2022 4 Finance Minutes



Minutes of the Meeting of the Finance and Personnel Committee of Drayton Parish Council held on Tuesday 19th April 2022 remotely, at 7pm.

Present: Cllrs Pat Athawes (Chairman), Tamsin Crane (from 7.10pm), Graham Webb and Richard Wade.

Also in attendance: Lorraine Watling (Clerk/RFO).

Public: None

Minute No.
1/22Apologies for absence: None – all Cllrs were in attendance.
2/22(a) Declarations of Interest: None. (b) Dispensations received by the Clerk: None. (c) Use of Delegated Powers: None.
3/22Membership: It was noted that Shane McAleavey, who had been a member of this committee, had resigned from the Parish Council.
4/22The Minutes of the Meeting of 25th January 2022: The minutes from the meeting held on 25th January 2022 were Approved as a true record. Proposed: Cllr Wade Seconded: Cllr Webb Resolved (unanimous).
5/22Internal Audit: The Clerk reported that she had submitted all of the phase 1 records required by the internal auditor but had heard nothing further. Action: Clerk will contact the internal auditor to confirm what additional information they require in order to complete the internal audit.
Cllr Crane arrived at 7.10pm
6/22Draft AGAR to 31st March to put to Council in May 2022: The F&P Committee received and considered the year end paperwork and AGAR. This information will be circulated to Cllrs before the May meeting. It is recommendedthat the AGAR and accompanying reports be formally considered and approved at the June PC meeting, noting that the Internal Audit report will have been received by then. Action: The Clerk will send all Cllrs copies of year end paperwork and AGAR.
Ear Marked Reserves It was noted that the Clerk had sent the F&GP Committee members details of the various reserve balances in an Excel document. This document will be updated and re-issued annually. Action: The Clerk will maintain this document and issue the updated document annually.
The F&P Committee discussed the General Reserve and recommended that: The council maintains £85k in the general reserve. £20k is moved into a new EMR for Drayton 2020 projects professional services to pay for things such as agronomists, legal, other specialist support that we cannot get s106 funding for. £4k is transferred into the existing Drayton 2020 pitches EMR. £15k is transferred into the existing pavilion EMR.
CIL was discussed.
Action: The Clerk will ask for clarification from VWHDC about what the CIL might be spent on in general terms.
7/22Unbudgeted Expenditure: Unbudgeted expenditure was discussed, and the need to avoid it if possible.
8/22Any Other Business: It was noted that the quotes and a report will be required when the Projects Working Group recommends the contractor to undertake the agronomist report, in order to justify the recommendation. Future salary increases (other than the nationally agreed pay award) should be linked to the staff appraisal process.

The date of the next meeting. Tbc.

The meeting concluded at 8.20pm

Signed: Pat Athawes (Chairman, Finance and Personnel Committee)