Recently reported to FixMyStreet in Drayton

  • Street light not working, 2nd July
    on 2nd July 2024 at 4:12 pm

    This is the third time in the last month that I have reported this. There is zero light coming from the street light Nearest road to the pin placed on the map (automatically generated by OpenStreetMap): Gravel Lane, Vale of White Horse Report on FixMyStreet

  • Photos connecting to Report 6163428, 29th June
    on 29th June 2024 at 11:43 am

    To Adjoin Report No 6163428 referring to Hedges and Brambles Nearest road to the pin placed on the map (automatically generated by OpenStreetMap): Abingdon Road, Abingdon, Vale of White Horse Report on FixMyStreet

  • Loose Manhole Cover, 29th June
    on 29th June 2024 at 5:45 am

    Manhole cover rocks and noise level increasing daily. Road is busy with Lorry’s and is a major bus route. Located on Steventon Road, heading away from Drayton, between 40mph sign and ditch/stream railing Nearest road to the pin placed on the map (automatically generated by OpenStreetMap): Steventon Road, Vale of White Horse Report on FixMyStreet

  • Brambles are a real menace, 27th June
    on 27th June 2024 at 6:50 pm

    Vicious brambles are stretching right across the narrow pavement. I am trying to be eco-friendly by using the bus, but I have to endanger myself by stepping onto the road to avoid the brambles when getting to and from the bus-stop. It's now too dangerous for my neighbour to take her daughter down the pavement in a wheelchair. Is this discrimination against the disabled? Yes, the family now has to use a car instead! Is this "green"? Young cyclists are also risking life and limb when they cycle to and from school. (Or do you prefer their parents to drive them in their cars instead?) When sorting out the nettles last week, the same crew could have -- easily -- tidied up the brambles as well, but didn't. Why? (Because it's not on the job-sheet?) Now you won't send out another crew (for another year?). I am happy to go out with my secateurs to tidy up, if the authorities would give me the permission to do this. Yes, I do pay tax. Please do something before someone gets hurt. Thank you. Nearest road to the pin placed on the map (automatically generated by OpenStreetMap): Abingdon Road, Abingdon, Vale of White Horse Report on FixMyStreet

  • Brambles and Overhanging Bushes, 27th June
    on 27th June 2024 at 2:32 pm

    Between Sutton Wick Lane and the Lay bye Bus Stop the nettles and grass overgrowing the path has been cut back [Thank you] However the brambles and bushes are growing out at head height over the path hitting anyone walking or children cycling to school in the face. There is no street lighting on this stretch which causes more of a hazard when its dark. Please can this be rectified as soon as possible before this a nasty accident? Nearest road to the pin placed on the map (automatically generated by OpenStreetMap): Abingdon Road, Abingdon, Vale of White Horse Report on FixMyStreet

  • This whole row of drains at this location are blocked by sediment & debris, which has been the case for some considerable time., 26th June
    on 26th June 2024 at 8:15 pm

    This whole row of drains at this location are blocked by sediment & debris, which has been the case for some considerable time. Every time there is heavy rain both the road & footpath?cycleway get flooded. These drains need cleaning out as a matter of urgency. This is not just the effects of high ground water levels. - The blocked drains need to be properly cleaned out. Nearest road to the pin placed on the map (automatically generated by OpenStreetMap): Drayton Road, Abingdon, Vale of White Horse Report on FixMyStreet

  • Pedestrians adjacent to the A34, 26th June
    on 26th June 2024 at 6:16 pm

    Two teenage boys adjacent to the carriageway. Signalling to traffic to move over to the outside lane. Nearest road to the pin placed on the map (automatically generated by OpenStreetMap): A34, Abingdon, Vale of White Horse Report on FixMyStreet

  • Street light not emitting light, 25th June
    on 25th June 2024 at 12:31 pm

    I have already reported this street light not working, however the report was closed last week saying it is now fixed. It is not fixed. The street light is intact but not emitting light. Nearest road to the pin placed on the map (automatically generated by OpenStreetMap): Gravel Lane, Vale of White Horse Report on FixMyStreet

  • Japanese Knotweed growing outside the old scrap yard off Sutton Wick Lane, 24th June
    on 24th June 2024 at 11:33 am

    Photo attached using an app to recognise the plant. The photo was taken today (June 24) Nearest road to the pin placed on the map (automatically generated by OpenStreetMap): Sutton Wick Lane, Abingdon, Vale of White Horse Report on FixMyStreet

  • Please trim the hedgerows, 21st June
    on 21st June 2024 at 4:50 pm

    Visibility coming from Sutton Courtenay at the roundabout is appalling and dangerous. You can’t see anything coming from the right unless you’re actually in the middle of the roundabout Nearest road to the pin placed on the map (automatically generated by OpenStreetMap): Sutton Road, Vale of White Horse Report on FixMyStreet

  • 6 foot grass blocks view, 18th June
    on 18th June 2024 at 12:30 pm

    It is extremely dangerous to have the grass as long as it is. Pulling out from driveways is extremely difficult due to the 6 foot grass in a number of places. please cut it back without delay. also looks messy. Nearest road to the pin placed on the map (automatically generated by OpenStreetMap): Steventon Road, Vale of White Horse Report on FixMyStreet

  • Street light not working, 18th June
    on 18th June 2024 at 5:00 am

    This street light appears in tact but emits no light Nearest road to the pin placed on the map (automatically generated by OpenStreetMap): Monk Close, Vale of White Horse Report on FixMyStreet

  • Peep o day lane / NCR5 overgrown, 16th June
    on 16th June 2024 at 12:57 pm

    Peep o day lane is overgrown with loads of nettles and it is not possible for two bikes to pass each other in a NATIONAL cycle path. Can a planned maintenance regime please be implemented. Nearest road to the pin placed on the map (automatically generated by OpenStreetMap): Peep-O-Day Lane, Abingdon, Vale of White Horse Report on FixMyStreet

  • Cycle and footpath overgrown, 16th June
    on 16th June 2024 at 12:52 pm

    Cycle and footpath between Sutton Courtnay completely overgrown. Impossible fir two cyclists to pass in many places. Nearest road to the pin placed on the map (automatically generated by OpenStreetMap): Drayton Road, Vale of White Horse Report on FixMyStreet

  • Pavement from Chestnut Drive to Abingdon Road bus stop overgrown with weeds, 11th June
    on 11th June 2024 at 3:25 pm

    Weeds from hedgerow rapidly encroaching on the narrow pavement, it will soon be impassable without fighting through nettles and thorns or walking in the roadway. There is already insufficient space for two pedestrians to safely pass each other. Nearest road to the pin placed on the map (automatically generated by OpenStreetMap): Abingdon Road, Abingdon, Vale of White Horse Report on FixMyStreet