Drayton Parish Council Minutes
of a meeting held on Monday 4th November 2019 at 7:30pm in the Caudwell Day Centre, Gravel Lane, Drayton, OX14 4HF
Drayton Parish Councillors Present:
- Matthew Lowy (Vice Chairperson)
- Patricia Athawes (Vice Chairperson)
- Pervin Shahin
- Graham Webb
- Shane McAleavey
- Colin Arnold
- Garin Schoonhoven
- Irma Vastakaite
- Claire Woollard
Drayton Parish Councillors not Present:
- Tamsin Crane (Chairperson)
- Richard Wade
In Attendance:
- Lorraine Watling (Clerk and RFO)
- Christopher Price (Deputy Clerk)
- Adrian Cooke (VWHDC) (arrived at 7:46pm and left at 8:06pm)
- Richard Webber (OCC) (arrived at 7:46pm and left at 8:22pm)
10 members of the public were present.
Matthew Lowy assumed the Chair.
219/2019 Apologies for Absence.
- Tamsin Crane
- Richard Wade
220/2019 Declarations of Interest, Dispensations or Use of Delegated Powers.
Cllr Claire Woollard declared an interest in the Walnut Meadow development as she lives there.
221/2019 News from OCC Councillor.
Item deferred until Richard Webber’s arrival: see item 225/2019 News from OCC Councillor.
222/2019 News from VWHDC Councillor.
Item deferred until Andrew Cooke’s arrival: see item 224/2019 News from VWHDC Councillor.
223/2019 Public Participation.
- Footpaths. A parishioner reported that BW9 is impassable due to mud and that the newly planted hedge along it needs a trimming.
- Dog Faeces. A parishioner reported that there is a pile of approximately 20 dog poo bags at the end of FP15.
ACTION: Deputy Clerk to report dog poo bags at the end of FP15 to VWHDC and ask if the DC would empty a dog poo bin if one were to be installed at the end of Love Lane where it meets Gravel Lane. - Hedges and Trees. A parishioner asked the Council to consider planting a community woodland, noting that the Woodland Trust can provide free trees in March. Discussion followed about where native deciduous trees might be planted in the parish or possibly a community orchard. The parishioner agreed to lead a tree planting project if the PC can find some land – she will send her details to the Clerk for distribution to Cllrs. It was noted that Cala Homes had ripped out an ancient hedgerow along Gravel Lane which is in the conservation area. It is hoped that Cala will replant this hedge in March or April 2020
- S106 Monies. A parishioner asked why some of the S106 money arising from Drayton developments was allocated to floodlights at Abingdon RFC. It was noted that VWHDC had allocated this money.
- Henleys Lane / Church Lane Barrier. A parishioner requested an update on the proposed barrier to stop Henleys Lane / Church Lane being used as a rat run. It was noted that no barrier will be installed, because there were too many objections to the proposal.
- The Abingdon Damascus Youth Project. The local Youth Worker was at the meeting. She had brought two members of the Damascus Group with her and introduced them to the Council. She updated the Council about its half term activities and presented maps of Drayton, drawn by Damascus members. District Councillor Cooke suggested that these might go on the millennium green and perhaps in the school. The Chairperson of the Public Art Working Group reminded Cllrs that there were plans to use maps to show a trail around the parish and suggested that the Damascus maps be used for that purpose. It was suggested that these be installed at the bus stops and on the millennium green but that they would need to be put on something rigid and weather proofed. Ideally they should show various routes within the parish, indicate the length of the walk and also the time that it might take someone to walk them. The PC has equipment to measure distances so Cllr Arnold will liaise with the Youth Worker. The Damascus group would help with tree planting if a project goes ahead.
- Parking on Grass Verges. A parishioner complained about vehicles parking on grass verges and asked the PC to approve her installing some rocks to deter drivers, The PC explained that this was an OCC matter which they could not get involved in. She was asked to send details to County Cllr Webber. He also asked the PC to supply suggestions for other areas within the parish where the installation of stones on verges might be beneficial.
ACTION: Richard Webber to discuss matter with OCC to try and find a solution for the resident.
