a complex of bends and a roundabout, and increasing traffic volumes will make it a dangerous junction/could increase the risk of danger. 6. The NDP called for a mix of housing types to provide more smaller and affordable homes. 7. The proposed development does not respect that.
P21/V2203/HH. Erection of new timber frame double garage to front of 122 Abingdon Rd. 122 Abingdon Road Drayton Abingdon OX14 4HT. PC: Noted.
P21/V2219/HH. Two storey and single storey extensions and alterations to the house and garage, replacement greenhouse and new loggia in the garden. The Old Vicarage 11 High Street Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JL. PC: Noted.
P21/V1924/FUL Amendment : No. 1 – dated 18th August 2021. Hybrid Planning application: Formation of sports pitches with associated groundworks, drainage and landscaping (Full application) and sports pavilion with associated car parking and access (outline application with all matters reserved except access). (Retrospective). Land West of Abingdon Road Drayton. PC: Objection: The amendment has not changed the Drayton Parish Council’s previous objections… Drayton Parish Council wishes to register its objection to this Hybrid Application. The Ground Levels indicated appear to reflect those recently obtained by the PC in a level survey of the pitch, carried out by independent consulting civil engineers. They are the existing levels. These levels do not comply with the original design levels or with those referred to in the 2016 Application for Discharge of Conditions P16/V0089/DIS, where the pitches were shown level with the roads. The design levels were intended to provide a playable sports pitch, and those existing do not. Thus it will be difficult for the Parish Council to deliver the promised facility. Furthermore the requirement was to deliver land ready to accept a playing surface, as this would imply sufficient depth of top soil and drained to avoid waterlogging. In addition the raised levels at the SW corner of Chestnut Drive have created a bank over a metre high. The houses here were sold with a prospect of an open aspect across the pitch which is now obscured by the bank.

56/2021 New Planning Applications (see Vale of White Horse District Council website for full planning details and minutes for all pending applications). The Clerk/Deputy Clerk was authorised to respond to the VWHDC to Support/Respond/Object to the following planning applications with comments, in accordance with material planning considerations and the Drayton Neighbourhood Development Plan planning policies.


57/2021 Late Planning Applications (Application(s) that arrived after the publication of the agenda).

P21/V2502/LB. Proposed replacement windows. Old Lodge 31 Henleys Lane Drayton Abingdon OX14 4HU. Deadline 1st Oct 2021.

58/2021 Date of the next Meeting. 12th October 2021.

The Chairman declared the meeting closed at 7:30pm

Signed: Date:
