Drayton Parish Council Minutes
of the meeting held on 9th February 2022 at 7:00pm in the Caudwell Day Centre
Councillors Present: Tamsin Crane (Chairperson) (arrived at 7:07pm), Patricia Athawes (Vice Chairperson), Susan Harris, Pervin Shahin, Shane McAleavey, Caroline Green.
Councillors Not Present: Richard Wade (Vice Chairperson), Robert Taylor, Graham Webb, Clifford Hutton.
In attendance: Lorraine Watling (Clerk and RFO), Christopher Price (Deputy Clerk), Jonathan Fowler (Programme Manager), Richard Webber (OCC).
Public: None.
Patricia Athawes assumed the chair as Tamsin Crane was not present.
19/2022 Apologies for Absence. Robert Taylor, Graham Webb, Clifford Hutton, Richard Wade, Adrian Cooke (VWHDC).
20/2022Declarations of Interest, Dispensations or Use of Delegated Powers. None.
21/2022 Public Participation. None.
22/2022 Report from OCC Councillor. Richard Webber gave his report later in the meeting upon his arrival. See item 28/2022.
23/2022 Report from VWHDC Councillor. Adrian Cooke was not present but Cllr Webber presented some updates upon his behalf. See item 28/2022.
24/2022 Minutes of the Previous Parish Council Meeting. The minutes of the previous Parish Council meeting were approved.
Proposed: Pervin Shahin Seconded: Shane McAleavey Resolved: Unanimous (by those who had attended)
25/2022 Action Checklist. See Appendix B for actions arising from this meeting.
26/2022 Finance and Personnel Committee (Patricia Athawes). See Appendix A.
a) Payments.
- The list of payments had been circulated prior to the meeting and was noted.
- The payments to be made following the meeting were approved.
Proposed: Pervin Shahin Seconded: Susan Harris Resolved: Unanimous
- The two councillors authorised by the Council to approve the online payments this month were Patricia Athawes and Shane McAleavey. They were also authorised to approve any payments that are required to be made before the next meeting.
b) Bank Statement and Reconciliation. These had been circulated prior to the meeting and were noted.
c) Disposition of Council Funds. This had been circulated prior to the meeting and was noted.
Tamsin Crane arrived at 7:07pm and assumed the chair.
d) F&P Committee Minutes 25th January 2022 were reviewed and noted.
e) S137 Grant for the Citizens Advice Bureau. It was resolved to approve this s137 grant application for £1,500.00.
Proposed: Shane McAleavey Seconded: Pervin Shahin Resolved: Unanimous
f) Asset Register. It was noted that the village asset inspection had been conducted on 23/25th January 2022, and the asset register had been checked and updated. The 4 recently purchased new benches and planters will be added to the asset register when they have been installed (they have already been insured).
g) S106 Application for Footpath/Cycle Upgrades. It was noted that a funding approval letter had been received.It was resolved to authorise the Clerk to draw down the funds.
Proposed: Tamsin Crane Seconded: Patricia Athawes Resolved: Unanimous
h) Internal Audit Update. An update from the Clerk was noted.
i) Remaining County Cllr Community Grant Expenditure. It was noted that there is there is £559.31 left to spend. It was also noted that Juliet Savage (Drayton Wildlife Group) sent an email to the Deputy Clerk with a list of bee / insect houses and plants to purchase. Action item:Pervin Shahin agreed to coordinate the project and consult a local bee keeper for suitable locations of the bee houses. It was resolved to purchase the proposed items with the exception of the bee hive which will be considered separately.
Proposed: Tamsin Crane Seconded: Patricia Athawes Resolved: 5 for and 1 abstention
County Cllr Webber arrived at this point.
