Drayton Parish Council Minutes
of a meeting held on Monday 3rd June 2019 at 7:30pm in the Caudwell Day Centre, Gravel Lane, Drayton, OX14 4HF
Drayton Parish Councillors Present:
- Tamsin Crane (Chairperson)
- Matthew Lowy (Vice Chairperson)
- Patricia Athawes (Vice Chairperson)
- Pervin Shahin (arrived at 7:45pm)
- Graham Webb
- Shane McAleavey
- Colin Arnold
Drayton Parish Councillors not Present:
All Councillors were present.
In Attendance:
- Lorraine Watling (Parish Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer)
- Christopher Price (Deputy Clerk)
- Adrian Cooke (VWHDC) (left at 8:08pm)
- Richard Webber (OCC) (arrived at 8:11pm and left at 8:46pm)
2 members of the public were present.
The meeting started at 7:43pm.
110/2019 Co-option of Additional Councillors.
It was noted that there had been no formal applications received since the last meeting.
ACTION: Tamsin Crane to advertise on Facebook again.
Pervin Shahin arrived at 7:45pm.
111/2019 Apologies for Absence.
112/2019 Declarations of Interest, dispensations or Use of Delegated Powers.
Tamsin Crane declared a general interest in the Manor Farm car park.
113/2019 News from OCC Councillor.
Richard Webber gave his report later in the meeting upon his arrival. See item 116/2019).
114/2019 News from VWHDC Councillor (Adrian Cooke).
- P19/V0555/HH. Conversion of roof space existing bungalow into an additional bedroom with shower room, with new dormer window to rear elevation. It was noted that the VWHDC had confirmed that it had not made a mistake when it refused planning permission. The refusal was due to the potential to generate new peak time vehicular trips through a sensitive part of the highway network.
ACTION: The Clerk will write to the VWHDC to request information about the decisions relating to all planning applications for roof extensions within Drayton parish since the beginning of 2018. The District Council will be asked to confirm the reasons given for any applications that were refused in order that Drayton Parish Council can confirm that a consistent approach has being applied. If a timely response is not received the Clerk will submit a formal Freedom of Information request.
- Affinity Water. It was noted that the VWHDC had responded to the reservoir consultation and recommended that a public inquiry be held.
- Manor Farm, Gravel Lane Footpath. It was noted that the VWHDC Planning Enforcement officer considered that the possible breach (removal of a substantial length of the existing hedgerow boundary) appeared to be outside of the red outline of the development site, and therefore not enforceable. VWHDC do not intend to take any action even though this hedge was within the conservation area. The Enforcement Officer also said that the pot holes that had been reported were also outside of the red outline and so not a matter for the VWHDC.
ACTION: The Clerk will bring this matter to the attention of OCC as there is a public footpath adjacent to the hedge and so it may be on OCC land.
Adrian Cooke left at 8:08pm.
115/2019 Public Participation.
Two residents addressed the Council.
- Meads Close. A parishioner complained that the VWHDC had failed to notify the neighbours about a planning application in Meads Close. The construction traffic was causing significant disturbance and a drain cover and sign had been damaged.
- Grass Cutting. A parishioner complained about the long grass in Hilliat Fields. It was noted that the grass verges belong to OCC and they are now only cut grass once a year. The resident was informed about the OCC Fix My Street web site so that he could report his health and safety concerns.
116/2019 News from OCC Councillor (Richard Webber).
Pedestrian Crossing for the High Street (B4016). Richard Webber requested written confirmation that the Parish Council wanted a raised pedestrian crossing, at a cost of £30,000.00 to £40,000.00, to be installed in the High Street and funded from S106 monies. It was agreed to proceed. In response to a query, Richard Webber explained that due to concerns about traffic in Sutton Courtney OCC had recommended (3 months ago) that no further planning applications be approved in Sutton Courtney/Appleford until an extra bridge has been built across the River Thames. This policy is now being consistently applied in Sutton Courtney and there was something similar proposed for Marcham due to concerns about the crossroads.
ACTION: The Chairperson will work with the Chairman of the Projects Committee and the Clerk to prepare a letter that will be sent to OCC Highways.
Richard Webber left at 8:46pm.
117/2019 Minutes of the Previous Parish Council Meeting.
The minutes of the May Parish Council Meeting were approved and signed by the Chairman.
Proposed: Tamsin Crane Seconded: Patricia Athawes Resolved: Unanimous
118/2019 Action Checklist from the Previous Meeting – Appendix A.
The action checklist was noted and specific issues reported below:
Tile on Lych Gate.
It was thought that the tile may now have been repaired – this will be confirmed.
Conifer Trees that are on the boundary with 85A Barrow Road.
It was suggested that the trees may have been topped.
Seating at Bus Stops.
ACTION: The Clerk will investigate the possibility of seating in/by the existing bus stops with Richard Webber (OCC) and copy the correspondence to Daniel Scharf (Public Transport Representative).
Projects Manager.
It was noted that there will be a meeting on 13th June 2019 to discuss the job description for this position.
ACTION: Tamsin Crane to add list of projects and funding to job description.
Dog Faeces.
It was agreed to procure 3 new red lidded dog bins at a maximum budget of £700.00 for Kiln Lane (BW2), Marcham Road (BW27) and Walnut Meadow (BW6).
ACTION: The Clerk will order bins. The Deputy Clerk will consult VWHDC about emptying the new bins and local residents about the locations.
119/2019 Finance & Personnel Committee – Appendix B. (Patricia Athawes).
- National Allotment Society. It was agreed to join the National Allotment Society at a cost of £55.00 plus VAT per-annum.
- Payments. The list of payments circulated prior to the meeting was approved. The 2 councillors nominated to approve online payments were Patricia Athawes and Graham Webb.
- Bank Reconciliation. The Council noted the bank reconciliation that had been circulated prior to the meeting.
- Disposition of Council Funds. The council noted the disposition of council funds that had been circulated prior to the meeting.
- Standing Orders. It was resolved to amend the Drayton (Abingdon) Parish Council Standing Orders to add a new provision whereby the Chair and Vice Chair(s) are ex-officio on all Committees and Working Groups and have full voting rights at these meetings.
Proposed: Patricia Athawes Seconded: Matthew LowyResolved: 6 for and 1 against - Minutes of the Finance and Personnel Committee. The draft minutes from the meeting of the Finance and Personnel Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 28th May 2019 were noted.
120/2019 Public Art Working Group.
Pervin Shahin’s report was noted. The main thing that needs to be decided at present are the specific locations of the various installations. Some of the s106 contributions are currently site specific. The Officer at the VWHDC who is helping with this project is investigating additional grant funding opportunities and will also discuss the installations with the planning department.
121/2019 Rights of Way & Conservation Working Group.
Graham Webb’s report was noted.
122/2019 Projects Board Committee (Colin Arnold).
- Meeting with Millers Homes and JLES. It was noted that a meeting had been held on 31st May 2019.
- Key for the Walnut Meadow Playground Litter Bin. It was noted that the Parish Council had not been provided with a key for the new bin. I was also noted that the Deputy Clerk asked Miller Homes for a key on 8th May 2019 and that we are still waiting for it.
- Manor Farm Car Park. It was resolved to ask Cala Homes to leave the temporary car park they built at the entrance to Manor Farm when they leave.
Proposed: Colin Arnold Seconded: Pervin Shahin Resolved: 5 for and 2 abstentionsACTION: The Clerk will ask Cala to leave the temporary car park and request confirmation of the structure beneath it.
123/2019 Planning Committee – Appendix C
Matthew Lowy’s report was noted. It was noted that extraordinary planning committee meetings may sometimes need to be called in order to meet the planning response deadlines.
124/2019 Common Land 77.
Item deferred to the next meeting.
ACTION: The Chairperson will ask the Millennium Green Trust if the parish council can add some combustible material to their next bonfire.
125/2019 Climate Change.
Item deferred to the next meeting.
126/2019 Village Fete.
It was noted that it will be held on 15th June 2019.
127/2019 Abandoned Car.
It was noted that the Clerk had made enquiries about this with the VWHDC.
128/2019 Allotments.
It was noted that existing allotment holders who do not live in the village will not be evicted.
129/2019 Correspondence.
Pond on Sutton Wick Lane. The Clerk received an email on 3rd June 2019 from a parishioner asking about the pond on Sutton Wick Lane.
ACTION: This item was deferred to the next meeting, In the meantime the Clerk will confirm if it is included on the list of village assets. It was noted that the previous homeowner used to maintain this pond.
130/2019 Items to be noted from Parish Councillors.
Apologies. The Chairperson gave her apologies for the next meeting.
131/2019 Dates of the next Meetings.
- Planning Committee. 1st July 2019. 7:00pm Cauldwell Day Centre.
- Parish Council. 1st July 2019. 7:30pm Cauldwell Day Centre.
- Finance and Personnel Committee. 16th September 2019. 7:00pm Cauldwell Day Centre.
The Chairperson declared the meeting closed at 10:35pm.
Date: 1st July 2019
Appendix A
Action Check List
Additional Consecrated Land.
Clerk working with the Diocese office to process the application for the Bishop of Dorchester to consecrate additional land at the existing burial ground. Ongoing.
Tile on Lych Gate.
Graham Webb to confirm that the broken tile on the roof of the lych gate has now been fixed. Ongoing.
Conifer Trees that are on the boundary with 85A Barrow Road.
Clerk to get quotes for the removal of the trees. Ongoing.
Deed of Variation. Planning Application: P14/V2504/FUL. District Reference: 6597.
Action completed – better copy received.
New Pedestrian Crossing the B4017 at Manor Farm / Hilliat Fields.
Deputy Clerk to respond to Ryan Moore. Action completed. Waiting for Cala Homes to redo crossing.
Seating at Bus Stops.
The Clerk to discuss with Richard Webber (OCC) and copy in Daniel Scharf (Public Transport Representative).
Dog Faeces.
The Clerk will order 3 new bins. The Deputy Clerk will consult VWHDC about the emptying of the bins and local residents about the locations.
Walnut Meadow Playground.
Clerk to add play equipment to the Caretakers check list.
Co-option of Additional Councillors.
The Chairperson to advertise on Facebook again.
P19/V0555/HH. Conversion of roof space existing bungalow into an additional bedroom with shower room, with new dormer window to rear elevation.
The Clerk will write to the VWHDC about the current planning policy relating to roof extensions.
Manor Farm, Gravel Lane Footpath.
The Clerk will bring this matter to the attention of OCC.
Pedestrian Crossing for the High Street (B4016).
The Chairperson will work with the Clerk and Chairman of the Projects Committee to draft a letter that will be sent to OCC Highways confirming that the parish council would like a crossing installed in the High Street.
Projects Manager.
The Chairperson will add a list of projects and the associated s106 funding to job description.
Manor Farm Car Park.
The Clerk will confirm to Cala that the parish council would like to keep the temporary carpark and request that they confirm the structure beneath it.
Common Land 77.
The Chairperson will ask the Millennium Green Trust whether the parish Council can add combustible material to their next bonfire.
Pond on Sutton Wick Lane.
The Clerk will confirm whether the pond is included on the list of parish council assets.
Appendix B
Finance & Personnel Committee
Appendix C
Planning Committee Report
Proposed change of use from agricultural to retail business and repair of garden machinery and accessories. Milton Garden Machinery Milton Road Drayton Abingdon OX14 4EZ.
PC: Objection:
The Parish Council would like clarification about whether the track that runs to this business is a bridleway or a byway (open to all traffic).
VWHDC: Pending.
P18/V2563/FUL Amendment: No. 1 – dated 23rd October 2018.
Retrospective application for the proposed retention and change of use of an existing building currently used as a dwelling to a lawnmower retail showroom to be used ancillary to the existing authorised lawnmower repair business use. Change of use of agricultural land to business use with additional car parking. Erection of an assembly workshop for mowers and an open framed storage area for mowers. (Description amended 23.10.2018). Milton Garden Machinery Milton Road Drayton Abingdon OX14 4EZ.
PC: Objection:
The Parish Council would like clarification about whether the track that runs to this business is a bridleway or a byway (open to all traffic).
VWHDC: Pending.
Outline planning application for the demolition of existing buildings, erection of a new office/retail use building and up to 10 new dwellings with provision of associated access, parking and public open space. All matters are reserved for later consideration. Norrington House 22 High Street Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JL.
