2024 5 Minutes

Minutes of the Drayton Parish Council Annual General Meeting

28 th May 2024 at 7:00pm in the Caudwell Day Centre

Present: Richard Wade (Chairperson), Graham Webb (Vice-Chairperson), Patricia Athawes (Vice-
Chairperson), Elaine Wade, Pervin Shahin, Adrian Cooke (arrived at 7:01pm and left at 8:25pm).
Not Present: Susan Harris.
In attendance: Anita James (Clerk), Christopher Price (Deputy Clerk), Jonathan Fowler (Programme
Manager) and five members of the public.
81/2024 Election of Chairperson and signing of Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
Richard Wade was elected Chairperson and signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office
Proposed: Graham Webb Seconded: Elaine Wade Resolved: Unanimous
82/2024 Apologies for Absence. Susan Harris.
83/2024 Election of Vice-Chairperson and signing of Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
Graham Webb was elected Vice-Chairperson and signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
Proposed: Richard Wade Seconded: Pervin Shahin Resolved: Unanimous
Patricia Athawes was also elected Vice-Chairperson and signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office
Proposed: Richard Wade Seconded: Elaine Wade Resolved: Unanimous
84/2024 Public Participation.
a) Earl of Plymouth Estates. A parishioner raised concerns that the Earl of Plymouth Estates is selling
land for development near Meads Close.
b) The Green Party. Reilly Aidan introduced himself as the Green Party candidate in the forthcoming
c) Sutton Wick Lane Willow Trees. A parishioner raised concern over the willow trees next to the pond as
they are becoming quite overgrown and need cutting. Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks have cut
the trees away from their LV Network. Matter continued under item 99/2024 b.
d) Sutton Wick Lane Pond. A parishioner raised concern over the pond as it needs dredging. Matter
continued under item 99/2024 a.
ACTION: Elaine Wade to liaise lease with the parishioner and find out what grants may be available to
dredge the pond.
e) Village Hall Grant Application – Football Club insurance. Fred Stevens (Village Hall, Chairperson)
asked for an update on the grant application. Matter continued under item 96/2024 d
f) St Peter’s Church Graveyard. A parishioner raised concern over the long grass in the St Peter’s Church
ACTION: Susan Harris to investigate why the grass is not being cut.
85/2024 Standing Orders, Financial Regulations, and the Councils Code of Conduct. These
documents were confirmed.
86/2024 Committees and Working Groups. The Terms of Reference and Membership of the following
Committees and Working Groups were confirmed:
Finance & Personnel: Patricia Athawes (Chairperson), Graham Webb (Vice-Chairperson), Richard Wade,
Susan Harris.
Planning: Graham Webb (Chairperson), Patricia Athawes, Richard Wade, Elaine Wade.
Rights of Way & Conservation: Richard Wade (Chairperson), Graham Webb, Elaine Wade, Pervin
Shahin, Christine West.
Public Art: Pervin Shahin (Chairperson), Patricia Athawes, Elaine Wade.
Neighbourhood Development Plan: Graham Webb (Chairperson), Patricia Athawes, Richard Wade, Colin
Landscape Management Plan. Richard Wade (Chairperson), Pervin Shahin, Elaine Wade, Christopher
87/2024 Parish Councillors Leaders were confirmed:
Cemetery Susan Harris
Reservoir Adrian Cooke
Public Transport and Cycle paths Elaine Wade