27/2022 Public Art (Pervin Shahin).
a) Walnuts Shaped Bollards on the Village Green. It was noted that ten additional walnuts will be installed on 12th March 2022. Pervin Shahin had before the meeting circulated a sketch indicating the proposed locations of the additional walnuts. She asked for Council agreement to remove the current litter bin that is situated at the back of the Village Green, and replace it with a more aesthetically pleasing one that would be installed next to the salt bin. Action item: Pervin Shahin will source and suggest a replacement litter bin for consideration by the Council at the March meeting. Action item: The Deputy Clerk will confirm with VWHDC that they would be happy with the proposed replacement bin and the proposed new installation location. The siting of the plaque that will inform people about the walnuts was discussed and it was resolved to approve its positioning on the Village Green.
Proposed: Pervin Shahin Seconded: Susan Harris Resolved: 5 votes for and 1 against
b) Entrance Gate Signs. It was noted that the Programme Manager had spoken to OCC Highways about initial mock up images that showed how the smaller entrance gate signs would look from the Steventon entrance to the Village. OCC Highways noted that the area shown in the mock up illustrating the artwork on the west side, and set back to keep it out of the vision splay, was not public highways land. The artwork on the east side looked as if it could be installed, subject to OCC concerns about the size of the writing being addressed – if the writing was too small it could distract drivers as they tried to read it. OCC requested a scale mock up of the proposal. Action item: It was agreed that the Programme Manager will arrange a site meeting with OCC Highways.
28/2022 Report from OCC Councillor Richard Webber.
The update included information from District Cllr Cooke. It was noted that both Cllrs had chaired meetings about the proposed reservoir.
a) Walnut Meadow Road Adoption. It was noted that OCC, VWHDC and the local MP will send a combined letter to Miller Homes in an attempt to get the road leading to the sports pavilion adopted.
b) Street Lighting. It was noted that there are differing opinions as to the need for street lighting in the parish. Action item: Shane McAleavey agreed to compile a list of questions for a potential survey of residents about this matter.
c) Requesting 20mph Restrictions. It was noted that OCC is considering making 20mph the new 30mph for Oxfordshire communities, and that our County Councillor is supportive of this for Drayton. It was resolved that following advice from our County Councillor, the Council will request a 20mph limit for the village of Drayton. Richard Webber will send the Council an email which will clearly show his support. It was noted that when submitting the application, the Council should refer to Drayton village rather than the parish of Drayton. Action item: Deputy Clerk was authorised to submit the application via the OCC website.
Proposed: Susan Harris Seconded: Patricia Athawes Resolved: Unanimous
d) Guard Against Reservoir Development (GARD). It was noted that there would be a public meeting in the Village Hall on Friday evening. District Cllr Cooke’s work on this matter was noted. OCC, the District Councils and the two local MPs were working with GARD to try to counter the reservoir proposal.
e) Fly Tipping in the Burial Ground. It was noted that a large number of old wreaths had been fly-tipped in the Council and St Peters Church burial grounds. Action item: Cllr Webber agreed to ask Cllr Cooke to contact the Clerk about the possibility of borrowing some mobile cameras in order to try to catch the perpetrators if they return.
29/2022 Neighbourhood Development Plan Working Group (Graham Webb was not present).
a) Walnut Meadow/New Contamination Report. It was noted that Miller Homes had agreed to remove the waste material from the top 225mm from the public open space. It was agreed that there was no need for another contamination report as one had been produced in August 2017 by Glanville, and another by IDOM in December 2019.
b) Walnut Meadow Sports Pitch Requirements. It was resolved to approve in principle, subject to cost, that the following activities comprise the high level requirements for the Walnut Meadow sports pitches: Pavilion, MUGA, Children’s Football (we do not require 3 FA standard full size pitches), Rugby, Cricket, Hockey, Outdoor Gym, Walking / Running track around the perimeter, Cycle track around the perimeter. It was also noted that the Council had requested that Miller Homes prepare revised drawings showing potential layout of such sports pitches on the public open space. It was noted that a further meeting would be required with Millers once the Council had received and reviewed this. Action item: Agreed that the Programme Manager would arrange the meeting.
