2024 6 Draft Minutes

Draft Minutes of the Drayton Parish Council Meeting

held on 28th June 2024 at 7:00pm in the Caudwell Day Centre

Present: Richard Wade (Chairperson), Graham Webb (Vice-Chairperson), Patricia Athawes (Vice-Chairperson), Elaine Wade, Pervin Shahin, Susan Harris, Adrian Cooke (arrived at 7:06pm and left at 8:32pm).

Not Present: All Councillors were present.

In attendance: Anita James (Clerk and RFO), Christopher Price (Deputy Clerk), Jonathan Fowler (Programme Manager).

Public: 2 members of the public were present.

107/2024 Apologies for Absence. All Councillors were present.

108/2024 Declarations of Interest, Dispensations or Use of Delegated Powers. None.

109/2024 Public Participation.

The Abingdon DAMASCUS Youth Project. Roxy Elford reported on the work Damascus does and how it empowers and give opportunities to young people to be the drivers behind positive change: To increase their life chances through development of skills which improve their well being and life chances to transform their community through positive engagement that promotes a shared sense of belonging.

110/2024 Chairperson’s Report (Richard Wade).

a) Resignation. It was noted that Richard Wade wrote on behalf of the Parish Council thanking Richard Webber for his service.

b) Walnut Meadow Sports Facility. It was noted the Parish Council has taken ownership of the land.

c) Deed of Easement – 28 Church Lane, Drayton. It was noted that things are progressing. Matter continued under item 113/2024.

Adrian Cooke arrived at 7:06pm.

111/2024 Report from VWHDC Councillor Adrian Cooke.

a) Election of Member of Parliament. It was noted that things are quite due to the election on 4th July 2024.

b) Reservoir. Adrian Cook’s update was noted.

ACTION: Deputy Clerk to find out if the Parish Council is a statutory consultee and arrange a planning meeting.

112/2024 Minutes of the Previous Parish Council Meetings. It was resolved to approve the minutes.

Proposed: Graham Webb Seconded: Pervin Shahin Resolved: Unanimous

113/2024 Action Checklist. See Appendix A for this month’s action list. The following actions were updated:

Burial Ground Hedge Clearance. It was noted that the Village Caretaker has removed the stumps from the burial ground. ACTION: Clerk to instruct the grass cutting contractor to cut along the southern edge as close as possible to the boundary.
Parish Council Website. It was noted that the Clerk has put Parish Online on June’s agenda for approval. Action completed and removed.
Resignation. It was noted that Richard Wade has written on behalf of the PC thanking Richard Webber for his service. Action completed and removed.
Village Hall – Football Club insurance: £1,985.17. It was noted that the Clerk emailed Fred Stevens (Village Hall, Chairperson) and explained the reasons why this grant application was declined and suggested ways forward. Action completed and removed.
Deed of Easement – 28 Church Lane, Drayton. It was noted that the deed of easement is not going ahead and the land is being purchased as an alternative solution.

114/2024 Annual Accounts. It was resolved to approve and sign the following:

a) Review Annual Accounts.

b) Annual Internal Audit Report Received and Approval.

c) Annual Governance Statement (section 1) Approval.

d) Accounting Statement (section 2) Approval.

e) Chair to sign section 1&2 AGAR.

f) Commencement of Public Rights.

Proposed: Graham Webb Seconded: Pervin Shahin Resolved: Unanimous

115/2024 Finance and Personnel Committee (See Appendix B).

a) Payments.

i) The list of payments was received and approved.

ii) The payments to be made following the meeting were approved.

iii) The two Councillors authorised to make the on-line payments between this and the next Parish Council meeting were Graham Webb and Patricia Athawes.

b) Bank Statements and Reconciliation. Carried forward and to be reconciled as of 30/06/24.

c) Disposition of Council Funds. The disposition of council funds was received and noted.

d) Next Finance Meeting. It was agreed to have a Finance meeting on 30th July 2024 at 7:00pm.

ACTION: Deputy Clerk to book venue.

