2019-06-03 – Planning Committee Meeting Minutes

Planning Meeting Minutes

held on Monday 3rd June 2019 at 7:00pm in the Caudwell Day Centre, Gravel Lane, Drayton, OX144HF


  1. Matthew Lowy (Chairman)
  2. Colin Arnold
  3. Patricia Athawes
  4. Richard Wade

Not Present:

  1. Graham Webb

In attendance:

  1. Christopher Price (Deputy Clerk and meeting administrator).


1 member of the public was present.

[Clerk’s note: there was no planning meeting last month.]

22/2019 Apologies for Absence.


23/2019 Declarations of Interest, Dispensations and Use of Delegated Powers.


24/2019 Public Participation.


25/2019 Minutes of the Previous Parish Council Planning Meetings

were confirmed with no amendments. Matthew Lowy signed the minutes as a correct record.

  • Proposed: Matthew Lowy
  • Seconded: Patricia Athawes
  • Resolved: Unanimous

26/2019 Old Planning Applications.

The Parish Council’s response to the following planning applications were noted.


Demolition of existing porch and erection of new porch. Erection of two-storey extension to rear – encompassing existing single-storey extension and roof terrace. Addition of flat roof area and sun tunnels to main roof. Alterations to fenestration of West flank. Relocation of screen wall to West flank. Forge Cottage 55 High Street Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JW.

PC: Support.


Single storey rear extension. 3 Close End Drayton Abingdon.

PC: Support.


Demolish existing single storey side extension. Erect two storey side extension. 73 Abingdon Road Drayton Abingdon OX14 4HW.

PC: Support.


New Conservatory to rear. 13 Whitehorns Way Drayton Abingdon OX14 4LJ.

PC: Support.


Single storey rear extension and Canopy over front door. 11 Holly Lane Drayton Abingdon OX14 4FW.

PC: Support.

Planning Appeal Consultation – P17/V1154/LB – STV.

Site Address : Steventon Overbridge High Street Steventon Abingdon OX136RS Description of development: Demolition of listed railway overbridge, and provision of replacement bridge. As amended by plans received on 10 August 2017. (As per additional information received 19 September 2017 and OCC Letter received 1 March 2018). Additional Options Review from PBA received 16 March 2018.
Appeal reference : APP/V3120/Y/18/3214765
Appeal start date: 17th April 2019
All representations must be received by 22nd May 2019.

PC: Drayton Parish Council objects for the following reasons:
  1. Traffic often queues at the double roundabout in Abingdon, so Draytonians often drive South to the Milton interchange (via this bridge) to get onto the A34 to then drive north. Traffic from Steventon will also be forced to take alternative routes.
  2. Three major housing sites are being built in Drayton and the closure of the bridge will force construction traffic to go via Milton or Abingdon.
  3. Major traffic issues will arise if the A34 is shut.
  4. The condition on the Hanney Road is poor so it is not a viable alternative route.
  5. Cycling from Abingdon to Harwell will be disrupted.
  6. Bus route will be disrupted.
  7. Any possibility to keep the road open must be considered.
  8. Cost to the local economy.
  9. The listed bridge will be replaced by a concrete structure.

P18/V2563/FUL Amendment : No. 3 – dated 15th May 2019.

Retrospective application for the proposed retention and change of use of an existing building currently used as a dwelling to a lawnmower retail showroom to be used ancillary to the existing authorised lawnmower repair business use. Change of use of agricultural land to business use with additional car parking. Erection of an assembly workshop for mowers and an open framed storage area for mowers. (Description amended 23.10.2018) (Historic Environment Desk-Based Assessment received 25 March 2019) (Amended location and block plan received 15 May 2019, correcting the red line, to include the highway) Milton Garden Machinery Milton Road Drayton Abingdon OX14 4EZ. Dead line: 31st May 2019.


Drayton Parish Council would like to register an objection to the planning application for the following reasons: The applicant is wanting to ‘upgrade’ a bridleway to road specification to use for commercial access to his property. As a bridleway there is no right for members of the general public to use a bridleway for motorised traffic, though it is accepted that certain restricted rights for such use may exist for residents under some circumstances. The Parish Council is not aware if the applicant even has been granted right to use the bridleway for access to his own site, that notwithstanding he should not be able to create a right for any others to take motorised vehicles related to his proposed commercial enterprise over the bridleway. The track in question is used by walkers, equestrians and bicyclists as part of the route between Drayton Village and Sutton Courtenay, and the idea of mixing increased numbers of motorised vehicles into this poses significant issues. Especially providing an egress from his property onto the bridleway as this will involve access from a point of severely restricted visibility onto a path with not enough room. Who in the short term would ensure the work was to the correct specification and in the long term would ensure and bear the cost of ensuring that it remained in acceptable condition? Adding tarmac maintenance as a future public cost for the benefit of his business is not to the public benefit. The bridleway is already used by someone as access and parking for dilapidated vehicles. Making it easier to get cars further down the bridleway will not reduce this issue in any way shape or form. Drayton Parish Council would like to see the application rejected and that if the applicant wishes to operate a commercial business on his property that he should:

  1. Provide an access way from the public highway directly onto his land and not arrogate part of the bridleway for this purpose.
  2. Fence off the bridleway from his property in such a manner that it strongly discourages or makes it impossible for motorised vehicles to use the bridleway for access to his property.

27/2019 New Planning Applications.

It was agreed to authorise the Clerk/Deputy Clerk to comment to the VWHDC with Support/Respond/Object to the following planning applications, with reasons or comments agreed at the meeting, in accordance with material planning considerations and the Drayton NDP planning policies.


Variation of condition 2 (drawings) – to alter site layout and accompanying elevations and further information to satisfy conditions 4 (landscaping), 6 (archaeology) and 8 (lighting) on application ref. P18/V2365/FUL Installation of a synchronous gas powered standby generation facility, plus ancillary infrastructure and equipment. (As amended by additional information received on 23 October 2018 and 1 November 2018, and amended plans received on 20 November 2018). Land at Steventon Road Drayton Abingdon OX13 6RN. It was noted that this appeal is now being held in abeyance until 30th September 2019.

28/2019 Date of the next Meeting.

1st July 2019 at 7:00pm in the Caudwell Day Centre.

The Chairman declared the meeting closed at 7:18pm



Date: 1st July 2019.