PC: Support:
See March’s Planning Minutes for details.
VWHDC: Pending.
Single storey rear extension. 3 Close End, Drayton, Abingdon, Oxon.
PC: Support:
VWHDC: Planning Permission on 17th May 2019.
Proposed loft conversion to add additional living for a family home. 77 Steventon Road Drayton Abingdon OX14 4LA.
PC: Support:
VWHDC: Planning Permission on 20th May 2019.
Replacement of existing roof plus rear extension to form new first floor accommodation. 97 Abingdon Road Drayton Abingdon OX14 4HL.
PC: Response:
Drayton Parish Council thinks that this development is out of proportion with the neighbouring properties and will also shade the neighbours garden to the north.
VWHDC: Planning Permission on 20th May 2019.
Demolition of existing porch and erection of new porch. Erection of two-storey extension to rear – encompassing existing single-storey extension and roof terrace. Addition of flat roof area and sun tunnels to main roof. Alterations to fenestration of West flank. Relocation of screen wall to West flank. Forge Cottage 55 High Street Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JW.
PC: Support:
VWHDC: Planning Permission on 23rd May 2019.
Erection of detached dwelling and garage following demolition of existing garage. East Paddocks Milton Road Drayton Abingdon OX14 4EF.
PC: None.
VWHDC: Refusal of Planning Permission on 30th May 2019.
Single storey rear extension. 3 Close End Drayton Abingdon.
PC: Support:
VWHDC: Planning Permission on 17th May 2019.
Proposed extensions for the upgrade to the toilet facilities, bar area, additional storage space and addition of service kitchen to second hall. Drayton Village Hall Lockway Drayton Abingdon OX14 4LF.
PC: Support:
VWHDC: Planning Permission on 31st May 2019.
Demolish existing single storey side extension. Erect two storey side extension. 73 Abingdon Road Drayton Abingdon OX14 4HW.
PC: Support:
VWHDC: Pending.
Replacement Modular Building and Associated Minor External Works. Drayton Pre-School Hilliat Fields Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JF.
PC: Support:
VWHDC: Pending.
P19/V0753/FUL Amendment: No. 1 – dated 8th May 2019.
Erection of detached dwelling and garage following demolition of existing garage (FRA received 23 April 2019). (as amended by plans received from agent 8 May 2019 â¿¿ amending site area). East Paddocks Milton Road Drayton Abingdon OX14 4EF.
PC: None.
VWHDC: Refusal of Planning Permission on 30th May 2019.
New Conservatory to rear. 13 Whitehorns Way Drayton Abingdon OX14 4LJ.
PC: Support:
Single storey rear extension and Canopy over front door. 11 Holly Lane Drayton Abingdon OX14 4FW.
PC: Support:
Planning Appeal Consultation – P17/V1154/LB – STV.
Site Address : Steventon Overbridge High Street Steventon Abingdon OX136RS Description of development: Demolition of listed railway overbridge, and provision of replacement bridge. As amended by plans received on 10 August 2017. (As per additional information received 19 September 2017 and OCC Letter received 1 March 2018). Additional Options Review from PBA received 16 March 2018.
Application reference: P17/V1154/LB
Appellants name : Network Rail
Appeal reference : APP/V3120/Y/18/3214765
Appeal start date: 17th April 2019
All representations must be received by 22nd May 2019.
PC: Objection:
see June 2019 Planning Minutes for details.
P18/V2563/FUL Amendment : No. 3 – dated 15th May 2019.
Retrospective application for the proposed retention and change of use of an existing building currently used as a dwelling to a lawnmower retail showroom to be used ancillary to the existing authorised lawnmower repair business use. Change of use of agricultural land to business use with additional car parking. Erection of an assembly workshop for mowers and an open framed storage area for mowers. (Description amended 23.10.2018) (Historic Environment Desk-Based Assessment received 25 March 2019) (Amended location and block plan received 15 May 2019, correcting the red line, to include the highway) Milton Garden Machinery Milton Road Drayton Abingdon OX14 4EZ. Dead line: 31st May 2019.
PC: Objection:
see June 2019 Planning Minutes for details.