Drayton Parish Council Minutes
held on Monday 1st October 2018 at 7:30pm in the Caudwell Day Centre, Gravel Lane, Drayton, OX14 4HF
- Richard Williams (Chairman)
- Andrew Cooke (left at 9:45pm)
- Colin Arnold
- Patricia Athawes
- Matthew Lowy
- Pervin Shahin
- Graham Webb
Not Present:
- Richard Wade
- District Cllr Stuart Davenport
In attendance:
- Lorraine Watling (Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer)
- Christopher Price (Deputy Clerk and Meeting Administrator)
- Cllr Richard Webber (OCC).
- Richard Seamark (Football Club)
- Shane Mcaleavey
- Abi Brown (VWHDC)
It was noted that Richard Wade had stood down as Vice Chairman and the Chair of two committees.
173/2018 Parish Council Vacancy.
Drayton Parish Council should have 11 Cllrs but two seats have been vacant for some time. Following the recent resignation of Cllr Tamsin Meredith there are now three vacancies on the Parish Council. If an election is not called for by residents, these vacancies can be filled by co-option. Anyone interested in joining the Council and should contact the Clerk for more information.
174/2018 Apologies for Absence.
- Cllr Richard Wade
- District Cllr Stuart Davenport (VWHDC)
175/2018 Declarations of Interest, Dispensations and Use of Delegated Powers.
176/2018 Drayton Public Art.
Abi Brown (Arts Development Officer, VWHDC) gave a presentation about public art and provided examples of what other parishes had done. Drayton s106 Contributions for Public Art are: Abingdon Road £22,407 (received for Walnut Meadows – must be used on site), Halls Close £0, High Street £42,000 (not yet received – must be used on site), Manor Farm £17,100 (not yet received – can be used on or off site). It was agreed to set up a Public Art Working Group. Cllr P Shahin agreed to chair this group and Mr Mcaleavey said that he would be happy to join it.
ACTION: Abi Brown to provide some typical draft Terms of Reference for consideration.
177/2018 Public Participation (item of business expedited).
Football Club. Richard Seamark submitted a covering letter (to accompany the grass cutting invoices that the football club had already paid) that asked the PC to reimburse the football club for the grass cutting expenditure. It was noted that the Football Club needs to submit a new grant application for next years grass cutting. Matter continued under 182/2018 Finance & Personnel Committee (f) (i).
178/2018 News from OCC Councillor (Richard Webber).
- New Chief Executive. Yvonne Rees has started her new job at OCC.
- Oxford-Cambridge Expressway. The preferred route for the Oxford to Cambridge Expressway has been announced. The corridor will be “broadly aligned” with the proposed East-West rail route from Abingdon to south Milton Keynes via Winslow. It is yet to be decided whether the route will pass north or south of Oxford.
- Walnut Meadow / Miller Homes. It was noted that there was a site meeting on 20th September 2018. Present: Richard Williams, Colin Arnold, Andrew Cooke, Christopher Price, Richard Webber, Corey Webster (VWHDC, Planning Enforcement Officer), Stuart Miller (Miller Homes), Pete Dunford (Miller Homes). It was noted that there were no attendees from JLES (Sub contractor for Miller Homes).
ACTION: The meeting minutes will be copied to OCC and CDC and also be put on Facebook.
179/2018 News from VWHDC Councillor.
No report as Cllr Stuart Davenport was not present.
180/2018 Minutes.
The minutes of the previous Parish Council Meeting were approved and then signed by the Chairman.
Proposed: Andrew Cooke Seconded: Matthew Lowy Resolved: Unanimous
181/2018 Action Checklist from the Previous Meeting – Appendix A.
The action checklist at Appendix A was noted. Other specific issues are reported below:
FP16 Barbed Wire.
On 28th September 2018 the Clerk received an email from the Public Rights of Way Officer at OCC that contained an update about this matter. He has visited the site and will write to the landowner about the issues notified to him relating to the use of barbed wire fence.
Biodiversity at Halls Close.
There is going to be a site meeting with the Development Officer from the Trust for Oxfordshire’s Environment (TOE) and one of his colleagues early in November.
Winter Salt.
See item 182/2018 Finance & Personnel Committee (h).
182/2018 Finance & Personnel Committee – Appendix B. (Patricia Athawes).
- General Power of Competence. It was noted that the Council no longer has sufficient elected Cllrs to maintain the General Power of Competence.
- Payments. The list of payments circulated prior to the meeting was approved. The 2 councillors nominated to approve online payments were Patricia Athawes and Richard Williams.
- Bank Reconciliation. The Council noted the bank reconciliation that had been circulated prior to the meeting.
- Disposition of Council Funds. The council noted the disposition of council funds that had been circulated prior to the meeting.
- Notice of Conclusion of Audit. The council noted that the audit for 2017-18 has now been completed and the return posted on the Parish Council web pages.
- Meeting of the Finance and Personnel Committee held on 17th September.
The Council ratified the resolutions recorded therein the minutes that had been circulated prior to the meeting.
(i) It was resolved that Drayton FC be given a s137 grant for £420.00 to cover the cost of 2 grass cuts during Sept, Oct and November 2018.
Proposed: Patricia Athawes Seconded: Pervin Shahin Resolved: Unanimous
(ii) It was resolved that Arrow Accounting be the Internal Auditor for 2018-19 and noted that the previous Clerk had reviewed their effectiveness and considered it to be satisfactory.
Proposed: Patricia Athawes Seconded: Pervin Shahin Resolved: Unanimous
(iii) It was resolved that the parish clerk is authorised to set up an instant ink account with HP for £7.99 per month for the parish printer.
Proposed: Patricia Athawes Seconded: Pervin Shahin Resolved: Unanimous
(iv) It was resolved that the parish council re-join the Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management (ICCM) at a cost of £90 pa.
Proposed: Patricia Athawes Seconded: Pervin Shahin Resolved: Unanimous
(v) It was resolved to update the staff working from home allowance by inflation (3.2% RPI) to £165.92 pa (£41.48 per quarter). The additional budget cost will be £10.30pa.
Proposed: Patricia Athawes Seconded: Pervin Shahin Resolved: Unanimous - Appointment to the Finance Committee. Matthew Lowy was appointed onto the Finance Committee to fill the vacancy left by Tamsin Meredith.
- New Salt Bin for Walnut Meadows. It was resolved to approve a maximum budget of up to £500.00 for the purchase and filling of an additional salt bin at Walnut Meadows.
Proposed: Patricia Athawes Seconded: Pervin Shahin Resolved: Unanimous
183/2018 2019-20 Rent Increase.
It was resolved to rescind the decision to significantly increase allotment rents and to just increase them with inflation instead, i.e.: £7.50 to £8.00, £11.25 to £12.00, £15.00 to £16.00.
Proposed: Graham Webb Seconded: Colin Arnold Resolved: Unanimous
184/2018 Rights of Way & Conservation Working Group (Graham Webb).
Footpath/Cycle path Improvements. Richard Wade and Graham Webb are compiling a list of footpaths / cycle paths / bridleways requiring improvement.
185/2018 Leisure & General Purposes Working Group (Richard Williams).
- Village Caretaker report was noted.
- Lockway Playground Rocker Snake. It was noted that a plastic cap covering an M8 stud had disappeared from this piece of playground equipment and so, due to health and safety reasons, the Rocker Snake was temporarily removed from service. It was also noted that Proludic provided the Parish Council with a replacement cap free of charge and the Rocker Snake is now back in service.
186/2018 Projects Board Committee.
- Chairman. It was noted that Richard Wade has stood down as Chairman.
- Meetings. It was resolved not to hold a meeting on 15th October 2018 and hold meetings as and when required.
Proposed: Colin Arnold Seconded: Graham Webb Resolved: Unanimous
It was agreed to hold the next meeting on 5th November 2018 at 7:30pm.
ACTION: Deputy Clerk to update meeting calendar and book Caudwell Day Centre.
Andrew Cooke left at 9:45pm.
186/2018 Planning Committee – Appendix C.
Chairman. It was noted that Richard Wade has stood down as Chairman.
187/2018 Correspondence.
- Suttonwick Lane – Grass outside Casa Mia. It was noted that the clerk received an email on 1st September 2018 from a parishioner querying the grass cutting in the area outside Casa Mia in Sutton Wick.
ACTION: Clerk and Richard Williams to look at the area in question whilst undertaking the Parish asset check and report back. - Vale Chairman’s Community Awards Lunch. Monica Lovatt (Chairperson, VWHDC) will be hosting the Chairman’s Community Awards Lunch at The Beacon in Wantage on 24th November 2018.
ACTION: All Councillors to think about potential nominees.
188/2018 Items to be Noted from Parish Councillors.