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Drayton Chronicle Contributor Elaine Wade
88/2024 Parish Council Representatives were confirmed:
Public Transport Liaison Elaine Wade
Drayton Village Hall & Recreation Ground (nominated trustee) Pervin Shahin
Community Trust (nominated trustee) Tamsin Crane
Millennium Green Trust Liaison Richard Wade
DAMASCUS Project Pervin Shahin
Neighbourhood Action Group (NAG) Vacant
Footpath Warden Christine West
Drayton Community Primary School Patricia Athawes
89/2024 The following were approved:
a. Unity bank
b. Savings Account – NS&I
c. Risk assessment
d. External Auditor – Moore
Proposed: Richard Wade Seconded: Graham Webb Resolved: Unanimous
90/2024 Subscriptions. It was agreed to renew the following subscriptions:
Name Amount Frequency
SLCC (Prof membership) 195.00 A
Microshade (IT support) 767.55 M
ROSPA (playground Inspection) 188.5 A
Information Commissioner 35.00 A
Rialtas (accounting system) 153.5 M
Rialtas (accounting system) 300.00 A
Website 124.00 A
91/2024 Minutes of the Previous Parish Council Meetings. It was resolved to approve the minutes.
Proposed: Pervin Shahin Seconded: Elaine Wade Resolved: Unanimous
92/2024 Chairperson’s Report. It was noted that things are going to start getting busy at Walnut Meadow
with the building of the new Sports Facility.
93/2024 Report from OCC Councillor.
a) It was noted that Richard Webber has resigned and is no longer our OCC Councillor.
ACTION: Richard Wade to write on behalf of the PC thanking Richard Webber for his service.
b) County Councillor Priority Fund. It was noted that the PC requested funding for a defibrillator.
ACTION: Clerk to ask OCC if funding is available for a defibrillator following Richard Webber’s resignation.
94/2024 Report from VWHDC Councillor Adrian Cooke.
a) P23/V2847/S73 Erection of 22 dwellings together with replacement garage for 10 Halls Close. It
was noted that the developer has submitted a variation of condition 8 (Drainage Details (Foul Water)).
b) Police and Crime Commissioner Election. It was noted that there was a 24.4% turn out.
c) Reservoir. Adrian Cook’s update was noted.
d) Abingdon Leisure Centre. It was noted that the tennis courts are being upgraded.
e) Church Lane and High Street Junction. It was noted that there is nothing the VWHDC parking
enforcement can do to stop vehicles parking dangerously along the High Street.
f) Carbon Emissions. It was noted that the VWHDC has reduced its carbon emissions by 47%.
95/2024 Action Checklist. See Appendix A for this month’s action list. The following actions were updated:
Village Caretaker Contract. Clerk to update contract.
Church Lane and High Street Junction. It was noted that there is nothing the VWHDC parking
enforcement can do to stop vehicles parking dangerously along the High Street. Action removed.
County Councillor Priority Fund. The Deputy Clerk suggested to Richard Webber a defibrillator for
his County Councillors Priority Fund. Action completed and removed.

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Walnut Meadow Dog Poo Bins. The Deputy Clerk has investigated professional bin emptying
services. Action completed and removed.
Sutton Wick Lane Willow Trees. The Deputy Clerk gave Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks
permission to cut the trees. Action completed and removed.
Football Club Roof Repair Short Fall. Jonathan Fowler asked the Football Club to submit a grant
application for the additional £1,400.00. Action completed and removed.
Parish Council Website. Parish Online – www.parish-online.co.uk was discussed.
ACTION: Clerk to put Parish Online on June’s agenda for discussion.
The Dovecotes. Jonathan Fowler wrote to the VWHDC on behalf of the Parish Council asking that the
outstanding issues are fixed before the Certificate of Final Completion is issued. Action completed and
96/2024 Finance and Personnel Committee (See Appendix B).
a) Payments.
i) The list of payments was received and approved.
ii) The payments to be made following the meeting were approved.
iii) The two Councillors authorised to make the on-line payments between this and the next Parish Council
meeting were Graham Webb and Patricia Athawes.
Proposed: Richard Wade Seconded: Graham Webb Resolved: Unanimous
b) Bank Statements and Reconciliation. The bank reconciliation and the bank statements for last month
were not available as Rialtas had only just been forwarded to the new financial year by the locum clerk and
the new clerk has to input all payments and receipts.
c) Disposition of Council Funds. The disposition of council funds was received and noted.
d) Grant Applications:
Village Hall – Football Club insurance: £1,985.17. This grant application was declined.
ACTION: Clerk to email Fred Stevens (Village Hall, Chairperson) and explain the reasons why this grant
application was declined.
Football Club – Roof Repair Short Fall: £1,400.00. It was agreed to pay the Football Club roof repair
short fall from Cil funds.
97/2024 Planning Committee. See Appendix C. Graham Webb’s report was noted.
98/2024 Neighbourhood Development Plan Working Group (Graham Webb).
Programme Managers Report. See Appendix D
99/2024 Rights of Way & Conservation Working Group (Richard Wade).
a) Sutton Wick Lane Pond. It was noted that the pond needs dredging and Elaine Wade will find out what
grants may be available.
b) Sutton Wick Lane Willow Trees: It was noted that the 3 willow trees around the pond may need
ACTION: Deputy Clerk to ask an arborist to advise and quote.
100/2024 Landscape Management Plan Working Group. Richard Wade’s report was noted.
101/2024 Public Art Working Group. Pervin Shahin’s report was noted.
102/2024 The Dovecotes.
Public Open Space (POS). It was noted that the Parish Council can not consider adopting the POS until
the land is handed over from the management company to the Dovecote Residents’ Association.
103/2024 Items to be noted from Parish Councillors. None.
104/2024 Date of the next Meeting. 18 th June 2024.
Reserved Business. Exclusion of the Public and Press. In view of the nature of the business to be