Adrian Cooke (VWHDC) and Richard Webber (OCC) arrived at 7:46pm.
224/2019 News from VWHDC Councillor (Andrew Cooke).
- Tree Planting. The District Council is currently investigating whether there are any mechanisms whereby developers can be made to include trees/woodland on future new developments.
- Local Plan Part 2. The VWHDC will adopt the Local Plan Part 2 which will drive and control all development in the Vale until 2031. The District Council recognises that it is not ideal but it will enable the District Council to maintain it’s 5-year land supply. They will work to overwrite and improve parts of it when they are able to do so in 2.5 years’ time.
Andrew Cooke (VWHDC) left at 8:06pm.
225/2019 News from OCC Councillor (Richard Webber).
- General Election. It was noted that the general election on 12th December 2019 will occur in the middle of OCC’s budget process. It was also noted that there is a hole in the Council’s social services budget.
- Councillors Priority Fund. It was noted that Richard Webber has £5,000.00 to £10,000.00 unallocated.
ACTION: All Councillors to think about projects which this could be spent on. Deputy Clerk to add item to next months’ agenda. - Traffic Calming including white lines. This is being progressed.
- Proposed Pedestrian Crossing for the High Street (B4016). It was originally put in the wrong place and was therefore moved. It has now been installed to the wrong specification so will need to be redone again.
- BW3 Closed Bridge. A temporary crossing has been agreed.
- East Way BW1. The Clerk received an email on 11th October 2019 from parishioner complaining about the pot holes where East Way meets the B4017.
Clerk’s note: P15/V2828/FUL: Planning Condition 7 states: The bridleway and driveway which form the proposed access to the site shall be upgraded to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority prior to the first occupation of the development hereby approved.
ACTION: Deputy Clerk to report pot holes to VWHDC planning enforcement team.
Richard Webber (OCC) left at 8:22pm.
226/2019 Minutes of the Previous Parish Council Meeting.
The minutes of the previous Parish Council meeting were approved and signed by the Chairperson.
Proposed: Patricia Athawes Seconded: Graham Webb Resolved: Unanimous
227/2019 Action Checklist from the Previous Meeting – Appendix A.
The action checklist was noted and specific issues reported below:
P18/V1547/FUL. Single dwelling house with detached double garage. 208 Steventon Road Drayton Abingdon OX13 6RN.
The Council has responded to this planning application.
Miller Homes, Walnut Meadow.
Legal advice has been sought.
Manor Farm Labyrinth.
Deputy Clerk has not received a response.
ACTION: Clerk to ask the grass cutting contractor whether he is happy to cut the grass within the labyrinth
Abandoned Car.
Deputy Clerk drafted a letter to be sent to the owner of the abandoned vehicle at the end of Sutton Wick Lane. It was agreed to send the letter.
ACTION: Deputy Clerk to post letter to the owner of the abandoned vehicle.
228/2019 Finance & Personnel Committee – Appendix B (Patricia Athawes).
- Payments. The list of payments circulated prior to the meeting was approved. The 2 councillors nominated to approve online payments were Patricia Athawes and Matthew Lowy.
- Bank Reconciliation. The Council noted the bank reconciliation that had been circulated prior to the meeting.
- Disposition of Council Funds. The Council noted the disposition of council funds that had been circulated prior to the meeting.
- Conclusion of the Audit 2018-19 – External Auditors Report was received which confirms the completion of the audit and that there are were no observations or comments made.
- Confirmation of the Internal Auditor for 2019-20. The Finance and Personnel Committee recommendation that Arrow Accounting be appointed as the External Auditor for 2019-20 was approved by the council.
Proposed: Patricia Athawes Seconded: Matthew Lowy Resolved: Unanimous - Minutes from the Finance and Personnel Committee 16th September were received and noted.
- Draft Minutes from the Finance and Personnel Committee 21st October 2019 were received and noted.
- Budget Review 2019-20 was received and approved.
Proposed: Claire Woollard Seconded: Matthew Lowy Resolved: Unanimous - Draft Budget for 2020-21 was received and approved.