116/2024 Planning Committee. See Appendix C. Graham Webb’s report was noted.

Adrian Cooke left at 8:32pm.

117/2024 Neighbourhood Development Plan Working Group. Graham Webb’s report was noted.

Programme Managers Report. See Appendix D.

118/2024 Rights of Way & Conservation Working Group (Richard Wade).

a) Sutton Wick Lane Pond. It was noted that we are waiting to hear back from ‘Freshwater Habitats Trust’ to see what grants may be available for dredging the pond.

b) Sutton Wick Lane Willow Trees. It was noted that the Deputy Clerk has received a quotation to pollard the 3 willow trees around the pond.

ACTION: Deputy Clerk to obtain 2 more quotations.

119/2024 Landscape Management Plan Working Group. Richard Wade’s report was noted.

120/2024Public Art Working Group. (Pervin Shahin).

Village Trail / Footpaths. It was noted that Pervin Shahin is meeting with Abigail Brown (Arts Development Officer, VWHDC) next week to discuss her Public Art Wayfaring Walking Route proposal.

121/2024 Bat & Bird Boxes (Pervin Shahin). It was noted that the Deputy Clerk has received 20 x Swift boxes, 26 x Bat Boxes, 20 x Starling Boxes and 20 x Sparrow boxes to distribute around the village to Drayton residents.

122/2024 Parish Council Website. It was resolved to use Parish Online – www.parish-online.co.uk for our website at an annual subscription of £315.00 ex vat. (with a £100 ex vat rebate from CDDO in the first year).

Proposed: Patricia Athawes Seconded: Graham Webb Resolved: Unanimous

123/2024 Change to Microsoft 365. It was agreed to investigate Microsoft 365 for our IT Interface.

124/2024 Approval to issue the tender for the Sports Pitch(Programme Manager).

It was resolved to approve the tender from Hemstock Designs for the grass sports pitches at Walnut Meadow.

Proposed: Graham Webb Seconded: Susan Harris Resolved: Unanimous

125/2024 Items to be noted from Parish Councillors.

a) The Dovecote Residents’ Association. It was noted that Nigel Billingham (Dovecote Residents’ Association, Chairperson) requested that the Parish Council nominate a Councillor to sit on the board of the management committee. It was agreed that it would be more appropriate to have an observer rather than a board member.

ACTION: Deputy Clerk to ask Nigel Billingham if a Councillor can be an observer rather then a board member on the management committee.

b) FP16. It was noted that FP16 is overgrown.

ACTION: Deputy Clerk to photograph and report overgrowth to the landowner.

126/2024 Date of the next Meeting. 9th July 2024.

The Chairperson declared the meeting closed at 9:47pm.

Signed: Date:


Appendix A

Actions Checklist

Burial Ground Hedge Clearance. Clerk to instruct the grass cutting contractor to cut along the southern edge as close as possible to the boundary.
Village Caretaker Contract. Carried forward.
County Councillor Priority Fund. Clerk to ask OCC if funding is available for a defibrillator following Richard Webber’s resignation.
Village Trail / Footpaths. Pervin Shahin to circulate Public Art Wayfaring Walking Route proposal.
Entrance Signs. Elaine Wade to paint the word ‘Drayton’ on the entrance signs.
Sutton Wick Lane Pond. Elaine Wade to lease with the parishioner and find out what grants may be available to dredge the pond.
St Peter’s Church Graveyard. Susan Harris to investigate why the grass is not being cut.
Reservoir. Deputy Clerk to find out if the Parish Council is a statutory consultee and arrange a planning meeting.
Next Finance Meeting. Deputy Clerk to book venue.
Sutton Wick Lane Willow Trees. Deputy Clerk to obtain 2 more quotations.
The Dovecote Residents’ Association. Deputy Clerk to ask Nigel Billingham if a Councillor can be an observer rather than a board member on the management committee.
FP16. Deputy Clerk to photograph and report overgrowth to the landowner.