Proposed: Tamsin Crane Seconded: Pervin Shahin Resolved: Unanimous
30/2022 Planning Committee. See Appendix C. Graham Webb was not present but had submitted the following report:
a) P22/V0003/HH Hilliat Fields. Outbuilding: Responded “No Comment”.
b) Walnut Meadow. Deferred. VWHDC Planning Enforcement have the results of their Landscape and Drainage reports and are now awaiting Miller Homes’ response. The Programme Manager is liaising with VWHDC and Miller to define the next steps.
c) Kiln Lane. A resident had asked if the PC could provide an update. The VWHDC web site indicates that this matter is deferred to later this month. The Deputy Clerk has requested a progress report from District Councillor Cooke (a VWHDC Planning Committee member).
d) Old Vicarage. The PC discussed this at the application stage. The clearance and renovation works were progressing, and looked very good.
31/2022 New Benches and Planters. It was agreed to place the 4 benches in the following locations: Manor Farm Green, Walnut Meadow small green (next to Barrow Road), Burial Ground, near the Village Hall Football Pitch. Action item: The Deputy Clerk will make mock up images of what the planters will look like next to the existing benches on the Village Green.
32/2022 Tommy. It was resolved to approve 2 privately funded Tommy figurines being installed annually on the Village Green to mark Remembrance Day, subject to a risk assessment being undertaken and sent to the Clerk before then.
Proposed: Patricia Athawes Seconded: Tamsin Crane Resolved: Unanimous
33/2022 Queens Platinum Jubilee Celebrations. It was suggested that the community might like to do something to celebrate the Queens Platinum Jubilee on the Millennium Green. Action item: Tamsin Crane will write something in her Chronicle report Action item: the Clerk will send some draft terms of reference to Pervin Shahin.
34/2022 Surface Water Connections into the Public Sewer. It was agreed to report to the VWHDC the following locations where there are flooding problems: Under the A34 Bridge on Steventon Road, along the High Street opposite the Dove Cote entrance, Church Lane and Henleys Lane junction on the corner, Church Lane and Gravel Lane Junction, Abingdon Road and Sutton Wick Lane junction, by the Sutton Wick pond and by Sutton Wick Farm. Action item: The Clerk will report the problem areas to the VWHDC.
Reserved Business. Exclusion of the Public and Press. In view of the nature of the business to be transacted any members of the public and press were temporarily excluded from the meeting (Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1).
35/2022 Burial Ground Covenant. An update about the covenant was noted.
36/2022 Funeral Director Debt. It was noted that the debt was still to be paid.
37/2022 Miller Homes. Item discussed earlier in the meeting.
End of Reserved Business.
38/2022 Items to be noted from Parish Councillors. None.
39/2022 Date of the next Meetings. 8th March 2022 in the Caudwell Day Centre.
The Chairperson declared the meeting closed at 9:15pm
Signed: Date:
Appendix A
Finance & Personnel Committee
Payments of £500 or more since the last meeting
Staff salaries 2,517.84
OCC LGPS Pension contributions 730.44
The Landscape Group Oxford 1,286.88
CAB s137 grant 1,500.00
Disposition of Council Funds as at 01st February 2022
Unity Bank 674 £250,222.92 0% Current Acct
NS&I 779 £20,489.69 0.01% Savings Acct
Unity Bank 554 £15,186.46 0.10% Projects Acct
Total £285,899.07
Appendix B
Actions Checklist
(9 February 2022 Meeting)
Insect Houses/Bee Houses: Pervin Shahin agreed to coordinate the installation project and consult a local bee keeper for suitable locations of the bee house.
Village Green bin relocation: Pervin Shahin will source and suggest a replacement litter bin for consideration by the Council at the March meeting. The Deputy Clerk will confirm with VWHDC that they would be happy with the proposed replacement bin and the proposed new installation location.
Entrance Gate signs: It was agreed that the Programme Manager will arrange a site meeting with OCC Highways to confirm positioning/size of lettering looking at a mockup.
Street lighting: Shane McAleavey agreed to compile a list of questions for a potential survey of residents about this matter.
20mph speed limit: Deputy Clerk was authorised to submit the application for OCC to consider implementing the slower speed limit in the village via the OCC website.