Proposed: Claire Woollard Seconded: Shane McAleavey Resolved: Unanimous
(1) Review the allotment fees for 2020-21 – proposed increase of 3.5% rounded £8.00 to £8.30, £12.00 to £12.50, £16.00 to £16.60. Approved.
Proposed: Graham Webb Seconded: Patricia Athawes Resolved: Unanimous
(2) Review whether the Council wishes to increase the cemetery fees on 1st April 2020 and, if so, by how much. Item deferred to the December meeting.
(3) Approve the annual RPI increase (2.4%) to the working from home allowance for staff. This was last reviewed in Sept 2018 and is currently £41.48 per quarter. An RPI increase would equate to an additional £1 per quarter per member of staff and £7.96 (£8.00 rounded) in total annually. Approved.
Proposed: Claire Woollard Seconded: Graham Webb Resolved: Unanimous - Grant Applications. Colin Arnold and Shane McAleavey declared an interest in the Drayton Chronicle and abstained from voting.
(1) Be Free Young Carers grant for £375.00. Approved.
Proposed: Shane McAleavey Seconded: Pervin Shahin Resolved: Unanimous
(2) Drayton Chronicle (Drayton Community Trust) 2019-20. £1,250.00. Approved.
Proposed: Graham Webb Seconded: Patricia Athawes Resolved: 7 For 2 Abstentions (the Cllrs who had declared an interest)
(3) Drayton Chronicle (Drayton Community Trust) 2020-21. £2,500.00. Approved for payment from the 2020-21 budget in April 2020.
Proposed: Matthew Lowy Seconded: Graham Webb Resolved: 7 For 2 Abstentions (the Cllrs who had declared an interest) - Revised Grant Forms and Guidance was received and approved.
Proposed: Patricia Athawes Seconded: Claire Woollard Resolved: Unanimous
ACTION: Deputy Clerk to upload documents to website. - Risk Assessment. It was noted that the annual review of the risk assessment is currently being undertaken and will be discussed at the next Finance and Personnel Committee meeting.
229/2019 Public Art Working Group.
Pervin Shahin reported on the labyrinth and mosaic that will have a wildlife theme. There will be open sessions on Saturdays to help make it. It could replace the old work of art.
230/2019 Rights of Way & Conservation Working Group.
Richard Wade was not present.
BW8 and BW29 Clearance. It was noted that BW8 and BW29 have been cleared and the PC thanked whoever was responsible.
ACTION: Tamsin Crane to thank the person responsible in her Chronicle report.
231/2019 Projects Board Committee (Claire Woollard).
- Minutes of the Previous Projects Board Committee Meeting. The minutes of the previous Projects Board Committee meeting were approved and signed.
Proposed: Claire Woollard Seconded: Patricia Athawes Resolved: Unanimous - Meeting with Miller Homes held on 18th October 2019. Claire Woollard reported that the meeting was productive. It was noted that there will be another meeting on 11th November 2019.
- Bus Shelter Insurance. The insurance of the bus shelters within the village was discussed.
ACTION: Irma Vastakaite to investigate if who should insure the bus shelters. - Asset Review. The annual inspection has been undertaken and the report is currently being updated.
- Village Hall Heating. It was noted that the Village Hall heating system has broken. The Village Hall, Bookings Secretary would like the S106 funds ear marked for the Village Hall refurbishment, that includes monies for a new heating system be made available ASAP. The District Council would ideally like the Parish Council to send a letter that supports the proposed list of improvements. The Council resolved that it would approve a letter of support for the Village Hall refurbishment project in principle, subject to details being provided.
Proposed: Colin Arnold Seconded: Pat Athawes Resolved: Unanimous
ACTION: The Chair of the Projects Board, the Clerk and Cllrs Athawes and Arnold will meet with officers from VWHDC to discuss sports and the other s106 funding allocations to enable the VWHDC officers to fully understand the current situation and future plans.
232/2019 Planning Committee – Appendix C. (Matthew Lowy).
Co-option. It was resolved to co-opt Cllr Shane McAleavey onto the committee.
Proposed: Matthew Lowy Seconded: Graham Webb Resolved: Unanimous
233/2019 Pond at Sutton Wick.
This agenda item was deferred to the next meeting.
234/2019 Correspondence.
- Overgrown Willow Trees, Sutton Wick Lane, Next to Pond. The Clerk received an email on 18th October 2019 from a parishioner reporting that the 3 trees are over grown.
ACTION: The Clerk will add item to the next Finance and Personnel Committee meeting agenda. - The 75th Anniversary of VE day which will be on 8-10th May 2020. The Clerk received an email on 17th October 2019 from Oxfordshire Association of Local Councils with details of the celebrations.
ACTION: Deputy Clerk to forward the email on to the Chronicle editor. - BT Public Payphone Consultation. The Clerk received an email on 11th October 2019 from the Assistant Planning Officer, Development Management, VWHDC reporting on the consultation and proposed removal of the public pay phone at the end on East Way. It was noted that there were only 6 call made in the last 12 months. It was resolved to not object to its removal.
Proposed: Garin Schoonhoven Seconded: Graham Webb Resolved: Unanimous - Drayton W.I. is Celebrating its 100th Birthday During 2020. The Clerk received an email on 16th October 2019 from the President of Drayton Women’s Institute asking for permission to plant a tree and install a bench to commemorate its 100 years. It was resolved to grant permission subject to the location being confirmed and approved by Council.
Proposed: Colin Arnold Seconded: Graham Webb Resolved: Unanimous
ACTION: The Clerk will respond to Gillian Gay. - S106 Monies. The Clerk received an email on 4th November 2019 from the Infrastructure Implementation Officer, Development and Regeneration, VWHDC, asking if some of the S106 money allocated to tennis provision in Drayton cold be used to resurface two White Horse Leisure Centre tennis courts. It was resolved to reject this approach as the PC needs this money for the tennis courts that will be installed on the multi use games area.
Proposed: Colin Arnold Seconded: Garin Schoonhoven Resolved: Unanimous ACTION: The Clerk will notify VWDC that the Parish Council rejects the proposal to use money on two White Horse leisure Centre tennis courts. - Wall Along the B4017 Opposite the Red Lion Public House. The Deputy Clerk received an email on 4th November 2019 from a parishioner reporting that some stones from the wall have fallen onto the pavement.
ACTION: Deputy Clerk to report on www.FixMyStreet.com
235/2019 Items to be noted from Parish Councillors.
236/2019 Dates of the next Meetings.
- Projects Board Committee. 21st November 2019. 7:30pm Village Hall.
- Finance and Personnel Committee. 25th November 2019. 7:00pm Cauldwell Day Centre.
- Planning Committee. 9th December 2019. 7:00pm Cauldwell Day Centre.
- Parish Council. 9th December 2019. 7:30pm Cauldwell Day Centre.
EXCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC AND PRESS. In view of the nature of the business to be transacted any members of the public and press would have been temporarily excluded from the meeting (Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1). As there were none in attendance this exclusion was not required.
237/2019 Burial Ground.
The Council received an update about the burial ground.
The Chairperson declared the meeting closed at 10:06pm.
Date: 9th December 2019
Appendix A
Action Check List
Additional Consecrated Land.
Clerk working with the Diocese office to process the application for the Bishop of Dorchester to consecrate additional land at the existing burial ground.
Conifer Trees that are on the boundary with 85A Barrow Road and Burial Ground / Allotment Hedge.
A suitable date will be agreed with St Peter’s Church for trimming the hedges.
Dog Faeces.
Clerk had been ready to order 3 new bins but project stalled due to VWHDC refusal to empty bins at the proposed sites as they do not agree that they are required. Chairperson to monitor the situation to determine if further communication required to VWHDC needed about this. Adrian Cook to follow up with Biffa / Vale. Deputy Clerk to report dog poo bags at the end of FP15 to VWHDC and suggest a dog poo bin is installed.
Pond on Sutton Wick Lane.
Clerk to procure warning signs. Tamsin Crane will write to Thames Water about use of pond as run off, and OCC Highways.
Bins for the Churchyard.
Tamsin Crane to write a letter urging people not to leave plastic in the burial ground.
Bees and Trees.
All Councillors to think about potential locations for bee friendly plants and for free tree planting. Tamsin Crane to circulate details of the Woodland Trust scheme for consideration.
Glanville / Walnut Meadow Sports Field Level.
Clerk/Deputy Clerk to add item to agenda to investigate increasing the Projects Board authorised spending limit to £1,500.00.
Manor Farm Labyrinth.
Clerk to ask the grass cutting contractor whether he is happy to cut the grass within the labyrinth. Pervin Shahin to obtain a formal proposal and 3 quotations for the work.
Abandoned Car.
Deputy Clerk to post letter to the owner of the abandoned vehicle.
Parking on Grass Verges.
Richard Webber to discuss the matter with OCC to try and find a solution.
Councillors Priority Fund.
All Councillors to think about projects to spend it on. Deputy Clerk to add item to next months agenda.
East Way BW1.
Deputy Clerk to report pot holes to VWHDC planning enforcement.
Revised Grant Forms and Guidance.
Deputy Clerk to upload documents to website.
BW8 and BW29 Clearance.
Tamsin Crane to thank the person responsible in her Chronicle report.
Bus Shelter Insurance.
Irma Vastakaite to investigate if we should insure the bus shelters.
Village Hall Heating.
The Clerk, the Chairperson of the Projects Board and Cllrs Arnold and Athawes will review the s106 list with the VWHDC and discuss how the village hall heating can be funded using S106 money.
Pond at Sutton Wick Lane, Next to Pond.
This will be an agenda item on the next Finance and Personnel Committee meeting agenda.
The 75th Anniversary of VE day which will be on 8-10th May 2020.
Deputy Clerk to forward the email on to the Chronicle editor.
Drayton W.I. is Celebrating its 100th Birthday During 2020.
The Clerk will respond to the WI.
S106 Monies.
The Clerk will notify VWHDC that Drayton PC rejects the proposal to use s106 for tennis outside the parish.
Wall Along the B4017 Opposite the Red Lion Public House.
Deputy Clerk to report on www.FixMyStreet.com
Appendix B
Finance & Personnel Committee
PAYMENTS: £500 or more
Disposition of Council Funds
Appendix C
Planning Committee Report
Proposed change of use from agricultural to retail business and repair of garden machinery and accessories. Milton Garden Machinery Milton Road Drayton Abingdon OX14 4EZ.
PC: Objection:
The Parish Council would like clarification about whether the track that runs to this business is a bridleway or a byway (open to all traffic).
VWHDC: Withdrawn prior to determination on 30th October 2019.
P18/V2563/FUL Amendment: No. 1 – dated 23rd October 2018.
Retrospective application for the proposed retention and change of use of an existing building currently used as a dwelling to a lawnmower retail showroom to be used ancillary to the existing authorised lawnmower repair business use. Change of use of agricultural land to business use with additional car parking. Erection of an assembly workshop for mowers and an open framed storage area for mowers. (Description amended 23.10.2018). Milton Garden Machinery Milton Road Drayton Abingdon OX14 4EZ.
PC: Objection:
The Parish Council would like clarification about whether the track that runs to this business is a bridleway or a byway (open to all traffic).
VWHDC: Withdrawn prior to determination on 30th October 2019.
P18/V2563/FUL Amendment: No. 3 – dated 15th May 2019.
Retrospective application for the proposed retention and change of use of an existing building currently used as a dwelling to a lawnmower retail showroom to be used ancillary to the existing authorised lawnmower repair business use. Change of use of agricultural land to business use with additional car parking. Erection of an assembly workshop for mowers and an open framed storage area for mowers. (Description amended 23.10.2018) (Historic Environment Desk-Based Assessment received 25 March 2019) (Amended location and block plan received 15 May 2019, correcting the red line, to include the highway) Milton Garden Machinery Milton Road Drayton Abingdon OX14 4EZ. Dead line: 31st May 2019.
PC: Objection:
see June 2019 Planning Minutes for details.
VWHDC: Withdrawn prior to determination on 30th October 2019.
