Minutes of the Drayton Parish Council Planning Committee Meeting
held on 8th September 2022 at 7:00pm in the Village Hall
Councillors Present: Graham Webb (Chairperson), Patricia Athawes, Richard Wade.
Councillors Not Present: All Councilors were present.
In attendance: Christopher Price (Deputy Clerk).
Public: 3 members of the public were present.
7/2022 Apologies for Absence. None.
8/2022 Declarations of Interest, Dispensations or Use of Delegated Powers. None.
9/2022 Public Participation.
Land to the South of Halls Close. 3 members of the public expressed an interest in the recent correspondence from Georgina Nelson (Origin3, writing on behalf of Eagle One Homes) regarding proposals by Eagle One Homes for up to 40 new homes on land to the south of Halls Close in Drayton, located to the east of the Bloor Homes development and to the south of the current Halls Close development. It was noted that the Parish Council objected to planning application P18/V2931/FUL as it is not part of the Neighbourhood Development Plan and outside the built up area of the Village. It was also noted that VWHDC refused Planning Permission but was allowed by appeal. It was agreed to recommend at the next Parish Council Meeting, responding to Georgina Nelson and ask for a location plan.
10/2022 Minutes of the Previous Parish Council Planning Meeting. The minutes of the last meeting were approved.
Proposed: Patricia Athawes Seconded: Graham Webb Resolved: Unanimous
11/2022 Drayton Conservation Area Appraisal. It was noted that Richard Wade has edited and updated the Drayton Conservation Area Appraisal and included the 3 new housing developments – Walnut Meadow, Mannor Farm and the Dovecotes. It was agreed to recommend at the next Parish Council meeting, supporting the Drayton Conservation Area Appraisal with amendments.
12/2022 Agronomist Report. It was noted that the ‘Walnut Meadow Sports Pitch Feasibility Study Report’ finds large amounts of buried waste that will cause issues with draining the sports pitch. It was also noted that there is a meeting with the VWHDC Planning Enforcement on the 14th September 2022.
13/2022 Planning Applications.
P21/V1924/FUL Amendment: No. 4 – dated 17th June 2022. Hybrid Planning application: Formation of sports pitches with associated groundworks, drainage and landscaping (Full application) and sports pavilion with associated car parking and access (outline application with all matters reserved except access). (Retrospective). (as amended by plan received 10 March 2022 and as amplified by archaeology report received 17 June 2022). Land West of Abingdon Road Drayton. PC: Response: The revised layout is rendered unworkable by the NEW archaeological exclusion zone which affects the pitch area and removes the MUGA. The project, as agreed and signed off in the NDP is now unviable. VWHDC: Pending. It was noted that there is a meeting with Miller Homes on 22nd September 2022. |
P22/V1917/LDO. Proposed Revised Draft Local Development Order for Milton Park. Milton Park Milton Abingdon. PC: Deputy Clerk to draft response on Sustainable Transport, Light pollution and Permissive footpath linking FP12 to Milton. |
14/2022 Tree Protection Order (TPO). It was agreed to ask parishioners via the Chronicle if they know of any trees or green spaces in Drayton that need protecting.
15/2022 Any Other Planning Business. None.
16/2022 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting. As required.
The Chairperson declared the meeting closed at 9:14pm