Fly Tipping in the Burial Ground: Cllr Webber agreed to ask Cllr Cooke to contact the Clerk about the possibility of borrowing some mobile cameras in order to try to catch the perpetrators if they return.
Walnut Meadow Sports Pitch Requirements: Programme Manager to arrange the meeting with Miller Homes after layout drawings received.
New Benches and Planters:Deputy Clerk will make mock up images of what the two new planters will look like next to the existing benches on the Village Green.
Queens Platinum Jubilee Celebrations: Clerk to send some draft terms of reference for new working group to Pervin Shahin.
Surface Water Connections into the Public Sewer: Clerk to report the problem areas to the VWHDC.
Appendix C
Planning Committee Applications
P21/V1924/FUL. Hybrid Planning application: Formation of sports pitches with associated ground works, drainage and landscaping (Full application) and sports pavilion with associated car parking and access (outline application with all matters reserved except access). Land West of Abingdon Road Drayton. PC: Objection: See September’s minutes for comment. VWHDC: Pending. |
P21/V2176/FUL. Development of a brownfield site in Drayton to provide 9 purpose built houses to modern space and environmental standards. Land at Kiln Lane Drayton OX14 4FE. PC: Objection: See September’s minutes for comment. VWHDC: Pending. |
P21/V2203/HH. Erection of new timber frame double garage to front of 122 Abingdon Rd. 122 Abingdon Road Drayton Abingdon OX14 4HT. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Pending. |
P21/V1924/FUL Amendment: No. 1 – dated 18th August 2021. Hybrid Planning application: Formation of sports pitches with associated groundworks, drainage and landscaping (Full application) and sports pavilion with associated car parking and access (outline application with all matters reserved except access). (Retrospective). Land West of Abingdon Road Drayton. PC: Objection: See September’s minutes for comment. VWHDC: Pending. |
P21/V2215/FUL. Provision of storage and landscaping to the rear (retrospective). 1-2 Bradfield Court Milton Road Drayton Abingdon OX14 4EF. PC: Objection: The Parish Council understands that the premises are used as a commercial recording studio and we have concerns that the additional patio doors and outside area may exacerbate noise pollution to the neighbouring residents during antisocial hours. VWHDC: Planning Permission on 21st January 2022. |
P21/V1924/FUL Amendment: No. 2 – dated 7th September 2021. Hybrid Planning application: Formation of sports pitches with associated groundworks, drainage and landscaping (Full application) and sports pavilion with associated car parking and access (outline application with all matters reserved except access). (Retrospective). Land West of Abingdon Road Drayton. PC: Objection: See October’s minutes for comment. VWHDC: Pending. |
P21/V2622/O. Outline planning application for up to 80 residential dwellings (including up to 35% affordable housing), and 0.46 hectares for a C2 extra care facility (up to 30 units). The introduction of structural planting and landscaping, public open space and children’s play area, sustainable urban drainage system, and associated ancillary works. All matters to be reserved with the exception of the main site access. Land off Abingdon Road Steventon. PC: Objection: See October’s minutes for comment. VWHDC: Pending. |
P21/V3085/LB. To remove non load bearing internal ground floor wall to make family kitchen. Gothic House 15 The Green Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JJ. PC: Support. VWHDC: Listed Building Consent on 21st January 2022. |
P21/V3029/HH. Proposed new greenhouse. The Manor High Street Drayton Abingdon. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Planning Permission on 24th January 2022. |
P21/V2215/FUL Amendment: No. 1 – dated 6th December 2021. Retrospective application for a single storey side extension to existing business unit, together with the provision of storage and landscaping to the rear. (As amended by plans received on 6 December 2021, including amendment to red line area. Description amendment agreed with agent on 8 December 2021.) 1-2 Bradfield Court Milton Road Drayton Abingdon OX14 4EF. PC: Response: Our previous comments remain unchanged. VWHDC: Planning Permission on 21st January 2022. |
P22/V0003/HH. Erection of a garden outbuilding to be used for gardening, storage, and a hobby workshop space. 64 Hilliat Fields Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JF. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Pending. |