Proposed first floor extension over existing garage and internal alterations 3 Whitehorns Way Drayton Abingdon OX14 4LL.
PC: Response:
No Objection.
VWHDC: Pending.
Demolition of a pair of semi detached cottages and outbuildings and construction of a new detached dwelling and detached garage. 3 Mill Lane Sutton Courtenay Abingdon OX14 4BE.
PC: No comment.
VWHDC: Pending.
P19/V1251/HH Amendment: No. 1 – dated 19th August 2019.
Proposed first floor extension over existing garage and internal alterations as amended. 3 Whitehorns Way Drayton Abingdon OX14 4LL.
PC: No comment.
VWHDC: Pending.
Adjustment of garden levels. Plot 48 Edward Park Drayton.
PC: Objection:
See September Minutes for details.
VWHDC: Pending.
Demolition of existing detached garage. Norrington House 22 High Street Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JL.
PC: Response:
No objection.
VWHDC: Pending.
Retrospective application for demolition of existing dwelling and development of two new dwellings. Close End House 19 East Way Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JZ.
PC: Objection:
Drayton Parish Council OBJECTS to this planning application as it is considered that splitting development on this site into two parts, thereby avoiding S106 payments on a development that would have increased the number of houses on the site by a number that would have meant S106 would have been payable on the original development, is part of an attempt to avoid the developer contribution that would have been liable on the full site were it developed through a single planning application.
VWHDC: Pending.
Proposed garage extension and loft conversion. Highfield House Barrow Road Drayton Abingdon OX14 4SU.
PC: Response:
It provides a first floor level viewing platform over the neighbouring house and suggesting that it needs screening from that view.
VWHDC: Pending.
Single dwelling house with detached double garage. 208 Steventon Road Drayton Abingdon OX13 6RN.
PC: Support:
No objection.
VWHDC: Pending.
Outline planning application for the erection of 3 detached dwellings with parking under timber frame car ports on land to the rear of and part of the garden of Norrington House, demolition of the existing garage to facilitate provision of access along existing driveway, landscaping reserved for later determination. Norrington House 22 High Street Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JL.
PC: Objection:
The original (withdrawn) planning application for this site was for 10 houses and we understand was withdrawn because of the Vale of White Horse confirming that the retail space at the road ward edge of the plot was required to be retained. In the PC opinion, this application for three houses clearly is under using the site and is very likely to be followed by subsequent applications for further development at the rear of the site. The PC consider this appears to be a way of avoiding the requirements to provide social housing by developing the site piecemeal and may also be an attempt to bypass the requirement to retain the retail frontage on the site.
VWHDC: Pending.
Single storey conservatory to the right side of the property. 1 Monk Close Drayton Oxfordshire OX14 4GW.
PC: Objection:
This is in a conservation area.
VWHDC: Pending.
P19/V1992/FUL Amendment: No. 2 – dated 25th October 2019.
Demolition of a pair of semi detached cottages and outbuildings and construction of a new detached dwelling and detached garage. (As amended by additional information received on 6 September 2019. Amended plans and documentation received 25 October 2019). 3 Mill Lane Sutton Courtenay Abingdon OX14 4BE.
PC: Response:
This is not within the Drayton Parish Council’s boundary.
VWHDC: Pending.
Proposed new 3-bedroom dwelling with associated surface parking and creation of new dropped kerb and vehicular access by demolishing a section of the boundary wall (Re-submission of application P16/V2954/FUL). Land adjacent to 3 Church Lane Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JS. Graham Web declared an interest in this application and did not express an opinion.
PC: Objection:
The development will add extra vehicle movements on a road that is already seriously congested and will have an adverse effect on street parking by reducing the on-street parking on a road that is already seriously overused for residential parking.
VWHDC: Pending.
P19/V2615/LB (Listed Building Consent).
Proposed new 3-bedroom dwelling with associated surface parking and creation of new dropped kerb and vehicular access by demolishing a section of the boundary wall (Re-submission of application P16/V2954/FUL). Land adjacent to 3 Church Lane Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JS.
PC: Objection:
The development will involve demolition of a very old boundary wall in a conservation area.