Minutes of the Drayton Parish Council
Finance and Personnel Committee Meeting
held on 25th July 2023 at 10:30am (remote meeting)
Councillors Present: Patricia Athawes (Chairperson), Richard Wade, Graham Webb
In attendance: Dianne Rickaby (Locum Clerk) Chris Price (Deputy Clerk) Jon Fowler (Programme Manager)
Public: None.
26/23 Apologies for absence – Cllr Sue Harris
27/23 Dispensations – Non-received
28/23 Declarations of Interest, Dispensations or Use of Delegated Powers. None
29/23 Minutes of the Previous F & P Committee meeting. The minutes of the previous meeting held on 7th June were approved by full council on 11th July 2023. Actions were discussed, and only one action is outstanding. Reply to query regarding he costs of the walnuts.
30/23 Payments for consideration for July 2023 – The payments were recommended for
Approval at the full council. Payments authorised ahead of the meeting by the two signatories were also approved. G Webb and P Athawes
Bank reconciliation for July 2023 – noted and recommended to be accepted for approval.
31/23 The locum Clerk gave councillors an update on the amount held I the CIL (community infrastructure levy). This being £32,857.
It was advised and noted that the amount of £25,832 must be allocated and spent by October 2024
A discussion around allocation f the funds took place. £16,000 to be allocated to repairing the roof at the football club house. An amount of the remainder to assist with the architect fees for the new pavilion at walnut meadows.
The information was noted pending approval by full council.
At this point the meeting was closed to press and public.
32/23 Burial Ground Covenant. – to note any updates
There are no updates however it was felt that this does not need to be added to the agenda for future meetings.
33/23 Staffing matters (at this point CP & JF left the meeting)
Discussions took place on current hour rates and the cost analysis of recruiting a new Clerk vs maintaining the current Locum Clerk due to experience and professionalism. A costs analysis was discussed which was previously circulated to Councillors.
It was recommended that the Locum Clerk be kept on to assist with the new projects and keeping the momentum going on the day to day management, with a view of commencing recruitment for a new Clerk in September.
It was also recommended: The Locum Clerk to commence putting together the recruitment pack to commence recruitment in September 2023.
The Chairperson declared the meeting closed at 8.30 pm
Signed: Date:
Name: Cllr Patricia Athawes (Committee Chairperson)