Minutes of the Meeting of the Finance and Personnel Committee of Drayton Parish Council held on Tuesday 25th January 2022 remotely, at 6.30pm.
Present: Cllrs Pat Athawes (Chairman), Tamsin Crane, Shane McAleavey, Graham Webb and Richard Wade.
Also in attendance: Lorraine Watling (Clerk/RFO).
Public: None
Minute No. | |
42/21 | Apologies for absence: None – all Cllrs were in attendance. |
43/21 | (a) Declarations of Interest: None. (b) Dispensations received by the Clerk: None. (c) Use of Delegated Powers: None. |
44/21 | The Minutes of the Meeting of 23rd November 2021: The minutes from the meeting held on 23rd November 2021 were Approved as a true record. Proposed: Cllr Webb Seconded: Cllr McAleavey Resolved (unanimous). |
45/21 | Asset Register: At the October meeting it was noted that the updating of the asset register and annual walk round to check the assets would be done after the Walnut installation had been completed. This has now been done by The Deputy Clerk and the Village Caretaker. The four new recycled plastic benches and two planters purchased from the Cllr Community Grant received from Cllr Webber have been delivered and so will be added to the asset register and insurance policy. |
46/21 | Internal Audit: This will be a remote audit again this year so the Clerk is working with the IA to compile and submit the phase 1 documents that are required for the auditor. It was noted that this is a lot of work but that the RFO considered it to be a useful thing to do as it helped ensure that the PC’s systems were fit for purpose. |
47/21 | Budget Position as at end of December 2021: The F&P Committee received and considered financial reports generated by the Alpha Accounting system that presented the financial situation as at the end of December 2021. Action: The Clerk will send the F&GP Committee members details of the various reserve balances after the meeting. |
Reserved Business: Exclusion of the Public and Press. In view of the nature of the business to be transacted any members of the public and press were temporarily excluded from the meeting (Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1). | |
48/21 | Burial Ground: The Parish Council received and noted an update. This will be discussed by full council in January 2022. |
49/21 | Miller Homes: All residents have been invited to participate in a survey produced by the PC, to check whether the preferred facilities proposed for Walnut Meadows had changed since the original survey had been undertaken. The results will be analysed by Cllr Athawes and the Programme Manager and then presented to the PC and shared with the community. |
The Council then went back into public session. | |
50/21 | Any Other Business: the following was noted: Cllr Wade gave his apologies for the Feb PC meeting due to work commitments. Cllr Webb had contacted a company called ‘Sundeala’ as they used to produce good quality backing material for notice boards. Some of the Parish Council notice boards are in need of refurbishment but unfortunately this companies backing materials are not water proof. |
The date of the next meeting. The next Finance and Personnel Committee meeting is scheduled to be held on 26th April 2022. |
The meeting concluded at 7.31pm
Signed: Pat Athawes (Chairman, Finance and Personnel Committee)