Drayton Parish Council Extraordinary Meeting Minutes
of the Remote Meeting held on 27st April 2021 at 7:00pm.
Councillors Present: Tamsin Crane (Chairperson), Patricia Athawes (Vice Chairperson), Richard Wade, Pervin Shahin, Shane McAleavey, Graham Webb, Garin Schoonhoven (left at 8:04pm), Irma Schoonhoven (left at 8:04pm).
Councillors Not Present: Susan Harris, Claire Woollard.
In attendance: Lorraine Watling (Clerk and RFO), Christopher Price (Deputy Clerk).
Public: Abigail Brown (VWHDC).
72/2021 Apologies for Absence. Susan Harris.
73/2021 Declarations of Interest, Dispensations or Use of Delegated Powers. None.
74/2021 Public Participation. None.
75/2021 Public Art Working Group.
a) Entrance Gates.
i) Manufacturing Specification for the Entrances to the Village. Pervin Shahin explained the manufacturing specification and reported upon the meeting with the artists held on 25th April 2021 where some questions were answered. The manufacturing process is long and takes a lot of time. The artists produce a drawing to size which is then sent to the printer. The printer traces the drawing and converts it into a digital file. The digital file is sent to a laser cutting subcontractor (after the support/attachment structures have been welded onto the steel sheets). Following laser cutting the signs are acid-cleaned, galvanised and then primed and painted by the artists. At all stages of the process the artists will ask for PC approval. Abi Brown noted that Planet Art had produced road signs before and the Chairman shared her screen so that Cllrs could see examples of their work. Abi has worked with Planet Art before and VWHDC have commissioned work from them.
ii) Budget. It was noted that the current budget for this project is £19,900.00, but that this may need to be increased. It was also noted that if the proposed budget goes above £20,000.00 there will be additional considerations to take into account.
iii) Invoice. It was resolved to pay the invoice (number 12042021) received from Planet Art for
consultation, design development, meetings, zoom presentations, emails and site visits in connection with entrance signs for Drayton to the sum of £1,500.00 + VAT.
Proposed: Shane McAleavey Seconded: Graham Webb Resolved: Unanimous
Garin Schoonhoven and Irma Schoonhoven left at 8:04pm.
iv) Number of Signs. It was resolved to have 2 signs per entrance (one either side of the road) so there will be 2 small signs and 4 big signs in total.
Proposed: Richard Wade Seconded: Patricia Athawes Resolved: 4 For, 1 Against, 1 Abstention
v) Next Steps. See appendix A for Breakdown of costs for each sign fabrication.
It was resolved to approve items:
1. Art work, detailed drawings for the drawings that will be ‘to scale’. £2,000.00.
2. Creation of DFX file for the laser cutting, scanning, tracing, printing etc. £1,200.00.
Proposed: Graham Webb Seconded: Pervin Shahin Resolved: 5 For, 1 Abstention
ACTION: Pervin Shahin to draft an email to be sent to planet art. Abigail Brown to send us a contract template and payment scheduled. Clerk to raise a purchase order for £3,200.00 for steps 1 and 2.
Some queries were raised including questions about the warranty and durability. A Cllr confirmed that usually the specification forms part of the contract document and so can be referred to when the contract is drawn up. Abi Brown has some template contracts and so she will work with the Clerk to produce a draft contract. This will be circulated to the Public Art WG for comment before issue. It was noted that to current workloads the draft contracts may not be produced until mid-May. The purchase order for work totalling £3,200.00 will be issued before then in good faith as part of the contract.
b) Walnut Shaped Bollards for the Village Green.
i) Layout of the Proposed Walnuts. See appendix B for the proposed layout of the proposed walnuts. This is indicative of how they may be placed. The artist will finalise the positioning in consultation with Cllr Shahin when he delivers them to site. The idea is to plant in between and around them in a flowing design to bring the art installation together. The Chairman will draft a short contract for issue to the artist. The Council has not yet decided how the walnuts will be mounted other than it will not be on plinths. It was suggested that installing them within a small mulched area might be appropriate.
The Deputy Clerk was asked to place polite notes under the car windscreen wipers of vehicles that park on the Village Green that asks the drivers not to do so. It was suggested that a walnut might be placed on either side of the footpath across the Village Green and that this unpaved path might benefit from the addition of some sort of surface.
ii) Landscape Quotations. It was noted that four landscape gardeners had been asked to quote for the work required on the Village Green. Two had submitted quotations. Item continued under 78/2021.
ACTION: Pervin Shahin to tabularise and circulate the quotations received from the various potential contractors.
iii) Budget. It was resolved to approve, subject to clarification, a maximum budget of £1,400.00 for all of the landscaping requirements on the Village Green.
Proposed: Tamsin Crane Seconded: Richard Wade Resolved: 5 For, 1 Abstention
Abi Brown left the meeting at this point.
iv) OCC Highways. It was noted that OCC Highways have confirmed that they do not have any issues about the proposed positioning of the walnuts on the Village Green.
c) Tommy Silhouette. It was noted that this is not a ‘public art’ project but that the Parish Council would consider a s137 grant application for this if one were to be submitted.
Reserved Business. Exclusion of the Public and Press. In view of the nature of the business to be transacted any members of the public and press were temporarily excluded from the meeting (Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1).
76/2021 Burial Ground.There were no updates to note at this meeting.
End of Reserved Business.
77/2021 Dates of the next Meetings.
a) Meeting of the Planning Committee tbc.
b) Annual Parish Meeting (Meeting of the Parish) on Tuesday 4th May at 6.00pm.
c) Annual Parish Council Meeting on Tuesday 4th May 2021 at 7.30pm.
78/2021 Public Art Working Group. Continued.
b) Walnut Shaped Bollards for the Village Green.
ii) Landscape Quotations. It was resolved to approve the quotation from South Abingdon Landscapes Services:
1. Material costs including turf, soil, temporary fencing and 45 lavender plants 2 litre pots. £815.67.
2. Labour cost for full completion £455.00 (or £400.00 if the community helps to plant the shrubs).
Proposed: Richard Wade Seconded: Tamsin Crane Resolved: 5 For, 1 Abstention
The Chairperson declared the meeting closed at 8:51pm
Signed: Date:
Appendix A – Breakdown of costs for each entrance sign fabrication.
1. Art work, detailed drawing for the large scale drawing. (Which you [the PC] will have the chance to
comment on and all sign off and agree on) £2000.00
2. Creation of DFX file for the laser cutting, scanning, tracing, printing etc. £1,200.00
3. £1,500 each laser cut (Approx. quote given) until they have the final drawing and DFX file
they can’t give a definite price. £9,000.00
(This will include a mock up for [OCC] highways to comment on).
4. Welding fabrication, metal back, welding of fixings. Approx. £500 each x 6 = £3,000
5. Galvanising £200 each x 6 = £1,200
6. Transport take the signs to be galvanised there and back £350
7. Pickling ready for painting acid etching, 2 days £300
8. Painting 6 days each one £1,500 x 6 = £7,200
9. Cost of paint £300.
10. (We [Planet Art] need to add in fixings and installation. Need a quote from a highways company)
Total £26,050.00
: – 6 = each sign works out approx. £4,341.00 (We [Planet Art] have rounded that down to £4,000.00)
Once we [Planet Art] have completed the detail scale drawing. These costs may come down. Laser firms and welders have only been able to give estimates. We will endeavour to not only get the best price but also the best job.
Appendix B – Proposed Indicative Layout of the Walnuts (not showing all of them).