2020 12 Planning Minutes

Drayton Parish Council Planning Committee Minutes

of the Remote Meeting held on 7th December 2020 at 7:00pm.

Present: Graham Webb (Chairman), Patricia Athawes, Shane McAleavey. Richard Wade.

Not Present: All Councillors were present.

In Attendance: Christopher Price (Deputy Clerk and meeting administrator).

Public: None.

46/2020 Apologies for Absence. None.

47/2020 Declarations of Interest, Dispensations and Use of Delegated Powers. None.

48/2020 Public Participation. None.

49/2020 Minutes of the Previous Meeting. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

Proposed: Graham Webb Seconded: Shane McAleavey Resolved: Unanimous

50/2020 Old Planning Applications (Application(s) that had deadlines before the meeting).

P20/V2741/HH. Front & Side Single Storey Extension. The Hollies Barrow Road Drayton Oxfordshire OX14 4SU. PC: Noted.
P20/V2751/FUL. Erection of a dog grooming pod in the rear garden for dog grooming business. 6 Plough Lane Drayton Abingdon OX14 4GJ. PC: Noted.
P20/V2853/HH. Single storey rear extension and alterations. 7 High Street Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JL. PC: Noted.

51/2020 New Planning Applications.

P20/V2711/LB. Installation of soakaway and two additional downpipes. 15 The Green Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JJ. PC: Support.
P20/V2797/HH. Repositioning of garden fence. 2 Fallow Field Close Drayton Abingdon OX14 4GL. ACTION: Deputy Clerk to check OCC Highways’ comment on sight lines. PC: Noted.
P20/V3023/FUL. Mixed agricultural and equestrian use of land for grazing, erection of stables, stores and yard, together with associated earthworks, landscaping and boundary treatment. Dropshort Farm Drayton Road Sutton Courtenay ABINGDON OX14 4HA. PC: Support.

52/2020 Late Planning Applications (Application(s) that arrived after the publication of the agenda).

P20/V3106/HH. Rear ground floor extension to create new kitchen and dining area. New front door entrance with canopy. 18 Crabtree Lane Drayton OX14 4HS. PC: Support.

53/2020 The Planning White Paper. Graham Webb’s update was noted.

54/2020 Date of the next Meeting 12th January 2021.

The Chairman declared the meeting closed at 7:30pm

Signed: Date:
