2019-11-25 – Finance and Personnel Committee Extraordinary Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting of the Finance and Personnel Committee of Drayton Parish Council

held on Monday 25th November 2019 in the Caudwell Day Centre, Drayton, at 7pm.


  1. Pat Athawes (Chairman)
  2. Tamsin Crane
  3. Claire Woollard

Also In attendance:

  1. Lorraine Watling (Clerk/RFO)



101) Apologies for absence:

Cllr G Webb. Cllrs McAleavey and Lowy were not present at the meeting.

102a) Declarations of Interest:


102b) Dispensations received by the Clerk:


103) The Minutes of the Meeting of 21st October 2019:

were approved as a true record.

  • Proposed: Cllr Woollard
  • Seconded: Cllr Athawes
  • Resolved: unanimous

104) Budget 2010-21:

The VWHDC has confirmed that the Drayton tax base figure for 2020-21 should be 1093 dwellings. The precept figure was amended in line with this and the budget for Sports Pavilion Project was also amended accordingly. The committee Recommends:

  1. That the precept request of £97,813 be approved by the Council. The increase in the precept will be funded by the additional dwellings in the parish.
  2. That the Council approves the budget for 2020-21

ACTION The RFO/Clerk will circulate the budget to Cllrs before the council meeting.

105) Annual Review of the Council’s Asset Register:

It was noted that:

  1. The annual check of the Council’s assets for 2019-20 has been completed and should be noted and approved by Council.
  2. The insurers had been contacted and asked to add several additional items including several items from the Chestnut Drive play area.

ACTION The RFO/Clerk will bring a copy to the next Council meeting for signing.

106) Risk Assessment:

The Committee received and considered a revised risk assessment document that had been produced by the Clerk. This has combined and added to two former documents that had previously been used. The committee Recommends: that the revised risk assessment be approved by Council.

107) Internal Controls:

The Council maintains good internal controls e.g. using the most up to date model Standing Orders and Financial Regulations. The Council is asked to formally resolve and minute that it approves the current internal controls.

108) Financial Regulations:

The committee received and considered the updated Financial Regulations circulated by the Clerk. These are based upon the most recent NALC model. The differences between the current and revised regulations were highlighted in yellow. The committee Recommends that the Council:

  1. Reviews the new Financial Regulations, particularly the highlighted paragraphs and clerk’s notes
  2. Agrees the proposed additions or deletions
  3. Approves the use of the new model Financial Regulations as amended.

ACTION: The RFO/Clerk will circulate the current and revised Financial Regulations to Cllrs before the council meeting

109) Grass Cutting Contract:

The grass cutting requirements for the next three-year contract are currently being reviewed by Cllrs Crane, Woollard and McAleavey.

ACTION: A specification will be circulated for consideration and approval by Council at the December meeting.

110) Grant Applications:

The Village submitted a grant application after the November Council agenda had been published. The F&P committee reviewed the grant application but required further information therefore this will be sought.

111) Village Hall:

It was noted that the Parish Council is a custodian trustee of the Village Hall. OALC was consulted about the requirements associated with this and with funding community buildings.

ACTION: The Parish Council should appoint a Councillor to the Village Hall Committee as required by the Village Hall’s Trust Deed.

112) Personnel Matters – Caretaking Contract:

The additional requirements of the new caretaking contract are still under discussion.

ACTION: A specification will be circulated for consideration and approval by Council at the December meeting.

113) Play Inspection Check List:

ACTION: The Clerk/RFO will produce a form to facilitate the caretaker undertaking weekly checks of the play area. These forms will be sent to the Clerk once a month for retention for insurance purposes.

114) Pond at Sutton Wick:


  1. As agreed by Council, Cllr Crane will write to Thames Water and OCC about the waste arising from their activities that might be draining into the pond.
  2. The Clerk will ask a tree expert to advise on the willow trees by the pond.
  3. Cllrs Crane and Woollard will produce a risk assessment.
  4. The boundaries of the area around the pond will be confirmed with the land registry.

115) Any Other Business:

  1. The Clerk will write to the Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management to see if they have any model policies, notices or advice associated with reducing the use of waste in cemeteries.
  2. A date was set on which the Clerk and Cllr Athawes will mark the boundary of the area which the Bishop of Dorchester will then come and consecrate.

116) The date of the next meeting.

The next Finance and Personnel Committee will be held at 7pm on Monday 20th January 2020 in the Caudwell Day Centre.

The meeting concluded at 9pm

Signed: Pat Athawes (Chairperson, Finance and Personnel Committee)

Date: 20th January 2020