2024 2 Finance Minutes

Minutes of the Drayton Parish Council Finance Meeting

held on 20th February 2024 at 1:30pm (remote meeting)

Present: Patricia Athawes (Chairperson), Graham Webb (Vice-Chair), Susan Harris, Richard Wade.

Not Present: All Councillors were present.

In attendance: Anita James (Clerk), Dianne Rickaby (Locum Clerk), Christopher Price (Deputy Clerk).

Public: None.

1/2024 Apologies for Absence. None.

2/2024 Declarations of Interest, Dispensations or Use of Delegated Powers. None.

3/2024 Payments for Consideration.

Caretaker £393.00

C J Price- overtime £49.14

Jonathon Fowler- overtime £57.09

Anita James laptop £633.56

Parkinson Partners (VAT advice for leisure/sports project) £1,080.00

Anita James expenses SLCC Membership £176.28

Anita James salary £1,362.28

Noted and recommended for payment by full council

4/2024 Reserves.

Report to Finance & HR Committee – 20th February 2024


Earmarked reserves

Maintenance reserve 10000.00

Drayton projects professional service 2610.00 (12,940) paid for architect fees

Drayton 2020 Projects reserve 28569.78

Pavilion Fund 80316.00

Pitches reserve 9000.00

Sports pitches assistance 3000.00

CIL 19/20 25838.92

CIL 21/22 2331.09

CIL 22/23 956.88 (3730.80) paid for sportpitch prof fees


General reserves 104806.57

Total reserves as at 20 Feb 2024 267429.24

Need to retain minimum of 3 months running costs in reserves.

Salaries 10400.00

on costs 3607.00

Environmental services 4500.00

IT support 1000.00 approx


Accounts as at 20 Feb 2024

Current account 239247.61

Projects Account 15650.92

NS&I savings account 20508.82

Total in accounts 275407.35


Monies in accounts held 275407.35

Less EMR 162622.67 112784.68

Less contingency running costs 19507.00 93277.68

Leaves in general reserves 93277.68

It was agreed to have a budget meeting on Wednesday 6th March 2024 at 3:30pm.

Reserved Business. Exclusion of the Public and Press. In view of the nature of the business to be transacted any members of the public and press were temporarily excluded from the meeting (Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1).


5/2024 Locum Clerk. It was agreed to extended the Locum Clerk’s contract for 6 weeks to the end of April 2024.

6/2024 Parish Clerk Training. It was noted that the Clerk needs to do her Cilca training at a cost of £978.00. It was agreed to pay for half the cost as she is also Clerk of Stanton St John Parish Council and both Councils will share the cost.

The Chairperson declared the meeting closed at 2:30pm.

Signed: Date:
