2024 2 Minutes

Minutes of the Drayton Parish Council Meeting

held on 13th February 2024 at 7:00pm in the Caudwell Day Centre

Present: Graham Webb (Vice-Chairperson), Patricia Athawes (Vice-Chairperson), Elaine Wade, Susan Harris, Pervin Shahin, Adrian Cooke (arrived at 7:08pm).

Not Present: Richard Wade (Chairperson).

In attendance: Anita James (Clerk), Dianne Rickaby (Locum Clerk, joined the meeting remotely), Christopher Price (Deputy Clerk), Richard Webber (OCC), Jonathan Fowler (Programme Manager).

Public: 3 members of the public were present.

Graham Webb assumed the chair.

23/2024 Apologies for Absence. Richard Wade.

24/2024 Declarations of Interest, Dispensations or Use of Delegated Powers. None.

25/2024 Public Participation.

a) Order of Agenda Items. It was noted that a member of the public suggested moving ‘Public Participation’ down the agenda so that it is after ‘Report from Chairperson’.

b) Allotment. Timothy Atkins (Allotment Warden) reported that he will be collecting the allotment rents soon. There are 13 people on the waiting list, but 3 plots will be vacant soon. And the locking of the gates is working well.

Adrian Cooke arrived at 7:08pm.

c) Church Lane and High Street Junction. A parishioner expressed concern over the danger of pulling out of Church Lane and onto the High Street due to vehicles parking dangerously at the junction.

It was noted that this problem was raised with Adrian Cooke (VWHDC) back in the December meeting yet VWHDC parking enforcement have done nothing. Clerks note:

High Way Code 243 DO NOT stop or park opposite or within 10 metres (32 feet) of a junction, except in an authorised parking space

ACTION: Graham Webb to write to the VWHDC parking enforcement of the dangerous parking. Adrian Cooke to talk to the Blue Cedar Homes Site Manager (for the development on land to the rear of 10 Halls Close).

26/2024 Chairperson’s Report. Richard Wade was not present.

27/2024 Report from OCC Councillor Richard Webber.

a) Chestnut Drive Road Adoption. It was noted that there is nothing to note on the Chestnut Drive road adoption by OCC Highways.

ACTION: Clerk to write to Jason Sherwood (OCC Highways).

b) High Street Vehicle Activated Signs (VAS). It was noted that OCC will be starting a scheme so that the Parish Council can get the broken VAS replaced.

c) OCC Budget. It was noted that OCC’s budget is about to be signed.

d) County Councillor Priority Fund. Richard Webber requested ideas and suggestions for his County Councillor Priority Fund.Clerk’s note:

The Councillor Priority Fund supports councillor priorities in their local areas. Each Oxfordshire county councillor has a budget of £15,000 awarded over the course of two financial years from April 2023 until March 2025.

ACTION: All Councillors to think about ideas and suggestions for Richard Webber’s County Councillor Priority Fund.

28/2024 Report from VWHDC Councillor Adrian Cooke.

a) Flooding. It was noted that whilst flooding is primarily covered by OCC, residents affected by flooding can also potentially apply for government funding themselves on the government website.

b) Boundary Commission. It was noted that the Boundary Commission is reviewing ward boundaries for the Vale of White Horse. They’re holding a consultation until 18th March 2024 and you can have your say at www.lgbce.org.uk/all-reviews/vale-whitehorse.

c) Joint Local Plan Consultation. It was noted that one of the most significant responsibilities of the

District Council is that of planning. The Local Plan is the framework around which planning in the

Vale is built. Many aspects of it are driven by requirements imposed by central Government, but we get to set the overall direction and theme under those requirements, it’s one of the most crucial documents we ever get to write and pass into regulations. The consultation will run for six weeks, closing on 21st February 2024. For more information, visit www.southandvale.gov.uk/JLP.

d) Street Votes is an exciting new way to get the most out of your property. The Government is proposing new rules that will allow you to extend or redevelop your property, help with the housing crisis and make your family better off in the process.

29/2024 Minutes of the Last Parish Council Meetings.

a) Minutes of the Meeting held on 9th January 2024. It was resolved to approve the minutes.

Proposed: Susan Harris Seconded:. Patricia Athawes Resolved: 5 for and 1 abstention

b) Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting held on 5th February 2024. It was resolved to approve the minutes.

Proposed: Patricia Athawes Seconded: Elaine Wade Resolved: 3 for and 3 abstentions

30/2024 Action Checklist. See Appendix A for this month’s action list. The following actions were updated:

Football Club Insurance. It was noted that the Clerk can not find reference to the Parish Council agreeing to pay for the Football Club’s insurance on an annual recurring basis. Action completed and removed.
The Dovecote. It was noted that Pervin Shahin and Elaine Wade have arranged to meet with Bloor Homes on 14th February 2024 to discuss biodiversity. Action completed and removed.
The Dovecote Residents Association. It was noted that Nigel Billingham (Dove Cotes residents association) will be attending the meeting with Bloor Homes. Action completed and removed.
S106 Cycle Path Improvement. It was noted that Elaine Wade consulted parishioners in her Chronicle report and asked which bridle ways need improving. Action completed and removed.
Defibrillator. It was noted that Red Lion Pub is not listed and the VWHDC has no issue with a defibrillator being installed on the outside of the building.

31/2024 Finance and Personnel Committee (Patricia Athawes). See Appendix B.

a) Payments.

i) The list of payments was received and approved.

ii) The payments to be made following the meeting were approved.

iii) The two Councillors authorised to make the on-line payments between this and the next Parish Council meeting were Graham Webb and Patricia Athawes.

b) Bank Statements and Reconciliation. The bank reconciliation was signed and the bank statements for last month was noted.

c) Disposition of Council Funds. The disposition of council funds were received and noted.

d) Grant Application. It was resolved to approve the grant application from Friends of Drayton School Association (FODSA) to the sum of £700.00.

Proposed: Patricia Athawes Seconded: Adrian Cooke Resolved: 5 for and 1 abstention

e) Review of Internal Controls. The review and effectiveness of the internal controls were agreed.

f) Any Other Urgent Financial Matters Arising. It was agreed to give Anita James access to the Parish Council’s bank account.

32/2024 Planning Committee. See Appendix C. Graham Webb’s report was noted.

33/2024 Neighbourhood Development Plan Working Group (Graham Webb).

a) Programme Managers Report. Jonathan Fowler’s report was noted:

Walnut Meadows: The legal paperwork to transfer the Walnut Meadows land from Miller Homes to the Parish Council was approved, signed and witnessed at the Extraordinary Parish Council meeting on 5th February. The signed papers are now with our Solicitors to complete the transfer. We are also now due to receive approx. £66K of S106 funding from The Vale to cover maintenance of the sports pitches. Since the Parish Council will soon be owners of the land, the MUGA Strip, Map & Sample excavation, which was a condition of the Hybrid planning application, can commence. A tentative start date of w/c 26th February has been agreed. Two quotes have been received for the detailed design of the sports pitch area including drainage. Although 10 companies were approached, only two provided quotes. An agenda item to select a supplier is on the February Full Council agenda. A “drop-in” event is being held in the Village Hall on Saturday 9th March from 9 to 12:30 to enable residents to view the proposed plans for the Pavilion, the MUGA and the costs of the proposed sports facilities. The drop-in event will be publicised in The Chronicle, the village noticeboards and Facebook. We are required to undertake a consultation as part of the Public Works Loan process. As well as the drop-in event it is planned to load the documents to the Parish Council website and provide a QR code for those that are unable to attend the event. There has been no progress with the road adoption as OCC still do not have an Officer assigned to the work. They agreed to assign someone at the end of January, but we have not heard anything further as yet. Traffic Calming: A meeting was held with Milestone (OCC Highway’s contractor) in early January to review a ‘masterplan’ showing proposed traffic calming measures. A number of measures were agreed for which Milestone will produce detailed designs and costings. These are being reviewed at a Teams meeting on 15th February. Manor Farm: The issue of the unsatisfactory repair to the southern section of the perimeter path has been escalated to The Vale. Their planning department has recommended enforcement action is taken against Cala. Football Clubhouse: The repairs to the Football Clubhouse roof, for which the Parish Council provided funding, are planned to be completed at the end of February.

b) Walnut Meadow Sports Pitch. It was noted that Jonathan Fowler managed to obtain 2 quotations to undertake a detailed design (including drainage) for the sports pitch area at Walnut Meadow. It was resolved to select and approve ‘Hemstock Design’ to the sum of £5,850.00.

Proposed: Graham Webb Seconded: Pervin Shahin Resolved: Unanimous

34/2024 Rights of Way & Conservation Working Group. Richard Wade was not present.

35/2024 Landscape Management Plan Working Group. Richard Wade was not present.

36/2024Public Art Working Group. Pervin Shahin’s report was noted.

37/2024 Village Caretaker Report. It was noted that the Village Caretaker has raised a number of issues on his monthly playground inspection report. It was also noted that there are a number of issues from the annual ROSPA inspection and the ‘Annual Village Assets Check’ that need fixing.

ACTION: Deputy Clerk to compile a job list for the Village Caretaker.

38/2024 Litter in the Village. It was noted that there has been a lot of litter along Henleys Lane and the footpath linking Abingdon Road to Manor Close. It was also noted that Cala Homes need to maintain the hedges and trees along the Manor Farm / Henleys Lane boundary.

ACTION: Jonathan Fowler to photograph the hedges and trees along the Manor Farm / Henleys Lane boundary and report to Cala Homes and the VWHDC.

39/2024 Items to be noted from Parish Councillors. None.

40/2024 Date of the next Meeting. 12th March 2024.

The Chairperson declared the meeting closed at 8:29pm.

Signed: Date: 12th March 2024


Appendix A

Actions Checklist

Burial Ground Hedge Clearance. Village Caretaker to try and remove the stumps from the ground.
Grass Cutting and Village Caretaker Contracts. Richard Wade to discuss contracts with the Clerk.
Defibrillator. Deputy Clerk and Richard Wade to photograph the pub to show the suggested location of the defibrillator.
Church Lane and High Street Junction. Graham Webb to write to the VWHDC parking enforcement of the dangerous parking. Adrian Cooke to talk to the Blue Cedar Homes Site Manager (for the development on land to the rear of 10 Halls Close).
Chestnut Drive Road Adoption. Clerk to write to Jason Sherwood (OCC Highways).
County Councillor Priority Fund. All Councillors to think about ideas and suggestions for Richard Webber’s County Councillor Priority Fund.
Village caretaker Report. Deputy Clerk to compile a job list for the Village Caretaker.
Manor Farm / Henleys Lane boundary. Jonathan Fowler to photograph the hedges and trees along the Manor Farm / Henleys Lane boundary and report to Cala Homes and the VWHDC.

Appendix B



31-Jan-24 S/O to: Mr C J Price DEPCLERKPAY -698.28 241898.03

31-Jan-24 S/O to: Jonathan Fowler SALARY -962.59 242596.31

23-Jan-24 B/P to: Sports & Spaces INV 311 -3730.8 243558.9

22-Jan-24 D/D (CASTLE WATER LTD) TW1281321123 -5.25 247289.7

15-Jan-24 B/P to: LGRC LOCUM CLERK -3372.84 247294.95

15-Jan-24 B/P to: ChrisWilmott-Smith CARETAKING -393 250667.79

15-Jan-24 B/P to: Tim Atkins PADLOCK ALLOT -34 251060.79

15-Jan-24 B/P to: Microshade Consult DRA001 INV18735 -767.55 251094.79

09-Jan-24 Direct Debit (ICO) Z2502723 -35 251862.34

08-Jan-24 ABING MARATHON DONATION 200 251897.34

03-Jan-24 EDWARD CARTER DIR MULLINS CR 300 251697.34

02-Jan-24 S/O to: Jonathan Fowler SALARY DEC 23 -1453.64 251397.34

02-Jan-24 S/O to: Mr C J Price SALARY DEC 23 -1156.58 252850.98

Jan-24 INCOME 500







Appendix C

Planning Applications

P23/V2380/S73. Variation of conditions 2 (Approved plans), 3 (Drainage Details (Surface Water)), 4 (Drainage Details (Foul Water)), 5 (Contaminated Land), 8 (Materials) on application P22/V2919/FUL (New dwellinghouse). Magpie Cottage 30 High Street Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JW. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Pending.
P23/V2636/HH. Demolition of conservatory. Two storey rear extension with associated works. 1 High Street Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JL. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Pending.