Draft Minutes of the Drayton Parish Council Meeting
held on 14th June 2022 at 7:00pm in the Caudwell Day Centre
Councillors Present: Tamsin Crane (Chairperson) (left at 7:30pm), Patricia Athawes (Vice Chairperson), Richard Wade, Pervin Shahin, Alistair Cumming (co-opted at item 114/2022).
Councillors Not Present: Robert Taylor, Graham Webb, Susan Harris, Caroline Green.
In attendance: Lorraine Watling (Clerk and RFO), Christopher Price (Deputy Clerk), Jonathan Fowler (Programme Manager), Adrian Cooke (VWHDC).
Public: 2 members of the public were present.
The meeting started at 7:28pm and Patricia Athawes assumed the chair.
114/2022 Co-option. It was resolved to co-opt Alistair Cumming to join the Parish Council.
Drayton is entitled to 11 Parish Councillors and there are currently 2 vacancies.
Proposed: Pervin Shahin Seconded: Richard Wade Resolved: Unanimous
Tamsin Crane left at 7:30pm.
115/2022 Apologies for Absence. Robert Taylor, Graham Webb, Susan Harris, Caroline Green, Richard Webber, Adrian Cooke, Tamsin Crane.
116/2022 Chairperson Position. It was noted that the current Chairperson does not wish to continue beyond the end of June. Item deferred to the next meeting.
117/2022 Election of a second Vice-Chairperson. Item deferred to the next meeting.
118/2022 Declarations of Interest, Dispensations or Use of Delegated Powers. None.
119/2022 Public Participation. None.
120/2022 Report from OCC Councillor. Richard Webber was not present but had submitted the following report that was noted:
a) Miller Homes Basingstoke Meeting. Cllr Webber considered this to have been a very worthwhile meeting and thanked the PC for setting it up. Miller Homes (MH) seemed to be taking this matter seriously and were showing some urgency. The Regional CEO had attended the meeting. There had already been some direct emails communications between MH and OCC officers. (Matter continued under item 127/2022 b)).
b) HIF1 Road. This ism likely to come to the OCC Planning Committee in September (the third postponement). It looks as if there will be a road, but much modified to encourage active travel.
c) B4016 Traffic Initiatives. The PC was thanked for supporting the Speed Indicator Device (SID) plans. Although the plans principally affect Sutton Courtenay (SC), the initiatives should have an effect all the way between Drayton High Street and the SC triangle. There will be six poles and two devices which can be moved between them. There is also to be a ‘build out’ at the exit of SC. There is also going to be a review of the current 40mph zone to consider the case for 30mph limit all along the road.
d) Drayton Highway Matters. Cllr Webber is aware of the outstanding NDP/s106 improvements waiting to happen in Drayton. It was noted that the PC is still waiting for an OCC Highways engineer to provide feedback on the proposals that it put forward in November last year. The last update received from Harry Etchells (OCC Highways) was that they would not be able to look at the PC’s proposed traffic calming measures until the end of June.
e) Village Green Services: Cllr Webber will be asked to confirm who the PC needs to speak to at OCC in order to confirm that no services.
Action: Clerk
f) Whitehorns Way Green Space: Cllr Webber will be asked to confirm whether there may be a possibility of the PC adopting the small green space at Whitehorns Way.
Action: Clerk
121/2022 Report from VWHDC Councillor. Andy Cooke was not present but had submitted the following report that was noted.
a) P21/V2176/FUL. Development of a brownfield site in Drayton to provide 9 purpose built houses to modern space and environmental standards. Land at Kiln Lane Drayton OX14 4FE. The application for behind Kiln Lane has been resubmitted. The changes are minimal (a single change from 3 bedroomed to 2-bedroomed house).
b) Water Summit. The water summit has been delayed.
c) Thames Water has contacted Cllr Cooke to set up a round table discussion with him and a few other councillors.
122/2022 Minutes of the Previous Parish Council Meeting. The minutes of the last meeting were approved.
Proposed: Patricia Athawes Seconded: Pervin Shahin Resolved: Unanimous by those present.
[Clerk’s note: the date of the Public Art, public meeting was corrected as it is on 23rd June 2022.]
123/2022 Action Checklist. See Appendix B.
Fly Tipping in the Burial Ground. CCTV warning signs will be put up. Action completed. |
New Benches. The Millennium Green Trust will collect and install the bench. Action completed. |
Content Sharing Briefing Paper. It was noted that Caudwell Day Centre have no issues about having a TV at the Centre. ACTION: Programme Manager has suggested an appropriate model. Clerk to order TV |
Art Installations Further Action. It was noted that the public meeting is on 23rd June 2022 to discuss the art installations. |
Email Provider. Action completed. |
Village Green Grass Cutting. Action completed. |
124/2022 Finance and Personnel Committee (Patricia Athawes). See Appendix A.
a) Payments.
i) The list of payments was received and noted.
ii) It was resolved to approve the payments to be made following the meeting.
Proposed: Richard Wade Seconded: Pervin Shahin Resolved: Unanimous
iii) The two Councillors authorised to make the on-line payments between this and the next Parish Council meeting were Graham Webb and Pat Athawes.
b) Bank Statements and Reconciliation. The bank reconciliation and bank statements for last month was noted.
c) Disposition of Council Funds. The disposition of council funds was noted.
d) 2021-22 Approval of the Annual Accounts and Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR).
i) Internal Auditors Report. The internal auditors report 2021-22 was received and noted.
ii) Annual Accounts. It was resolved to approve the Annual Accounts 2021-22, including notes of the accounts.
Proposed: Richard Wade Seconded: Pervin Shahin Resolved: Unanimous
iii) Annual Governance Statement. It was resolved to approve Section 1 of the Annual Return – the Annual Governance Statement 2021/22.
Proposed: Richard Wade Seconded: Pervin Shahin Resolved: Unanimous
iv) Accounting Statements. It was resolved to approve Section 2 of the Annual Return – the Accounting Statements 2021/22.
Proposed: Richard Wade Seconded: Pervin Shahin Resolved: Unanimous
v) Setting the Date for the Exercise of Electors Rights. It was noted that the dates for the exercise of electors rights must include the first 10 days of July 2022. The date for the exercise of electors rights was approved as being from Thursday 16th June 2022 to Wednesday 27th July (inclusive). The signed Annual Governance Statement 2021/22 and Accounting Statements will be displayed on the public notice board for this period and placed on the village website.
e) Programme Manager. It was formally noted that the Programme Manager had successfully completed his probation period.
125/2022 Planning Committee. Graham Webb was not present. See Appendix C.
126/2022 Drayton Conservation Area Appraisal. It was noted that the planning committee should discuss this matter and make recommendations at the next Parish Council meeting.
ACTION: Deputy Clerk to arrange Planning Committee Meeting.
127/2022 Neighbourhood Development Plan Working Group (Graham Webb).
a) Programme Managers Report. The monthly report from the Programme Manager was received and noted.
b) Walnut Meadow Sports Facility. It was noted that a meeting with Miller Homes was held on 8th June at their Basingstoke office. The key points were:
- Miller Homes advised they had received communication from VWHDC to advise a case for enforcement action is being prepared.
- The S278 remedial works are planned to complete at the end of July. There is then a 2-year maintenance period before OCC Highways will engage to discuss the S38 road adoption. This does not seem sensible given the time limit on the S106 funding. Therefore, the PC has asked Cllr Webber to ascertain if OCC will liaise with Millers on the S38 early.
- Millers archaeological report determined that the barrow was more important than initially thought, and contains human remains. The sports pitch layout will therefore need to be adjusted as it will not be possible to install drainage near the site of the barrow.
- Miller Homes are aiming to submit a revised planning application for the sports pitches to VWHDC at the end of June.
- The PC obtained a timetable from Millers for completion of their outstanding actions which means that the Programme Manager can now put a timetable together for the sports pitch installation, Pavilion build and MUGA build.
128/2022 Public Art (Pervin Shahin).
a) Entrance Gate Signs. It was noted that the artists had submitted costings and a ‘technical design’ for the village entrance signs. However, the costings didn’t add up and the technical design required adjustment. The Programme Manager has asked them to re-examine the costings and technical design.
b) Walnut Information Plaque. It was noted that the Clerk is in the process of obtaining 2 more quotations for a rock to mount the plaque on.
c) Manor Farm Labyrinth. To be discussed at the Public Art meeting on 23rd June 2022. It was noted that Cllr Shahin had confirmed that the Millennium Green Trust do not want a labyrinth installed there.
129/2022 News Sharing Strategy. Item deferred to the next meeting.
130/2022 Tree Planting (Pervin Shahin).
It was noted that Pervin Shahin would like to plant some trees on the Village Green. She had contacted OCC and reported that they had advised that there should be no problem. It was noted that the PC needs to be sure that there are no services running under the ground where the trees would be planted. It was agreed that the Clerk should enquire if the S106 monies allocated for tree planting along Hilliat Fields can be used in other parts of the Village. It was agreed to add ‘Landscaping and Ground Maintenance Strategy’ to the next Parish Council agenda.
ACTION: Clerk to ask David Cookson (Infrastructure Implementation Officer, VWHDC) if S106 monies allocated for tree planting along Hilliat Fields can be used in other parts of the Village.
131/2022 Watering of Plants on the Village Green. It was noted that the Village Caretaker has agreed to spend two-three hours weekly watering the plants on the Village Green during periods of dry weather, and will charge the additional hours on his monthly invoice.
132/2022 Planning Future Water Resources. It was agreed to invite Phil Stride (Strategic Resource Options Engagement Lead) to have a meeting with the Parish Council on 12th July 2022 at 6:30pm. It was also agreed to invite Derek Stork (Hon Chairman, GARD) and Andy Cooke (VWHDC Councilor).
ACTION: Clerk to arrange meeting with Phil Stride on 12th July 2022 at 6:30pm.
Reserved Business. Exclusion of the Public and Press. In view of the nature of the business to be transacted any members of the public and press were temporarily excluded from the meeting (Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1).
133/2022 Burial Ground Covenant. An update about the covenant was noted.
134/2022 Miller Homes. Item discussed earlier in the meeting.
End of Reserved Business.
135/2022 Items to be noted from Parish Councillors.
a) Queens Platinum Jubilee Celebrations. It was noted that £213.00 was raised for the DAMASCUS Youth Project. Vickery’s store will sell the spare mugs for charity at £7 each.
b) Burial Ground Dead Tree. The Clerk will arrange for a dead tree in the burial ground to be removed.
136/2022 Date of the next Meetings. Tuesday 12th July 2022.
The Chairperson declared the meeting closed at 9:19pm
Signed: Date:
Appendix A
Finance & Personnel Committee
Payments of £500 or more since the last meeting
Staff Salaries 2,537.19
Village Caretaker 655.00
Local Government Pension Scheme 779.54
Zurich Municipal Insurance policy renewal 1,461.99
The Landscape Group – grass cutting 1,450.32
Disposition of Council Funds as at 01st June 2022
Unity Bank 674 £280,603.81 0% Current Acct
NS&I 779 £20,489.69 0.01% Savings Acct
Unity Bank 554 £15,194.70 0.10% Projects Acct
Total £316,288.20
Appendix B
Actions Checklist
Payment of a Salary Increments. Patricia Athawes to arrange staff appraisals for the employees of the council. |
Trees. Clerk to ask Richard Webber to ask OCC Highways if there is any issue planting tress on the Village Green. |
Walnut Meadows Fencing. Richard Wade to take a look and report back. |
Traffic Calming. Richard Webber to obtain a progress update from Harry Etchells (Highways officer, OCC) dealing with the traffic calming proposals that Drayton submitted last November and to which we’ve had no response. |
Walnut Information Plaque. Clerk to obtain 2 more quotations for a rock to mount the plaque on. |
Art Installations Further Action. Caroline Green to publicise public meeting on 23rd June 2022 to discuss the art installations. |
Whitehorns Way Grass Cutting. Clerk to find out if the Parish Council can adopt the patch of grass. |
Drayton Conservation Area Appraisal. Deputy Clerk to arrange Planning Committee Meeting. |
Content Sharing Briefing Paper. Clerk to order TV. |
Appendix C
Planning Committee Applications
P21/V1924/FUL. Hybrid Planning application: Formation of sports pitches with associated ground works, drainage and landscaping (Full application) and sports pavilion with associated car parking and access (outline application with all matters reserved except access). Land West of Abingdon Road Drayton. PC: Objection: See September’s minutes for comment. VWHDC: Pending. |
P21/V2176/FUL. Development of a brownfield site in Drayton to provide 9 purpose built houses to modern space and environmental standards. Land at Kiln Lane Drayton OX14 4FE. PC: Objection: See September’s minutes for comment. VWHDC: Pending. |
P21/V2203/HH. Erection of new timber frame double garage to front of 122 Abingdon Rd. 122 Abingdon Road Drayton Abingdon OX14 4HT. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Application invalidated and removed due to incorrect ownership certificate. |
P21/V1924/FUL Amendment: No. 1 – dated 18th August 2021. PC: Objection: See September’s minutes for comment. VWHDC: Pending. |
P21/V1924/FUL Amendment: No. 2 – dated 7th September 2021. PC: Objection: See October’s minutes for comment. VWHDC: Pending. |
P21/V2622/O. Outline planning application for up to 80 residential dwellings (including up to 35% affordable housing), and 0.46 hectares for a C2 extra care facility (up to 30 units). The introduction of structural planting and landscaping, public open space and children’s play area, sustainable urban drainage system, and associated ancillary works. All matters to be reserved with the exception of the main site access. Land off Abingdon Road Steventon. PC: Objection: See October’s minutes for comment. VWHDC: Refusal of Outline Planning Permission on 7th June 2022. |
P21/V2176/FUL Amendment: No. 1 – dated 14th September 2021. PC: Response: Drayton Parish Council’s previous objections have not been addressed and is disappointed that there are no smaller affordable houses in the planning application. VWHDC: Pending. |
P22/V0165/FUL. Part garage conversion, to create a salon space in order for me to work from home. 6 Friars Mews Drayton Abingdon OX14 4GS. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Pending. |
P21/V1924/FUL. Amendment: No. 3 – dated 10th March 2022. PC: Pending. VWHDC: Pending. |
P22/V0872/HH. Demolition of conservatory and erection of two storey rear extension. 1 High Street Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JL. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Pending. |
P22/V0936/HH. Erection of single storey rear and side extension. 29 Lockway Drayton Abingdon OX14 4LF. PC: Pending. VWHDC: Planning Permission on 7th June 2022. |
P22/V1055/FUL. New dwelling house. Magpie Cottage 30 High Street Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JW. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Pending. |
P22/V0936/HH. Erection of single storey rear and side extension. 29 Lockway Drayton Abingdon OX14 4LF. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Pending. |