2020-02-13 – Projects Board Committee Minutes

Projects Board Committee Minutes


  1. Claire Woollard (Chairperson)
  2. Graham Webb (Vice Chairperson)
  3. Patricia Athawes
  4. Shane McAleavey

Not Present:

  1. Matthew Lowy
  2. Tamsin Crane
  3. Richard Williams
  4. Janet Manning.

In attendance:

  1. Christopher Price (Deputy Clerk and Meeting Administrator).



1/2020 Resignation.

It was noted that Colin Arnold has resigned.

2/2020 Appointment.

It was unclear if Richard Wade was appointed at the last Parish Council meeting or not.

[Deputy Clerk’s note: Richard Wade was appointed and is a member of the Projects Board Committee.]

3/2020 Apologies for Absence.

  1. Matthew Lowy
  2. Tamsin Crane
  3. Richard Williams
  4. Janet Manning.

4/2020 Declarations of Interest, Dispensations and Use of Delegated Powers.

Claire Woollard declared an interest in the Walnut Meadow development.

5/2020 Public Participation.


6/2020 Minutes.

It was resolved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting.

  • Proposed: Graham Webb
  • Seconded: Patricia Athawes
  • Resolved: Unanimously

7/2020 Action Checklist from the Previous Meeting. – Appendix A

Footpaths, cycle paths, bridleways. It was noted that OCC are still not responding to emails asking for footpath improvement advice. The pedestrian access’ to Manor Farm are almost resolved.

ACTION: Deputy Clerk to ask Paul Caudwell if he is the landowner of BW7, BW29 and BW9.

Village Hall Refurbishment. It was noted that a £3,000.00 S106 grant has been given to the Village Hall for the new heating system. It was also noted that Pervin Shahin has joined the Village Hall Management Committee.

Sports Pitch Layout. It was noted that Claire Woollard asked Emma Turner (Development Management Team Leader (Enforcement), VWHDC) to inform Miller Homes that the football pitches are to be laid out as per the approved plans.

Allotments. It was noted that the Deputy Clerk will lead this project.

8/2020 Terms of Reference.

Item deferred to the next meeting.

9/2020 Projects Board Spending Limit / Responsible Financial Officer (RFO).

Item deferred to the next meeting.

10/2020 Retail Working Group.

Item deferred to the next meeting.

11/2020 Walnut Meadow / Miller Homes / Pavilion and Sports Pitch.

(a) Meeting with VWHDC regarding S106 held on 22nd January 2020. It was noted that a meeting was held with:

  1. David Cookson (Infrastructure Implementation Officer, Development and Regeneration, VWHDC)
  2. Ruth Cross (Leisure development officer, VWHDC)
  3. Richard Williams
  4. Claire Woollard
  5. Clerk
  6. Deputy Clerk

It was also noted that we may want to review the sport facility proposal at Walnut Meadows and a number of options were considered. It was also noted that there will be a meeting on 28th February 2020 with the Football Association and Playing Fields representative.

(b) Meeting with Miller Homes held on 7th February 2020. It was noted that there was a meeting held with

  1. Richard Culpan (Miller Homes)
  2. Peter Dunford (Miller Homes)
  3. Russell Brewer (Miller Homes)
  4. Stewart Jones (Miller Homes)
  5. Claire Woollard
  6. Deputy Clerk

It was also noted that Miller Homes presented the Parish Council with a plan showing proposed regrading of the sports field.

ACTION: Graham Web to consult Glanville (Engineering, Design and Surveying Consultants) for advice on proposed levels.

(c) Planning Enforcement / Sports Pitch Contamination and Unauthorised Change of Elevation. It was noted that there is nothing to note. It was also noted that Claire Woollard is chasing Planning Enforcement as we are keen to resolve the matter.

(d) Pavilion Access. It was noted that the road adoption by OCC highways is still unresolved.

(e) Sports Pitch Drainage. It was noted that the drainage scheme is still unresolved and we need expert advice.

12/2020 Manor Farm, Cala Homes.

Meeting with Cala Homes held on 5th February 2020. Tamsin Crane’s report was noted.

13/2020 The Dovecote, Bloor Homes.

Shane McAleavey’s report was noted.

14/2020 Projects Board Log.

(a) Allotments.

ACTION: Deputy Clerk to get an update from Tim Atkins (Allotment Warden).

(b) Burial Ground Compost Bins.

ACTION: Deputy Clerk to get an update from Chris Wilmott-Smith (Village Caretaker).

15/2020 Date of the next Meeting.

(a) Projects Board meeting will be held on 12th March 2020 in the Village Hall at 7:30pm.

(b) David Perrow (Ex Clerk, Drayton Parish Council) and Nigel Porter (Ex Implementation Director, Drayton2020). It was agreed to arrange a meeting with David Perrow and Nigel Porter.

ACTION: Deputy Clerk to arrange meeting.

The Chairman declared the meeting closed at 9:40pm.


Name: Claire Woollard


Appendix A

Action Check List

Footpaths, cycle paths, bridleways.

Deputy Clerk to ask Paul Caudwell if he is the landowner of BW7, BW29 and BW9.

Terms of Reference.

Claire Woollard and Tamsin Crane to circulate draft Terms of Reference.

Sports Pavilion Access.

Tamsin Crane to ask Irwin Mitchell (law firm) for a quotation for advice.

Meeting with Miller Homes held on 7th February 2020.

Graham Web to consult Glanville (Engineering, Design and Surveying Consultants) for advice on proposed levels.


Deputy Clerk to get an update from Tim Atkins (Allotment Warden).

Burial Ground Compost Bins.

Deputy Clerk to get an update from Chris Wilmott-Smith (Village Caretaker).

David Perrow (Ex Clerk, Drayton Parish Council) and Nigel Porter (Ex Implementation Director, Drayton2020).

Deputy Clerk to arrange meeting.