Minutes of the Drayton Parish Council Meeting
held on 10th October 2023 at 7:00pm in the Candwell Day Centre
Present: Richard Wade (Chairperson), Graham Webb (Vice-Chairperson), Patricia Athawes (Vice-Chairperson), Pervin Shahin, Elaine Wade, Susan Harris, Adrian Cooke (left at 8:55pm).
Not Present: All Councillors were present.
In attendance: Dianne Rickaby (Locum Clerk, joined the meeting remotely), Christopher Price (Deputy Clerk), Jonathan Fowler (Programme Manager).
Public: 3 members of the public were present.
192/2023 Apologies for Absence. None.
193/2023 Declarations of Interest, Dispensations or Use of Delegated Powers. Elaine Wade declared an interest in the Grant Application for ‘The Abingdon Bridge’.
Chairperson’s Report. It was resolved to add this item after Public Participation.
Proposed: Graham Webb Seconded: Patricia Athawes Resolved: Unanimous
194/2023 Public Participation.
a) Football Club Insurance. Fred Stevens (Village Hall, Chairperson) reported that the Parish Council agreed to pay for the Football Club’s insurance back in 2015-16.
ACTION: Deputy Clerk to look for information from the minutes regarding payment.
b) BW4 Dog Poo Bin. Fred Stevens (Village Hall, Chairperson) reported that the BW4 dog poo bin is inaccessible due to undergrowth.
ACTION: Deputy Clerk to ask the Village Caretaker to strim undergrowth.
c) Football Pitch Vandalism. Fred Stevens (Village Hall, Chairperson) reported that on 6th October 2023 someone drove a vehicle onto the football pitch causing damage to the grass. It was noted that it might be prudent to get CCTV installed.
d) Grant Application. The Abingdon Bridge (TAB). £1,600.00. Gary Hibbins (CEO, TAB) reported on the number of different methods TAB provide free support to young people aged 13 to 25. It was agreed to expedite this item of business.
195/2023 Finance and Personnel Committee (item expedited).
Grant Application The Abingdon Bridge. £1,600.00. It was resolved to give £4,000.00 and include a grant for future years in our budget.
Proposed: Patricia Athawes Seconded: Graham Webb
Resolved: 6 for and 1 abstention due to a conflict of interest.
197/2023 Chairperson’s Report (Richard Wade).
a) Football Pitch Vandalism. It was noted that on 6th October 2023 someone drove a vehicle onto the football pitch causing damage to the grass.
b) Antiques Fair. It was noted that someone destroyed the signs advertising the Antiques Fair and obstructed the Village Hall Car park with wooden boards and nails, nails were also left around stall holders car tyres. It was noted that it might be prudent to get CCTV installed and the Clerk will discuss the matter with the police.
c) Residents Association. It was noted that there are now 3 resident associations in Drayton: Walnut Meadow, Manor Farm and The Dove Cotes. It was noted that the Parish Council needs more interaction with them and should invite delegates to attend our monthly PC meeting.
198/2023 Report from OCC Councillor. Richard Webber was not present but had submitted a report.
a) BW3 to Marcham. It was noted that on advice from OCC, it was decided to let them take on the restoration of the bridge and surrounding footpaths at least until safe access has been established. Work on the bridge is at last going well.
b) FP21 bridge handrail. It was noted that the OCC Footpaths Officer: Arthur McEwan-James, has now picked this up and will be acting on it.
c) High Street Vehicle Activated Signs (VAS). It was noted that the remaining non-functioning High St VAS Sign is owned by Southern Electricity. They have been contacted (more than once) to fix it and we are awaiting action. Richard Webber is considering funding a new sign from his Cllr Priority fund to replace the sign. The new sign would then be under the same control as the others.
d) 20mph Speed Limit. It was noted that the hold up has been as a result of Bus Company objections. There is an imminent meeting with them and OCC will be insisting that the Drayton 20mph zone is speedily progressed.
199/2023 Report from VWHDC Councillor. Adrian Cooke’s report was noted.
200/2023 Minutes of the last Parish Council Meeting.
Minuted of the last Meeting. It was resolved to approved the minutes of the last meeting.