Village Inspection will be held on 13th October 2018 at 11:00am.
189/2018 Dates of the next Meetings.
- Projects Board Committee. 5th November 2018. 7:30pm. Cauldwell Day Centre.
- Planning Committee. 12th November 2018. 7:00pm. Cauldwell Day Centre.
- Parish Council. 12th November 2018. 7:30pm. Cauldwell Day Centre.
- Finance and Personnel Committee (budget meeting). 19th November 2018. 7:00pm. Village Hall.
The Chairman declared the meeting closed at 10:16pm.
Name: Richard Williams
Date: 12th November 2018
Appendix A
Action Check List
Conservation Area Report.
Deputy Clerk to circulate report, all Councillors to peruse Conservation Area Report.
Burial Rules and Regulations.
Clerk to circulate to funeral directors and Revd Meg Heywood.
Title Deeds for land by the Village Hall.
It was noted that the Lloyd family through the Lockinge Estate donated the land for the football pitch and Village Hall for the use of the village “for recreation and sports”.
ACTION: Richard Williams to ask Anne Webb for the title deeds in order that the PC has a copy.
NDP Text Revisions.
Richard Williams to draft suggested revisions for the Drayton NDP for the Council to consider.
Allotments 2019-20 Rent Increase.
Richard Williams has responded to the resident concerned. Done.
Allotments Meeting.
Richard Williams to arrange an Allotment Working Group meeting.
Manor Farm, Gravel Lane Footpath.
Stuart Davenport (VWHDC) to get an update from VWHDC Planning Enforcement about the PC’s complaint.
Closed Bridge Linking Drayton to Marcham via BW3.
Richard Webber (OCC) to look into the matter and see if anything can be done to get the bridge reopened.
Storage of Parish and Drayton History Society Records.
Richard Williams to investigate the possibility of the Parish Council renting a cupboard in the Village Hall, Caudwell Day Centre, St Peters Church.
Dog Faeces.
Richard Wade to write article for Chronicle.
Additional Consecrated Land.
Clerk to work with the Diocese office to process the application for the Bishop of Dorchester to consecrate additional land at the existing burial ground.
Drayton Public Art.
Abi Brown to provide some draft Terms of Reference.
Walnut Meadow / Miller Homes.
Clerk to publicise meeting minutes. Done.
Projects Board Committee. Meetings.
Deputy Clerk to update meeting calendar and book Caudwell Day Centre. Done.
Suttonwick Lane – Grass outside Casa Mia.
Clerk and Richard Williams to look at the areas in question and report back.
Vale Chairman’s Community Awards Lunch.
All Councillors to think of nominations.
Appendix B
Finance & Personnel Committee
Invoice Amount
Including VAT
Appendix C
Planning Committee Report
Single dwelling house with detached double garage. 208 Steventon Road Drayton Abingdon OX13 6RN.
PC: Support.
VWHDC: Pending.
Single storey extension to existing unit. Address: 1-2 Bradfield Court Milton Road Drayton Abingdon OX14 4EF.
PC: Objection:
Drayton Parish Council feels that this is over development outside of the built up area of the village. We also disagree that this is a single story extension as the plans appear to show a mezzanine floor and second floor windows.
VWHDC: Pending.
Change use of existing cabin to office and showroom. Milton Garden Machinery Milton Road Drayton Abingdon OX14 4EZ.
PC: Objection:
Drayton Parish Council believes that the planning decision notice that granted planning application P14/V2531/FUL has been violated as the existing unauthorised residential building has not been demolished and the bridleway that adjoins the site has been damaged. Planning decision notice states: 5. Within 12 months of the date of this planning permission, or within one month of the completion of the development, whichever is the sooner (unless otherwise first agreed in writing by the local planning authority); the existing unauthorised residential building shall be demolished and the materials removed from the site. Reason: In the interest of visual amenity (Policy DC1 of the adopted Local Plan). NB: INFORMATIVE A bridleway adjoins the site. This planning permission does not authorise the stopping up, diversion or temporary obstruction of the footpath/bridleway, or any damage to it. Any damage to the bridleway shall be repaired at the applicant’s expense.
VWHDC: Withdrawn prior to determination on 27th September 2018.
P18/V1994/HH and P18/V1995/LB.
Replace existing pebble dash render with lime mortar render. 3 Church Lane Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JS.
PC: Support:
The Parish Council believes that a lime mortar render will be more in keeping with the age of the house.
