2024 6 Agenda

Agenda for the Drayton Parish Council Meeting

Notice is hereby given that the next Parish Council Meeting

will be held on 18th June 2024 at 7:00pm in the Caudwell Day Centre

Members of the Parish Council are hereby summoned to attend the meeting of Drayton Parish Council

for the purpose of transacting the following business set out in the agenda hereunder.

Members of the public are welcome to attend and participate during the public participation session.

Signed: Anita James Published: 12th June 2024

Anita James (Clerk) Clerk@DraytonPC.org

1 Apologies for Absence. Council to receive, review and approve apologies submitted. Susan Harris.

2 Declarations of Interest, Dispensations or Use of Delegated Powers.

3 Public Participation. (15 minutes maximum).

Subject to standing order 3(f), a member of the public shall not speak for more than 5 minutes.

4 Report from Chairperson. (10 minutes maximum).

5 Report from VWHDC Councillor Adrian Cooke. (10 minutes maximum).

6 Minutes of the Previous Parish Council Meeting.

7 Action Checklist from the Previous Meeting. To note the list of actions undertaken and completed since the last meeting.

8 Annual Accounts (Clerk & RFO)

  1. Review Annual Accounts
  2. Annual Internal Audit Report Received and Approval
  3. Annual Governance Statement (section 1) Approval
  4. Accounting Statement (section 2) Approval
  5. Chair to sign section 1&2 AGAR
  6. Commencement of Public Rights

9 Finance

9.1 Payments (Clerk & RFO)

  1. To receive and note the list of payments.
  2. To approve the payments to be made following the meeting.
  3. To confirm the two Councillors who will authorise the on-line payments between this and the next Parish Council meeting.

9.2 Bank Statements and Reconciliation. To sign the bank reconciliation and note the bank statements for last month.

9.3 Disposition of Council Funds. To note the disposition of council funds.

10 Planning Committee (Graham Webb).

Planning Applications. To note the planning applications discussed by the Planning Committee.

11 Neighbourhood Development Plan Working Group (Graham Webb / Programme Manager).

Programme Managers Report To note the monthly report from the Programme Manager.

12 Rights of Way & Conservation Working Group (Richard Wade).

12.1 Sutton Wick Lane Pond. Update.

12.2 Sutton Wick Lane Willow Trees. Update.

13 Landscape Management Plan Working Group (Richard Wade). Update.

14 Public Art Working Group Update (Pervin Shahin).


15 Bat & Bird Boxes (Pervin Shahin)

15 Parish Council Website. To consider using Parish Online – www.parish-online.co.uk for our website (Clerk & RFO)

16Change to Microsoft 365 for IT Interface (still supported by Microshade) (Clerk & RFO)

17 Approval to issue the tender for the Sports Pitch(Programme Manger)

18 Any items to be noted from Parish Councillors.(No decisions will be taken under this item).

19 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting. 9th July 2024.

Standing Order 3. Meetings Generally (x) A meeting shall not exceed a period of 3 hours.