Parish Council Meeting Extraordinary Minutes
of the Remote Meeting held on 21st September 2020 at 7:00pm.
Drayton Parish Councillors Present:
- Tamsin Crane (Chairperson)
- Patricia Athawes (Vice Chairperson)
- Pervin Shahin
- Shane McAleavey
- Irma Schoonhoven
- Graham Webb
Drayton Parish Councillors Not Present:
- Richard Wade
- Garin Schoonhoven
- Claire Woollard
- Susan Harris.
In attendance:
- Lorraine Watling (Clerk and RFO)
- Christopher Price (Deputy Clerk)
- Abigail Brown (VWHDC)
The Parish Clerk, the previous Chairman and Cllr Shahin initially met with Abigail Brown (VWHDC) to discuss art projects in Drayton (in September 2018). The Chairperson explained that the purpose of this meeting was to discuss Public Art for Drayton Phase 1 – Village Gates (a s106 funded project), taking into account the results of the recent community consultation about the proposed art project to install gates at the three road entrances to the Village. The Clerk had circulated a summary note about the project to Councillors prior to the meeting. It was noted that the entrance signs were suggested by a resident during the various consultations about Art in Drayton and that Cllrs Shahin and McAleavey had been working closely with the VWHDC on this project for over a year.
148/2020 Apologies for Absence.
- Richard Wade
- Garin Schoonhoven
- Susan Harris
149/2020 Declarations of Interest, dispensations or Use of Delegated Powers.
150/2020 Public Participation.
Abigail Brown provided clarifications and information when required during the meeting to assist Cllrs.
151/2020 Artist to be Commissioned to Deliver the Village Gates Project.
Following resident consultation, the initial long list of artists was short-listed to three artists who were invited to submit indicative designs for the new village gates which will be installed at the three road entrances to the village. These designs were published in the Drayton Chronicle and residents were invited to vote for their preferred design. The final artist was then selected and had provided a quote for the design, manufacture and installation of the three village signs. Cllr Shahin had updated Cllrs throughout the process. Ms Brown confirmed that the VWHDC had worked with these artists (a partnership) before and that she was happy to give them a reference. She noted that they were good at community consultation, provided comprehensive risk assessments and method statements (RAMS), had appropriate professional indemnity and public liability insurance and guaranteed the whole installation and so met all of the VWHDC’s requirements. It was resolved that Drayton Parish Council wished to appoint ‘Planet Art’ sculptures as the artists to design, make and install the new gates at the three entrances to the village, and proceed with the project.
Proposed: Tamsin Crane Seconded: Pervin ShahinResolved: Unanimous
152/2020 Covering Letter.
The proposed letter that would accompany the acceptance of the ‘Planet Art’ quotation for work, was shared by the Chairperson using screen sharing. The draft content was discussed, amended and agreed by Cllrs during the meeting. It was resolved to approve the letter, subject to further amendments by the Chairperson based on example “commissioning letters” provided by Abi, and would then finalise the letter with Lorraine, and some of the contractual terms would be included in a full contract to be entered into with the artist in due course. And then the official order and covering letter would then be sent to the Artist.
Proposed: Tamsin Crane Seconded: Pat Athawes Resolved: Unanimous
153/2020 S106 Grant Funding Application.
The Clerk had discussed the project and s106 funding application with the VWHDC Infrastructure Implementation Officer and reported his advice. It was resolved to make a minor amendment to the s106 funding application by the Clerk, on the advice of the Vale of White Horse District Council to facilitate the processing of the s106 application as quickly as possible.
Proposed: Tamsin Crane Seconded: Patricia AthawesResolved: Unanimous
154/2020 Next Steps.
- Abigail Brown (VWHDC) to contact the appropriate OCC Highways officer to confirm dates on which he would be available for a meeting on site in Drayton with the artists, VWHDC and Parish Cllrs.
- Clerk to reduce the contingency contained in the S106 application by £100, initial the amendment, countersign the application and email along with the required accompanying documents to VWHDC.
- Tamsin Crane will revise the letter to the artist based on example “commissioning letters” provided by Abi, and will then finalise the letter with Lorraine, and some of the contractual terms will be included in a full contract to be entered into with the artist in due course. The Clerk will then send this to Planet Art and accept their quotation for the 3 village gates.
- Pervin Shahin to report on Walnut shaped Bollards for the Village Green at the October Parish Council Meeting.
- Deputy Clerk to invite Abigail Brown to attend the October Parish Council meeting and include an agenda about ‘Public Art’ near the beginning of the October Parish Council Meeting agenda.
- Shane McAleavey and Graham Webb to attend the site meeting when it is organised to meet the artist to discuss material and paint for the gates.
155/2020 Date of the next Meeting.
5th October 2020.
The Chairperson declared the meeting closed at 8:05pm.