VWHDC: Planning Permission on 19th September 2018.
OCC ref: MW.0099/18.
Planning application by H Tuckwell & Sons Thrupp Lane Quarry, Thrupp Lane, Radley, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX14 3NG for planning permission: Planning Application under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) to continue the development permitted by permission no P13/V2763/CM (MW.0124/13) (to retain and operate the processing plant and ancillary operations) without complying with by varying conditions 11, 12, 16 & 18 and removing conditions 17, 19 and 20 of to allow the development to be accessed via a temporary haul road in place of the existing required vehicle access route at Land Adjoining Stone Hills Lane, Oday Hill, Sutton Wick, Abingdon, OX14 4AA.
PC: No comment.
VWHDC: Pending.
P18/V1778/FUL Amendment: No. 1 – dated 20th August 2018.
Change use of existing cabin to office and showroom. (Description amended on 23 August 2018 to include: Proposed ancillary retail use) (Amended Design & Access Statement & plans received 20 August 2018, location and block plan, amending the proposed car parking arrangements). Milton Garden Machinery Milton Road Drayton Abingdon OX14 4EZ.
PC: Objection:
The Parish Council would like clarification weather the track that runs to this business is a bridleway or a byway (open to all traffic).
VWHDC: Withdrawn prior to determination on 27th September 2018.
OCC ref: MW.0098/18.
Planning application by H Tuckwell & Sons Thrupp Lane Quarry, Thrupp Lane, Radley, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX14 3NG for planning permission: Planning Application under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) to continue the development permitted by permission no P16/V3191/CM (MW.0139/16) (for the progressive extraction of sand and gravel, importation of inert waste material with restoration to nature conservation and an agricultural reservoir) varying conditions 1, 20 & 23 and removing condition 21 to allow the development to be accessed via a temporary haul road in place of the existing required vehicle access route at Land Adjoining Stone Hills Lane, Oday Hill, Sutton Wick, Abingdon, OX14 4AA.
PC: Noted.
VWHDC: Pending.
Garden office directly behind the existing garage. 28 High Street Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JL.
PC: Response:
No objection.
VWHDC: Pending.
To fit a new matching UPVC window to the front under the garage canopy roof. Removed up and over garage door. Fit a new matching UPVC multi point locking access door to side of garage. 12 Steventon Road Drayton Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 4LE.
PC: Response:
No objection.
VWHDC: Pending.
Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of planning permission P16/V2579/FUL. Change of use from existing detached garage and workshop with ancillary accommodation above, to a self contained two bedroom dwelling. The Barn 41 Sutton Wick Lane Drayton Abingdon OX14 4HH.
PC: Objection:
Drayton Parish Council can not see any improvement on the approved planning application P16/V2579/FUL. We do not find the black painted feather-edge weatherboarding uninspiring and we do not find the existing steel and timber external staircase unsightly. Also, the Parish Council does not think that the mid-grey painted profiled boarding will be in keeping with the area.
VWHDC: Pending
Proposed single storey extension to rear and two story extension to side and new pitched roof porch. Hilliat Fields Drayton Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 4JE.
PC: Response:
Drayton Parish Council feels this could be over development of the site.
VWHDC: Pending
Replacement rear dormer window to match first floor window. Removal of small rear kitchen window, enlargement of opening and insertion of french window. The Old Farm House, 44 High Street Drayton Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 4JW.
PC: Response:
Drayton Parish Council would like clarification that this complies with listed building regulations.
VWHDC: Pending
Installation of a synchronous gas powered standby generation facility, plus ancillary infrastructure and equipment. Land at Steventon Road Drayton Abingdon OX13 6RN.
PC: Objection:
This extends the built up area of the village outside the developed envelope and therefore should be not allowed. The unit is a commercial generator and has no place within a village and is a potential source of noise and risk that is not appropriate in proximity to houses. It appears to bring no benefits to the village and contrary to the neighbourhood plan is not in any way in keeping with any of the other developments in the village. It is more appropriate for a unit such as this to be placed in proximity to other industrial developments, and as there is a national grid there is no justification for placing it in a village. The unit is gas powered, this means either the unnecessary risk of storage of pressurised gas containers in close proximity to a major road and residential property… or major works to connect it to a main gas supply. Is there a secret high-pressure gas main under the A34 there? In the absence of any consultation or explanation in the application documents, we have no idea as to the purpose or long term plans for this facility and so have no context to the application
VWHDC: Pending
PC: Response:
No Objection.