Drayton Parish Council Extraordinary Planning Minutes
of the meeting held on 1st April 2022 at 7:00pm in the Caudwell Day Centre
Councillors Present: Graham Webb (Chairperson), Patricia Athawes, Richard Wade, Tamsin Crane (ex officio).
Councillors Not Present: All Councilors were present.
In attendance: Christopher Price (Deputy Clerk), Jonathan Fowler (Programme Manager), Richard Webber (OCC), Adrian Cooke (VWHDC), Pervin Shahin (Parish Councilor), Colin Arnold (Neighborhood Development Plan Working Group).
Public: 20 members of the public were present.
The meeting started at 7:30pm.
1/2022 Apologies for Absence. None.
2/2022Declarations of Interest, Dispensations or Use of Delegated Powers. None.
3/2022 Brief Presentation about Walnut Meadow. Tamsin Crane’s presentation was noted.
4/2022 Public Participation. Members of the public asked a number of questions including – evidence, when will it happen, capacity of the car park, road adoption, proximity of the sports pitches to the houses, zebra crossing, easement, maintenance, drainage, foul waste disposal, capacity of Chestnut Drive and flood lighting.
5/2022 P21/V1924/FUL. Hybrid Planning application: Formation of sports pitches with associated groundworks, drainage and landscaping (Full application) and sports pavilion with associated car parking and access (outline application with all matters reserved except access). (Retrospective). (as amended by plan received 10 March 2022). Land West of Abingdon Road Drayton.
It was agreed that the Parish Council Planning Committee cannot currently withdraw our objections to the Hybrid planning application until we have sight of the Agronomist report we have commissioned and it was noted that the deadline to the planning application has been extended.
Deputy Clerk’s note: [A request for quotations to undertake a feasibility study has been issued to 3 Agronomist / Sports Turf companies who have been asked to examine, amongst other things, whether the re-graded levels proposed by Miller Homes will permit adequate drainage to be installed to meet the requirements of the proposed sports pitch layout and usage. One quotation has already been received with another being prepared. A deadline for quotes to be received has been set for Friday 8th April.]
It was noted that it would be useful to have a 3D rendering of the revised levels.
It was agreed to investigate the cost of a pre planning application consultation for the Sports Pavilion to gain initial feedback on the Pavilion design and it was agreed that the Deputy Clerk will investigate the cost.
It was noted that Sport England have raised concerns about the revised Sports Pitch layout and it was agreed that Jonathan Fowler will arrange a meeting with them to discuss their concerns.
It was agreed that Jonathan Fowler will report to the VWHDC on our decision regarding this planning application.
6/2022 Any Other Planning Business. None.
The Chairperson declared the meeting closed at 9:22pm
Signed: Date: