2024 3 Minutes

Minutes of the Drayton Parish Council Meeting

held on 12th March 2024 at 7:00pm in the Caudwell Day Centre

Present: Patricia Athawes (Vice-Chairperson), Elaine Wade, Susan Harris, Pervin Shahin, Adrian Cooke (arrived at 7:03pm).

Not Present: Richard Wade (Chairperson), Graham Webb (Vice-Chairperson).

In attendance: Anita James (Clerk), Christopher Price (Deputy Clerk), Jonathan Fowler (Programme Manager, joined the meeting remotely).

Public: 2 members of the public were present.

Patricia Athawes assumed the chair.

41/2024 Apologies for Absence. Richard Wade, Graham Webb.

42/2024 Declarations of Interest, Dispensations or Use of Delegated Powers. Clerk’s note: Later in the meeting, Elaine Wade declared an interest under item 49/2024 d: Allotment Rents.

43/2024 Public Participation.

a) Order of Agenda Items. A parishioner suggested moving ‘Public Participation’ down the agenda so that it is after ‘Report from Chairperson’.

b) Standing Orders. A parishioner questioned the rules on asking questions at a meeting.

Clerk’s note:

Standing Orders: Meetings Generally e. Members of the public may make representations, answer questions and give evidence at a meeting which they are entitled to attend in respect of the business on the agenda. i. A person shall raise his hand when requesting to speak.

Adrian Cooke arrived at 7:03pm.

44/2024 Chairperson’s Report. Richard Wade was not present but had submitted the following report:

Nothing specific comes to mind other than to thank those who helped out and members of the public who turned up for the Sports Facilities Drop-In session.

45/2024 Report from OCC Councillor. Richard Webber was not present.

46/2024 Report from VWHDC Councillor Adrian Cooke.

a) Church Lane and High Street Junction. It was noted that Adrian Cooke spoke to the Blue Cedar Homes Site Manager (for the development on land to the rear of 10 Halls Close) regarding the danger of pulling out of Church Lane and onto the High Street due to construction vehicles parking dangerously at the junction. It was also noted that Blue Cedar Homes may be in breach of a planning condition that states that on-site parking must be provided for construction vehicles.

b) Thames Water. It was noted that there is going to be a price hike. Deputy Clerk’s note:

On average Thames Water charges will go up by 12.3% on 1 April 2024. This includes inflation, which is affected by energy prices, and adjustments for our past performance.

c) Brown Bins. It was noted that there is going to be a new permit scheme introduced.

d) Sutton Wick Air Crash Memorial. It was noted that 48 people attended the memorial service that was held on 10th March 2024 to commemorate the crash that happened on 5th March 1957.

47/2024 Minutes of the Previous Parish Council Meetings. It was resolved to approve the minutes.

Proposed: Susan Harris Seconded:. Pervin Shahin Resolved: Unanimous

48/2024 Action Checklist. See Appendix A for this month’s action list. The following actions were updated:

Burial Ground Hedge Clearance. It was noted that it is far too wet to work in the burial ground.
Grass Cutting Contract. After a meeting between the Richard Wade (Chair) and the Clerk and the Locum clerk it was decided to renew the grass cutting contract for this year and the clerk will monitor.
Defibrillator. It was noted that the Red Lion pub is owned by ‘Greene King’ but managed by ‘The Healy Group Pubs’ and they have asked some questions including who will pay for the electricity.
Church Lane and High Street Junction. It was noted that Adrian Cooke has spoken to the Blue Cedar Homes Site Manager (for the development on land to the rear of 10 Halls Close) about the dangerous parking of site vehicles.
Chestnut Drive Road Adoption. It was noted that Jonathan Fowler wrote to Jason Sherwood (OCC Highways). Action completed and removed.
County Councillor Priority Fund. The following ideas and suggestions were noted: Vehicle Activated Sign, Defibrillator, Playground equipment for Manor Farm and Footpaths. ACTION: Clerk to obtain more details of Richard Webber’s County Councillor Priority Fund.
Village Caretaker Report. It was noted that the Deputy Clerk has compiled a job list for the Village Caretaker. Action completed and removed. Matter continued under item 53/2024.
Manor Farm / Henleys Lane Boundary. It was noted that Jonathan Fowler photographed the hedges and trees along the Manor Farm / Henleys Lane boundary and reported to Cala Homes. ACTION: Jonathan Fowler report the hedges and trees along the Manor Farm / Henleys Lane boundary to the VWHDC.

49/2024 Finance and Personnel Committee (Patricia Athawes). See Appendix B.

a) Payments.

i) The list of payments was received and approved.

ii) The payments to be made following the meeting were approved.

iii) The two Councillors authorised to make the on-line payments between this and the next Parish Council meeting were Graham Webb and Patricia Athawes.

Proposed: Adrian Cooke Seconded: Pervin Shahin Resolved: Unanimous

b) Bank Statements and Reconciliation. The bank reconciliation was signed and the bank statements for last month were noted.

c) Disposition of Council Funds. The disposition of council funds was received and noted.

d) Allotment Rents. Elaine Wade declared an interest in this item of business. It was agreed that the Clerk will review the allotment rents and report back.

e) Any Other Urgent Financial Matters Arising. None.

50/2024 Planning Committee. See Appendix C. Graham Webb was not present.

51/2024 Neighbourhood Development Plan Working Group (Graham Webb).

a) Programme Managers Report. Jonathan Fowler’s report was noted:

Walnut Meadows: The land at Walnut Meadows has now been transferred to the Parish Council although it will be some time before the Land Registry provides updated Title Deeds. We therefore need to add the areas to the grass cutting contract and arrange for the bins to be emptied. The MUGA archaeological excavation commenced on 26th February. Unfortunately, due to the recent proliferation of rain, the site is waterlogged and the team have had to temporarily abandon the site. They hope to be back on-site 11th March although the forecast does not look good. An Invitation to Tender for the MUGA construction has been produced. This is on the March Full Council agenda for approval. Since the work is going to cost more than £25K it will need to go out to tender. David Hemstock, the contractor selected to provide the sport pitch and drainage design, has commenced work and will be attending a site visit on 12th March. A “drop-in” event was held in the Village Hall to share our plans for the sports facilities at Walnut Meadows with residents. Although a limited number of people attended some useful feedback was received. I have been in contact with an organisation called Football Foundation about grant funding. I am investigating a £25K grant for the pitch installation and then next year a grant towards the cost of the Pavilion. A meeting was held to review the Business Plan, in particular the financial aspects. A further iteration of the Plan is being produced. There is still no progress from OCC Highways with assignment of an Officer to deal with the Walnut Meadows road adoption. Traffic Calming: A further meeting was held with Milestone (OCC Highway’s contractor) in early February to review a updated costings for the traffic calming measures proposed by the Parish Council. A further meeting is being held in March to agree the first priorities. Manor Farm: The Vale have opened an enforcement case against Cala as they have not built part of the circular path around the POS to the required quality. Cala have also recently sprayed for Hemlock despite an agreement during an onsite meeting that the Hemlock will be manually dug out.

b) Walnut Meadow Public Open Space Grass Cutting. It was agreed to add to the grass cutting contract the small POS area in the South/West corner and the strip along the North/West corner of Walnut Meadow.

c) Walnut Meadow Dog Poo Bins. It was agreed to ask the Village Caretaker to empty the 3 new bins on Walnut Meadow.

ACTION: Deputy Clerk to investigate professional bin emptying services.

d) Walnut Meadow Multi Use Games Area. It was agreed to issue the invitation to tender for the construction of the MUGA at Walnut Meadow.

52/2024 Rights of Way & Conservation Working Group. Richard Wade was not present but had submitted the following report:

There have been some complaints this winter about the condition of BW 29 at the Gypsy Lane end. When we originally resurfaced BW29, the eastern end was not considered problematic as the soil had a very good gravel content and seemed to drain well. Hence the resurfacing only went as far east as the corner of the former scrap yard. However, in the last year the stretch to Gypsy Lanes has been very wet and unsuitable of cycles and those not in wellies. Given that this route is a strategic one to Abingdon, it seems like it is time to consider finishing the resurfacing of BW29 as far east as Gypsy Lane and also improving the surface of Gypsy Lane itself north from its junction with BW29 to its junction with Oday Hill. This would give the possibility of a cycle route all the way from Drayton to Abingdon (via Oday Hill and Peep-o-day Lane). A meeting of the Rights of Way and Conservation Working Group needs to be convened to discuss taking this plan forward along with other suggested footpath and cycle path improvements.

53/2024 Landscape Management Plan Working Group. Richard Wade was not present but had submitted the following report:

Grass Cutting Contract: Richard Wade met with the Clerk and Locum Clerk on 24th Jan. It was agreed that the Clerks would roll over the grass cutting contract for another year with additional monitoring as proposed in the Landscape Management Plan Report. Richard Wade also provided a revised draft Caretaker Contract again based on the recommendations from the Landscape Management Plan. The Clerks were to review and action this.

54/2024Public Art Working Group (Pervin Shahin).

Village Trail / Footpaths. It was noted that Pervin Shahin is putting together a Public Art Wayfaring Walking Route proposal.

ACTION: Pervin Shahin to circulate Public Art Wayfaring Walking Route proposal.

55/2024 The Dovecotes.

a) Bloor Homes / Biodiversity Bird Boxes. It was noted that Bloor Homes failed to fulfil one of their planning obligations and as a result has offered to provide up to 140 bird and bat boxes. Every household on the Dovecote site will be offered a bird or bat box free of charge. The bird and bat box offer will include free installation where required. Any surplus bird and bat boxes remaining after the offer period will be forwarded to the Parish Council for installation across the Drayton Parish. It was resolved to accept the offer of 140 bird and bat boxes from Bloor Homes.

Proposed: Susan Harris Seconded:. Pervin Shahin Resolved: Unanimous

b) Public Open Space (POS). It was noted that as raised briefly at a previous Parish Council Meeting, there is a possibility that at some point in the future, it may be beneficial for or desirable for the Parish Council to take responsibility for or even ownership of, the Dovecote POS. This has been raised as a possibility with the Chair of the Dovecote Residents Association. Nothing has been agreed or proposed and any proposal would have to be made by the residents or management company but it might be useful for the Parish Council to express its views on this.

56/2024 Items to be noted from Parish Councillors.

Football Club Roof. It was noted that the football club has requested an additional £2,380.00 to cover the cost of repairing the football club roof following a revised quotation and invoice from Sharman Roofing to the Football Club. Minutes from September 2023 state:

184/2023 Football Clubhouse Roof. It was noted that 3 quotations have been received. It was resolved to approve the cheapest quotation from Sharman Roofing to the sum of £16,020.00 to remove existing corrugated asbestos roof, and replace with new corrugated cement fibre boards. To include new facia, loft insulation and removal of all waste. If the football club prefers one of the other quotes they have to cover the additional cost from their own funds. Proposed: Richard Wade Seconded: Patricia Athawes Resolved: Unanimous ACTION: Jonathan Fowler to contact the Football Club and arrange repair work.

It was agreed to only fund the agreed £16,020.00.

57/2024 Date of the next Meeting. 9th April 2024.

Reserved Business. Exclusion of the Public and Press. In view of the nature of the business to be transacted any members of the public and press were temporarily excluded from the meeting (Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1).

58/2024 Extended Contract for the Locum Clerk. It was agreed to extend the Locum Clerk’s contract to the end of April.

The Chairperson declared the meeting closed at 8:32pm.

Signed: Date: 9th April 2024


Appendix A

Actions Checklist

Burial Ground Hedge Clearance. Village Caretaker to try and remove the stumps from the ground.
Grass Cutting and Village Caretaker Contracts. Richard Wade to discuss contracts with the Clerk.
Defibrillator. Deputy Clerk and Richard Wade to photograph the pub to show the suggested location of the defibrillator.
Church Lane and High Street Junction. Graham Webb to write to the VWHDC parking enforcement of the dangerous parking.
County Councillor Priority Fund. All Councillors to think about ideas and suggestions for Richard Webber’s County Councillor Priority Fund. Clerk to obtain more details of Richard Webber’s County Councillor Priority Fund.
Manor Farm / Henleys Lane boundary. Jonathan Fowler to report the hedges and trees along the Manor Farm / Henleys Lane boundary to the VWHDC.
Walnut Meadow Dog Poo Bins. Deputy Clerk to investigate professional bin emptying services.
Village Trail / Footpaths. Pervin Shahin to circulate Public Art Wayfaring Walking Route proposal.

Appendix B



29-Feb-24 S/O to: Staff salary -698.28 237586.74

29-Feb-24 S/O to: Staff salary -962.59 238285.02

20-Feb-24 Direct Debit (CASTLE WATER LTD) TW1281321123 -7.12 239247.61

19-Feb-24 B/P to: Parkinson partners SPORTS PITCH ADV -1080.00 239254.73

19-Feb-24 B/P to: Mrs Anita James LAPTOP/EXPENSES -633.56 240334.73

19-Feb-24 B/P to: SLCC DRAYTON MEMBERSHIP -195.00 240968.29

19-Feb-24 B/P to: ChrisWilmott CARETAKING JAN 24 -393.00 241163.29

14-Feb-24 EDWARD CARTER FUNERAL DIR BALL 306 GRAVE 310.00 241556.29

06-Feb-24 B/P to: Mr C J Price DEPCLERKAMENDED -49.14 241246.29

06-Feb-24 B/P to:AMENDMENT ON SALARY AMENDED SALARY -57.09 241295.43

05-Feb-24 B/P to: Staff expenses -31.38 241352.52

05-Feb-24 B/P to: HMRC Cumbernauld Tax & NI -4.27 241383.9

05-Feb-24 B/P to: OCC Pension Fund PENSION CONT -509.86 241388.17

Total expenditure for month of Feb -4621.29

Total Income for month of Feb 310.00

Bank balances as at 29.2.24

Current 237586.74

Projects 15650.92

Savings(NS & I) 20508.82


Appendix C

Planning Applications

P23/V2380/S73. Variation of conditions 2 (Approved plans), 3 (Drainage Details (Surface Water)), 4 (Drainage Details (Foul Water)), 5 (Contaminated Land), 8 (Materials) on application P22/V2919/FUL (New dwellinghouse). Magpie Cottage 30 High Street Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JW. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Pending.
P23/V2636/HH. Demolition of conservatory. Two storey rear extension with associated works. 1 High Street Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JL. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Planning Permission on 4th March 2024.
P24/V0383/HH. Two storey rear extension. 25 High Street Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JW. PC: Support. VWHDC: Pending.
P24/V0435/HH. Proposed ground floor rear extension, loft conversion with rooflights, floor plan re-design and all associated works. 25 Holly Lane Drayton Abingdon OX14 4FW. PC: Pending. VWHDC: Pending.
P23/V2812/FUL. Demolish the existing garage (damaged) and re-build the garage. 9 The Green Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JA. PC: Pending. VWHDC: Pending.