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transacted any members of the public and press were temporarily excluded from the meeting (Public
Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1).
Graham Webb declared an interest in the next item of business.
105/2024 Deed of Easement – Church Lane, Drayton. It was agreed to give the Clerk and Chairperson
delegated powers to liaise and make decisions on behalf of the Parish Council. ACTION: Clerk to ask the
Parish Council’s solicitors to check that the deed of easement is acceptable and non decremental to the
Parish Council.
106/2024 Locum Clerk. It was noted that the 2023-24 accounts still need finalising for the internal auditor
to sign off
The Chairperson declared the meeting closed at 9:50pm.
Signed: Date:

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Appendix A
Actions Checklist

Burial Ground Hedge Clearance. Village Caretaker to try and remove the stumps from the ground.
Village Caretaker Contract. Clerk to update contract.
County Councillor Priority Fund. Clerk to ask OCC if funding is available for a defibrillator following
Richard Webber’s resignation.
Village Trail / Footpaths. Pervin Shahin to circulate Public Art Wayfaring Walking Route proposal.
Entrance Signs. Elaine Wade to paint the word ‘Drayton’ on the entrance signs.
Parish Council Website. Clerk to put Parish Online on June’s agenda for approval.
Sutton Wick Lane Pond. Elaine Wade to lease with the parishioner and find out what grants may be
available to dredge the pond.
St Peter’s Church Graveyard. Susan Harris to investigate why the grass is not being cut.
Resignation. Richard Wade to write on behalf of the PC thanking Richard Webber for his service.
Village Hall – Football Club insurance: £1,985.17. Clerk to email Fred Stevens (Village Hall,
Chairperson) and explain the reasons why this grant application was declined and suggest ways
Sutton Wick Lane Willow Trees. Deputy Clerk to ask an arborist to advise and quote.
Deed of Easement – 28 Church Lane, Drayton. Clerk to ask the Parish Council’s solicitors to check
that the deed of easement is acceptable and non decremental to the Parish Council.

Appendix B

17-May-24 TW1281321123 -£7.38
14-May-24 INV 1885 30/04/24 -£1,453.56
14-May-24 INV 532364909 -£1,594.23
14-May-24 D00114/2022/1 DRAY -£632.23
14-May-24 90273294 DRAYTON -£72.50
03-May-24 PAY ADJ APRIL 24 -£1.43
03-May-24 DRAINAGE STRATEGY -£3,000.00
03-May-24 SALARY APRIL 24 -£1,306.07
03-May-24 DEPCLERKPAYAPRIL24 -£28.75
03-May-24 EXPENSES -£63.58
03-May-24 DRAYTON PC 210 -£1,015.90
03-May-24 075PH00148296 -£347.18
03-May-24 659 -£11,660.40
03-May-24 EXPENSES -£77.40
03-May-24 INV: A8370 -£600.00
30-Apr-24 DEPCLERKPAY -£747.42
30-Apr-24 SALARY -£1,019.68
19-Apr-24 S137GRANT -£700.00
19-Apr-24 INVOICE 100847 -£16,020.00
19-Apr-24 LOCUM CLERK SERVIC -£2,464.18
19-Apr-24 WALNUTMEADOWSADVIC -£3,309.00
19-Apr-24 TRAINING -£96.00
19-Apr-24 DESIGN & PLANNING -£804.08
19-Apr-24 S137 GRANT -£1,500.00
19-Apr-24 CARETAKING MAR 24 -£393.00
18-Apr-24 TW1281321123 -£7.12

Planning Applications

P24/V0383/HH. Two storey rear extension. 25 High Street Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JW.

