Minutes of the Drayton Parish Council
Finance and Personnel Committee Meeting
held on 7th June 2023 at 6:30 pm (remote meeting)
Councillors Present: Patricia Athawes (Chairperson), Richard Wade and Susan Harris.
In attendance: Dianne Rickaby (Locum Clerk) Chris Price (Deputy Clerk) Jon Fowler (Programme Manager) Cllr Pervin Shanin
Public: None.
Cllr Sue Harris asked it be noted that she was in attendance at the previous meeting although her name did not appear as present.
11/23 Election of Chairperson of the Committee
It was proposed by Richard Wade that Pat Athawes be nominated as Chair for the committee for 2023/24 this was seconded by Sue Harris. – all agreed.
Cllr Pat Athawes took over chairing meeting at this point.
12/23 Election of Vice Chairperson of the committee
It was proposed by Richard Wade and seconded by Sue Harris that Graham Webb be Vice Chair for the committee for 2023/24 – all agreed
13/23 Apologies for Absence. Graham Webb,
14/23 Declarations of Interest, Dispensations or Use of Delegated Powers. None
15/23 Minutes of the Previous Parish Council Meeting. The minutes of the previous meeting held on
25th of April 2023 were approved at the full council on 16th May 2023. – No actions to follow up.
16/23 Payments for consideration from 10th May – 31st May 2023 – The payments were approved for
recommendation to full council. Payments authorised ahead of the meeting by the two signatories were also approved.
17/23 Grant applications –
- Millennium Green – Request for assistance for payment of porta loos for the Coronation event.
It was recommended that the Clerk check the previous minutes to see if this has already been approved. To bring back to full council on 13th June 2023.
18/23 Bank reconciliation for April 2023 – previously circulated to members.
It was recommended this be accepted and approved.
19/23 The Clerk gave members an update on the year end procedure required at the full council meeting on 13th June – this includes the approval of the Annual Governance statement and the Annual return.
The information was noted.
20/23 The Clerk gave the members an overview of the current earmarked reserves and asked if a further discussion could be held to ascertain what the reserves may be for 2023/24. Along with this a risk management strategy to be drawn up to underpin any considerations around new investments.
It was recommended: The Clerk will put together a financial report and risk management strategy and bring back to future F & P meeting.
Closed section of the meeting
21/23 Staffing matters (at this point CP & JF left the meeting)
Discussions took place on current hour rates and the cost analysis of recruiting a new Clerk vs maintaining the current Locum Clerk due to experience and professionalism.
It was recommended: The Locum Clerk to produce a cost analysis report and bring back to committee.
As no members of the public were present the meeting continued.
22/23 Burial ground covenant – to note any updates. The Chairman of the council gave members an update regarding the dead hedge trees at the cemetery. Members discussed remedial work.
It was recommended: the information be noted with regular checks on the hedging when watering.
23/23 Use of CIL monies The Clerk advised that as part of the review on the S106 and investments that council discuss the use of the CIL money for future projects given the time limits for the spend.
It was recommended: this be discussed in more detail once the Council are aware of what is required for the various ongoing projects.
24/23 NDP recommendation to instruct a surveyor for the football clubhouse. – Members discussed a proposal from the NDP group.
It was recommended the proposal be accepted for full council approval.
25/23 S106 – Arts, members discussed the use of the S106 funding to continue with the proposed plan of developing the way markers/trail. The Chairman (Cllr Richard Wade) to continue dialogue with all residents and all the representatives of the various new developments, to establish a dialogue and working relationship between them and the Parish Council.
An artist to be commissioned to carry out the design work. A progress report to be brought back to Council for review.
It was recommended that council approve the project and utilisation of the allocated S106 funding.
The Chairperson declared the meeting closed at 7.41 pm
Signed: Date:
Name: Cllr Patricia Athawes (Committee Chairperson)