Appendix B


Payments Made since Last Meeting

31-May-24B/P to: Mrs Anita JamesMAY SALARY-1306.07
31-May-24B/P to: Mr C J PriceMAY TOP UP SALARY-43.25
31-May-24B/P to: Jonathan FowlerMAY SALARY TOP UP-58.92
31-May-24B/P to: HMRC Cumbernauld075PH00148296-349.39
31-May-24S/O to: Mr C J PriceDEPCLERKPAY-747.42
31-May-24S/O to: Jonathan FowlerSALARY-1019.68
29-May-24B/P to: Mr C J PriceEXPENSES MAY 24-92.49
29-May-24B/P to: Jonathan FowlerEXPENSES MAY 24-97.44
29-May-24B/P to: Mrs Anita JamesEXPENSES FEB-MAY-159
29-May-24B/P to: G P WebbPRINTING OPEN DAY-56.88
29-May-24B/P to: RialtasINV SM29188-230.4
23-May-24B/P to: Jules MeredithDOMAINRENEWAL-127.44
23-May-24B/P to: ChrisWilmott-Smith02-May-24-655
23-May-24B/P to: Dig VenturesINV-0668-78

Payments Approved at the Meeting

Caudwell Day Centre12/03/2024£195.00
Landscape Group31/05/2024£1,420.08
Hemstock Design07/06/2024£2,100.00
Auditing Solutions11/06/2024£300.00
Pension April £845.31

Appendix C

Planning Applications

P24/V0802/HH. Proposed outbuilding for ancillary use. 212 Steventon Road Drayton Abingdon OX13 6RN. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Pending.
P23/V2847/S73. Variation of condition 8 (Drainage Details (Foul Water) (Full) in application P23/V1805/S73 Erection of 22 dwellings together with replacement garage for 10 Halls Close. As amended by plans and information received 19 July 2017; as amended by plans received 8 February 2018. 10 Halls Close Drayton Abingdon OX14 4LU. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Pending.
P24/V0953/HH. Removal of gable end, fire place and chimney and the addition of an extension. The Manor 68 High Street Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JR. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Pending.
P24/V0954/LB. Removal of gable end, fire place and chimney and the addition of an extension. The Manor 68 High Street Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JR. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Pending.
P23/V2628/MPO. Modification of a planning obligation to amend the 2x shared ownership units to rented tenure with the scheme then providing 8x affordable rented units. (P17/V1225/RM Erection of 22 dwellings together with replacement garage for 10 Halls Close). Land to rear of 10 Halls Close Drayton OX14 4LU. PC: Pending. VWHDC: Pending.

Appendix D

Programme Managers Report

Walnut Meadows: The Extraordinary Parish Council meeting held on 21st May shortlisted two suppliers (a preferred and back-up) from the 5 responses received for the MUGA ITT. Due diligence has been undertaken (credit check, references and P&L accounts) with all having been completed satisfactorily. We will therefore be proceeding with ETC Sports for the construction of the MUGA. Next steps are to agree a contract and start date. The tender for the sports pitch drainage is ready to be issued on the Contracts Finder website. It will also be issued directly to 10 suppliers; the names having been provided by the sports pitch consultant. No response was received to the request for quotes I issued to have a builders water supply provisioned at Walnut Meadows (this is required for the build of the MUGA). It appears the work is too small for many of the approved contractors. I have now approached Thames Water and requested they undertake the work. The planning application I submitted to VWHDC for the discharge of conditions for the Hybrid planning approval has finally been assigned to an Officer. There was a delay of a month between me submitting the application and it being assigned. Miller Homes have reinstated the Heras fencing around the former Barrow at Walnut Meadows. The Parish Council now has responsibility for maintaining the fencing. Miller Homes are due to commence work to repair the cracked perimeter pavement at the Walnut Way POS on 18th June. I have delivered letters to the immediate residents and posted on Facebook to advise people of the work being undertaken. I understand the contractor is also undertaking a letter drop.

Manor Farm: An offer has been put to Cala that the Parish Council will take on responsibility for the PoS at Manor Farm, including the Hemlock removal, if Cala remediate the other outstanding defects.