Projects Board Committee Minutes
Held on 12th March 2020 at 7:30pm in the Caudwell Day Centre, Gravel Lane, Drayton, OX14 4HF.
- Claire Woollard (Chairperson)
- Graham Webb (Vice Chairperson)
- Patricia Athawes
- Shane McAleavey
- Richard Wade
Not Present:
- Matthew Lowy
- Tamsin Crane
- Richard Williams
- Janet Manning.
In attendance:
- Christopher Price (Deputy Clerk and Meeting Administrator).
2 members of the public were present.
16/2020 Apologies for Absence.
- Tamsin Crane
- Richard Williams
- Janet Manning.
17/2020 Declarations of Interest, Dispensations and Use of Delegated Powers.
Claire Woollard declared an interest in the Walnut Meadow development.
18/2020 Public Participation.
Walnut Meadow Sports Facility. Colin West (Ex Parish Councillor) reported on his business plan that he wrote in September 2017 for the sports facility. It was noted that by his calculations there would be a short fall once the S106 monies had been spent thus making the facility unsustainable. Claire Woollard reported on the the current status of the sports facility. It was noted that the land is in an unsuitable state to do anything with at the moment and that OCC, VWHDC Planning Enforcement and the Environment Agency are all working together to ensure Miller Homes leaves the land in a suitable state for installing football pitches including regrading of the land and installation of drainage. It was also noted that the Football Association’s recommendations have changed regarding pavilions and similar buildings. Miller Homes have requested another meeting with the Parish Council and Claire Woollard is arranging a meeting with Sports England and Oxfordshire Playing Fields Association.
19/2020 Minutes.
It was resolved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting.
- Proposed: Graham Webb
- Seconded: Patricia Athawes
- Resolved: Unanimously
20/2020 Action Checklist from the Previous Meeting.
See Appendix A for this meeting’s action list.
Footpaths, cycle paths, bridleways. It was noted that Paul Caudwell is the landowner of BW7, BW29 and BW9.
Sports Pavilion Access.
ACTION: Claire Woollard to get an update on the road leading to the Sports Pavilion as to whether it will be adopted by OCC or belong to the management company and weather the public will have unrestricted access.
Meeting with Miller Homes held on 7th February 2020. It was noted that Miller Homes need to submit a planning application to regrade the sports field.
Allotments. It was noted that there is a meeting on 22nd March 2020 with Tim Atkins (Allotment Warden).
Burial Ground Compost Bins.
ACTION: Deputy Clerk to ask on Facebook if anyone has a couple of pallets for our compost bin
David Perrow (Ex Clerk, Drayton Parish Council) and Nigel Porter (Ex Implementation Director, Drayton2020). It was noted that a meeting was held with David Perrow and Nigel Porter.
21/2020 Terms of Reference.
Item deferred to the next meeting. It was agreed that we should meet a minimum of 4 times a year.
ACTION: Deputy Clerk to recirculate Term of Reference. Everyone to perusal.
22/2020 Projects Board Spending Limit / Responsible Financial Officer (RFO).
The following was noted subject to approval of the new terms of reference.
Up to £750.00 spending – the Projects Board Committee can approve this, with Lorraine’s approval. For example, if we need to commission an urgent survey or legal advice. So in reality, the Committee in meeting would approve the spending, and send through an email requesting Lorraine to document her approval as RFO which could be done very quickly. This is reflected in the new Terms of Reference.
Spending of £751.00 to £5,000.00 – would be discussed by the Projects Board Committee, it would make a recommendation to the Finance & Personnel Committee, which would then vote on the spending itself. If necessary, an urgent meeting of the F&PC could be called to approve the spending.
Over £5,000.00 – always requires full PC approval.
23/2020 Retail Working Group.
It was agreed that this is not a Projects Board matter.
ACTION: Deputy Clerk to add item to the main Parish Council agenda.
24/2020 Walnut Meadow / Miller Homes / Pavilion and Sports Pitch.
(a) Planning Enforcement / Environment Agency – Sports Pitch Contamination / Unauthorised Change of Elevation / Unlicensed Landfill. Matter discussed under item 18/2020 Public Participation – Walnut Meadow Sports Facility.
(b) Pavilion Access. Matter discussed under item 18/2020 Public Participation – Walnut Meadow Sports Facility.
(c) Sports Pitch Drainage. Matter discussed under item 18/2020 Public Participation – Walnut Meadow Sports Facility.
25/2020 Manor Farm, Cala Homes.
Outstanding Issues Including Footpath Access to Gravel Lane near the Sawmill. It was noted that there are a number of unresolved issues including the gravel used for the footpaths as it is not self-binding gravel and it was also noted that the footpath access to Gravel Lane near the saw mill is still not finished or open to the public.
ACTION: Tamsin Crane to remind Cala Homes that they are responsible for finishing the footpath to the site boundary as shown by the red line on the approved plans.
26/2020 The Dovecote, Bloor Homes.
It was noted that the entrance road is narrow and restricted.
27/2020 Projects Board Log.
The Projects Board log was noted.
28/2020 Neighbourhood Development Plan Figure 4 – Current Built Up Area for Drayton Village (Outlined in Red).
It was noted that this map is out of date.
ACTION: Deputy Clerk to ask Andrew Cook (VWHDC) for his thoughts on planning application P19/V2428/FUL. Single dwelling house with detached double garage (as amended by plans and additional information received on 29 November 2019 and 16 January 2020). 208 Steventon Road Drayton Abingdon OX13 6RN. That was considered at the VWHDC Planning Committee meeting held on 26th February 2020.
29/2020 Date of the next Meeting.
Projects Board Meeting will be held on 18th June 2020 in the Village Hall at 7:30pm.
The Chairman declared the meeting closed at 10.02pm.
Name: Claire Woollard
Appendix A
Action Check List
Terms of Reference.
Deputy Clerk to recirculate Term of Reference. Everyone to perusal.
Sports Pavilion Access.
Claire Woollard to get an update on the road leading to the Sports Pavilion as to whether it will be adopted by OCC or belong to the management company and weather the public will have unrestricted access.
Burial Ground Compost Bins.
Deputy Clerk to ask on Facebook if anyone has a couple of pallets for our compost bin.
Retail Working Group.
Deputy Clerk to add item to the main Parish Council agenda.
Outstanding Issues Including Footpath Access to Gravel Lane near the Sawmill.
Tamsin Crane to remind Cala Homes that they are responsible for finishing the footpath to the site boundary as shown by the red line on the approved plans.
Neighbourhood Development Plan Figure 4 – Current Built Up Area for Drayton Village (Outlined in Red).
Deputy Clerk to ask Andrew Cook (VWHDC) for his thoughts on planning application P19/V2428/FUL. Single dwelling house with detached double garage (as amended by plans and additional information received on 29 November 2019 and 16 January 2020). 208 Steventon Road Drayton Abingdon OX13 6RN. That was considered at the VWHDC Planning Committee meeting held on 26th February 2020.