Proposed: Susan Harris Seconded: Graham Webb Resolved: Unanimous
201/2023 Action Checklist. See Appendix A for this month’s action list. The following actions were updated:
Defibrillator. It was notedthat our current defibrillator cost £2,020.00. Action completed and removed. |
Edward Park Stone. It was notedthat the Deputy Clerk sent the parishioner contact details for Cala Homes. Action completed and removed. |
Walnut Meadow Sports Field. It was notedthat Jonathan Fowler contacted the parishioner and discussed the levels of the Walnut Meadow Sports Field. Action completed and removed. |
P23/V1805/S73. It was notedthat Graham Webb wrote to the developer asking that the Parish Council is consulted on the name of this development. Action completed and removed. |
Burial Ground Hedge Clearance. It was noted that the Deputy Clerk chased Tactical Facilities Management to finish the job, but they have still not done it. ACTION: Deputy Clerk to find someone else to finish the job. |
Football Clubhouse Roof. It was noted that Jonathan Fowler contacted the Football Club and has arrange repair work that will be done in January. Action completed and removed. |
New grant scheme opportunity for Electric Vehicle chargers. It was noted that the Clerk expressed an interest and consult the Village Hall. Action completed and removed. |
Burial Ground Lockable Notice Board. It was noted that a noticeboard will cost £1,025.99. Action completed and removed. |
Slow Hedgehog Road Safety Signs. It was noted that 4 x ‘Slow Children’ signs and 2 x ‘Slow Hedgehog’ signs were ordered and delivered. Action completed and removed. |
202/2023 Finance and Personnel Committee (Patricia Athawes). See Appendix B.
a) Payments.
i) The list of payments was received and approved.
ii) The payments to be made following the meeting were approved.
Proposed: Richard Wade Seconded: Graham Webb Resolved: Unanimous
iii) The two Councillors authorised to make the on-line payments between this and the next Parish Council meeting were Graham Webb and Patricia Athawes.
Proposed: Elaine Wade Seconded: Graham Webb Resolved: Unanimous
b) Bank Statements and Reconciliation. The bank reconciliation was signed and the bank statements for last month was noted.
c) Disposition of Council Funds. The disposition of council funds were received and noted.
d) Grant Application. The Abingdon Bridge. £1,600.00. This had been approved earlier in the meeting under item 195/2023.
e) Annual Governance and Accountability Return was accepted and approved.
f) Any Other Urgent Financial Matters Arising.
- Grass Cutting. It was agreed to pay the grass cutter, but it was noted that the grass cutting needs closer monitoring.
- Payment Card. It was agreed to get a Parish Council payment card for the Deputy Clerk.
203/2023 Planning Committee. (Graham Webb). See Appendix C.
Graham Webb’s report was noted.
204/2023 Neighbourhood Development Plan Working Group. (Graham Webb).
a) Programme Managers Report. Jonathan Fowler’s report was noted.
b) Walnut Meadow. Two inspections of the sports pitch area, on the 12th and 28th September, have been undertaken by members of the NDP group following the remedial work agreed required by Miller Homes as part of the Deed of Variation. The following issues were identified during the inspections:
100mm of topsoil not present across the site.
1. Debris >65mm present on the site (half bricks, large stones, general waste).
2. The bank at the southern end of the pitches higher than the agreed levels.
3. Miller Homes have imported an additional 10 tons of topsoil and undertook further remedial work on 4th October. A further inspection of the site took place on 5th October and found there is now sufficient topsoil, the bank at the southern end has been reduced and the amount of debris has been greatly reduced. Subject to Miller Homes providing visibility of the spot level plans confirming the approved levels have been achieved, the site is now ready for handover to the Parish Council.
Adrian Cooke left at 8:55pm.
205/2023 Rights of Way & Conservation Working Group (Richard Wade).
Richard Webber’s report was noted.
206/2023 Landscape Management Plan Working Group (Richard Wade).
a) Landscape Management Plan Report. Richard Wade’s draft Landscape Management Plan Working Group Report was noted.
b) Grass Cutting and Village Caretaker Contracts. It was noted that the Grass Cutting and Village Caretaker contracts are due for renewal.
ACTION: Clerk to start drafting job specification / contracts.
c) Grass Cutting. It was agreed to wait until November to decide if we need an extra cut or not.
207/2023Public Art Working Group (Pervin Shahin).
Mosaic. It was noted that the mosaic unveiling was a success.
208/2023 Burial Ground.
a) Notice Board. It was agreed to purchase a noticeboard for the Burial Ground at a cost of £1,025.99.
ACTION: Deputy Clerk to purchase noticeboard.
b) Rules and Regulations. It was agreed that the Deputy Clerk should draft the updated rules and regulations to clarify Kerbstones/boarder size and ban glass and plastic.
ACTION: Deputy Clerk to draft new rules and regulations.
c) New Hedge. It was noted that approximately 50 beach hedge plants have died. It was agreed to replace them.
ACTION: Deputy Clerk to purchase 75 beach hedge plants.
209/2023 Defibrillator. It was agreed to look into the possibility of a second defibrillator.
ACTION: Deputy Clerk to investigate cost and possible locations.
210/2023 Dog Poo Signs. It was noted that a parishioner made a complaint about the amount of dog excrement along the footpath linking Cornville Road to Barrow road and asked if we could put up some dog poo signs. It was also noted that upon inspection, only horse excrement has been found. It was also noted that the Parish Council has not yet adopted this footpath.
211/2023 Items to be noted from Parish Councillors. None.
212/2023 Date of the next Meeting. 14th November 2023.
Reserved Business. Exclusion of the Public and Press. In view of the nature of the business to be transacted any members of the public and press were temporarily excluded from the meeting (Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1).
213/2023 Clerk Replacement. It was noted that the recruitment pack is ready. It was agreed to advertise with a 1 month closing date.
ACTION: Clerk to place advert.
214/2023 Walnut Meadow Sports Facility.
a) Archaeological Excavation. It was noted that Jonathan Fowler obtained 3 quotations to undertake the archaeological Strip, Map & Sample excavation required under planning application P21/V1924/FUL. It was resolved to approve for the cheapest quotation from ‘Allenarchaeology’ to the NET sum of £12,252.56.
Proposed: Richard Wade Seconded: Patricia Athawes Resolved: Unanimous
b) Sports Field Feasibility Study. It was noted that Jonathan Fowler obtained 1 quotations to undertake the ‘Soft Sport Play Area (natural grass) Feasibility Study’. It was resolved to suspend the financial standing order that requires 3 quotes and approve the quotation from Robert Donald (Independent Specialist) to the sum of £3,109.00 plus VAT.
Proposed: Patricia Athawes Seconded: Richard Wade Resolved: Unanimous
End of Reserved Business.
The Chairperson declared the meeting closed at 9:30pm.
Signed: Date: 10th October 2023
Name: Richard Wade
Appendix A
Actions Checklist
Burial Ground Hedge Clearance. Deputy Clerk to find someone else to finish the job. |
Football Club Insurance. Deputy Clerk to look for information from the minutes regarding payment. |
BW4 Dog Poo Bin. Deputy Clerk to ask the Village Caretaker to strim undergrowth. |
Grass Cutting and Village Caretaker Contracts. Clerk to start drafting contracts. |
Burial Ground Notice Board. Deputy Clerk to purchase noticeboard. |
Burial Ground Rules and Regulations. Deputy Clerk to draft new rules and regulations. |
Burial Ground New Hedge. Deputy Clerk to purchase 75 beach hedge plants. |
Defibrillator. Deputy Clerk to investigate cost and possible locations. |
Clerk Replacement. Clerk to place advert. |
Appendix B
Appendix B
Planning Applications
P22/V1917/LDO. Milton Park Milton Abingdon Grid Ref : 449180191788 Re. LOCAL DEVELOPMENT ORDER – Draft for Public Consultation. PC: Support: See October’s Minutes for details. VWHDC: Pending. |
P23/V0280/LB. Proposed demolition of an existing modern rear bay and small wooden store and the construction of a new orangery at the rear of the property. Internal alterations associated with the relocation of the existing kitchen. The Manor 68 High Street Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JR. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Pending. |
P23/V0279/HH. Proposed demolition of an existing modern rear bay and small wooden store and the construction of a new orangery at the rear of the property. Internal alterations associated with the relocation of the existing kitchen. The Manor 68 High Street Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JR. PC: Support: It’s to the rear and an in keeping and bespoke timber conservatory. Good luck with the oranges. VWHDC: Pending. |
P23/V1805/S73. Variation of condition 1 (Approved plans) in application P22/V2546/S73 to change the layout and the house types proposed. Variation of conditions 2 (Approved Plans) on planning application P17/V1225/RM and removal of condition 14 (Age Restriction) on planning application P15/V2077/O. Land South of Halls Close Drayton. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Pending. |
P23/V1869/HH. Front porch/cloakroom extension. Location64 Whitehorns Way Drayton Abingdon OX14 4LJ. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Planning Permission on 25th September 2023. |
P23/V1835/S73. Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) on application ref. P22/V2218/HH – rear dormer enlargement. Single storey rear extension, entrance porch extension, hip-to-gable loft conversion and rear dormer windows.28 High Street Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JL. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Planning Permission on 6th October 2023. |
P23/V1866/HH. Single Storey Rear Extension & Minor Renovations. Emmanuel, 7 Drayton Mill Milton Road Drayton Abingdon OX14 4FD. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Planning Permission on 6th October 2023. |
P23/V1919/HH. Front and rear extension and roof- redesign with accommodation in the loft. 65 Steventon Road Drayton Abingdon OX14 4LA. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Pending. |
P23/V0279/HH Amendment : No. 2 – dated 15th September 2023. Proposed demolition of an existing modern rear bay and small wooden store. Construction of new rear orangery. Internal alterations associated with the relocation of the existing kitchen (as amended by plans submitted on the 02 May 2023 and 15 September 2023). The Manor 68 High Street Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JR. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Pending. |
P23/V0280/LB Amendment : No. 2 – dated 15th September 2023. Proposed demolition of an existing modern rear bay and small wooden store. Construction of new rear orangery. Internal alterations associated with the relocation of the existing kitchen (as amended by plans submitted on the 02 May 2023 and 15 September 2023). The Manor 68 High Street Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JR. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Pending. |
P23/V2251/LB. Alterations to a chimney pot. The Old Pound 3 High Street Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JL. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Pending. |