2024 5 Finance Agenda


Notice is hereby given that a Meeting of Drayton Parish Council’s


Will be held remotely on Tuesday 21 May 2024 at 2pm via Webex.

Signed: AJames Published: 15 May 2024

Anita James: Clerk to the Parish Council Email: clerk@draytonpc.org


Agenda items

Suggested timing
1Apologies for absence – To receive and resolve to accept, apologies for absence.
1 min
2(a) Declarations of Interest: To receive any Declarations of Interest, whether Personal and/or Pecuniary, which may be prejudicial to any proceedings at this meeting. (b) Dispensations: To consider any written dispensations from councillors received by the Clerk.
1 min
4Payments for consideration from last Full Council Meeting 9 April 2024
5 mins


Internal Audit: To receive and note any updates from the Clerk. (VAT discrepancy not currently resolved- meeting with DR 15/05/24)
Draft AGAR to 31st March to put to Council on 28 May 2024: To note the draft AGAR, the variances report etc. and any actions required before these go to council.
15 mins
20 mins

8Review/consider payment process in light of recommendation from the Auditor in the Internal Audit Report.

10 mins
9Review and Approve NALC Financial Regulations in view of recommendations from the Internal Auditor.
10 mins
10Review and Approve Financial Risk Assessment as indicated in the Internal Audit report 23/24.
11Approval for a Multipay card as employees should not be using their own credit card for purchases- recommended by Internal Auditor.5min
Grant from Football Club (quote was different to invoice) £1,400 Village Hall- Football club Insurance £1,985
10 mins
13NS & I- close account as inaccessible2 mins
14Consider investing in a short-term basis some of the funds held in the current account, both to attain some interest and to spread the risk in the unlikely event of failure of Unity Bank (only protected to £85,000) . Strongly recommended by the Internal Auditor5 mins
15Third Party Funding Agreement signatories. To decide and agree two officers/members who will act as signatory to a Third Party Funding Agreement. This is required by The Vale when the Parish Council applies for S106 drawdown over £20K. (JF)
16Any Other Business (no decisions can be made)1min