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PC: Support. VWHDC: Planning Permission on 29th April 2024.
P24/V0435/HH. Proposed ground floor rear extension, loft conversion with rooflights, floor plan re-
design and all associated works. 25 Holly Lane Drayton Abingdon OX14 4FW.
PC: Noted. VWHDC: Planning Permission on 22nd April 2024.
P23/V2812/FUL. Demolish the existing garage (damaged) and re-build the garage. 9 The Green
Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JA.
PC: Noted. VWHDC: Planning Permission on 17th April 2024.
P24/V0802/HH. Proposed outbuilding for ancillary use. 212 Steventon Road Drayton Abingdon OX13
PC: Noted. VWHDC: Pending.
P23/V2847/S73. Variation of condition 8 (Drainage Details (Foul Water) (Full) in application
P23/V1805/S73 Erection of 22 dwellings together with replacement garage for 10 Halls Close. As
amended by plans and information received 19 July 2017; as amended by plans received 8 February

  1. 10 Halls Close Drayton Abingdon OX14 4LU.
    PC: Pending. VWHDC: Pending.
    P24/V0953/HH. Removal of gable end, fire place and chimney and the addition of an extension. The
    Manor 68 High Street Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JR.
    PC: Pending. VWHDC: Pending.
    P24/V0954/LB. Removal of gable end, fire place and chimney and the addition of an extension.
    The Manor 68 High Street Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JR.
    PC: Pending. VWHDC: Pending.

Appendix D Programme Manager

Walnut Meadows: The archaeological excavation of the MUGA has been completed and signed-off by the
County Archaeologist. A report is being produced by Dig Ventures but nothing of note was found on the
site. Five responses to the MUGA ITT were received with a preferred supplier and back-up selected at the
Extraordinary Parish Council meeting held on 21st May. I am currently negotiating with the suppliers to
clarify lead times, insurance held etc. The Clerk will be undertaking credit checks and due diligence of their
accounts. I have issued a specification for the provision of quotes for a “builders water supply” to the sports
pitch area as an on site water supply is required for the MUGA construction. Responses are awaited. I
submitted a planning application to the VWHDC in order to discharge 3 conditions from the Hybrid planning
application: A design for the drainage of the sports pitches, The archaeological excavation of the MUGA,
The protection of the former barrow. These were required prior to the Parish Council undertaking any work
on the site. There is an 8 week turnaround time for the Vale to discharge the conditions. Once the
conditions are discharged we can go to tender for the implementation of the sports pitches as this element
already has full planning permission. Miller Homes commenced work on the outstanding landscape issues
(e.g. dead trees) at the Walnut Way PoS. However, the work has not been completed satisfactorily with
further remediation required. I have agreed with the MH Project Manager to undertake the work in the
Autumn as MH are about to commence work to fix the cracked perimeter path and there was a risk of
machinery damaging any newly planted trees. On behalf of the Parish Council I advised MH we require the
estate roads to be adopted (MH proposed the Parish Council take responsibility for the estate roads). MH
are also legally required to build the roads to adoptable standards in the legal transfer from the original land
owner to MH. MH have now obtained an estimate for the Chestnut Drive work which requires sign of by MH
Directors. Assuming the estimate is approved, a design will then be submitted to OCC Highways for
approval before the work can commence. When the work does commence, MH have requested to use the
‘car park’ area of the land we now own where the sports pitches are located.
Traffic Calming: A draft design for the High Street and Chestnut Drive crossings has been received from
OCC Contractor (Milestone). The designs have been loaded to the Parish Council website and letters will
be sent to the residents directly impacted by the crossings. Milestone are now commissioning topographical
surveys before updating their design/costings.
Manor Farm: There has been no update on the enforcement case against Cala in relation to remedial work
to the circular path. They are also continuing to spray to get rid of Hemlock.