2024 4 Minutes

Minutes of the Drayton Parish Council Meeting

held on 9th April 2024 at 7:00pm in the Caudwell Day Centre

Present: Patricia Athawes (Vice-Chairperson), Elaine Wade, Susan Harris, Pervin Shahin, Adrian Cooke.

Not Present: Richard Wade (Chairperson), Graham Webb (Vice-Chairperson).

In attendance: Anita James (Clerk), Christopher Price (Deputy Clerk), Jonathan Fowler (Programme Manager).

Public: 3 members of the public were present.

Patricia Athawes assumed the chair.

59/2024 Apologies for Absence. Richard Wade, Graham Webb.

60/2024 Declarations of Interest, Dispensations or Use of Delegated Powers. None.

61/2024 Public Participation.

a) Football Club Pavilion Insurance. Fred Stevens (Village Hall, Chairperson) submitted a grant application to cover the cost of insuring the Football Club Pavilion for the last 8 years to the sum of £1,985.17.

b) Sutton Wick Lane Willow Trees. A parishioner raised concern over the Willow Trees next to the pond as they are becoming quite overgrown and need cutting. It was noted that Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks will be cutting the trees away from their LV Network.

ACTION: Deputy Clerk to give Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks permission to cut the trees.

c) Sutton Wick Lane Pond. A parishioner raised concern over the pond as it needs dredging. It was noted that grants may be available to help with wildlife and biodiversity – www.trustforoxfordshire.org.uk

62/2024 Chairperson’s Report. Richard Wade was not present.

63/2024 Report from OCC Councillor. Richard Webber was not present.

64/2024 Report from VWHDC Councillor Adrian Cooke.

a) Post Office. It was noted that the post office is currently closed because the post master has resigned.

b) Police and Crime Commissioner. It was noted that the Police and Crime Commissioner elections are taking place in England and Wales on 2nd May 2024.

c) Car Parking. It was noted that car parking fees are changing.

d) Reservoir. It was noted that planning permission has been granted to do clay compact trials.

65/2024 Minutes of the Previous Parish Council Meetings. It was resolved to approve the minutes.

Proposed: Susan Harris Seconded: Elaine Wade Resolved: Unanimous

66/2024 Action Checklist. See Appendix A for this month’s action list. The following actions were updated:

Grass Cutting and Village Caretaker Contracts. It was noted that the grass cutting contract has been updated.
Defibrillator. It was noted the Red Lion Pub no longer wants a defibrillator on their building. It was resolved to suggest to Richard Webber that he uses his County Councillors Priority Fund to purchase a free standing defibrillator that does not require mains electricity to be installed on the Village Green, at a cost of around £2,700.00. Proposed: Patricia Athawes Seconded: Pervin Shahin Resolved: Unanimous ACTION: Deputy Clerk to suggest to Richard Webber a defibrillator for his County Councillors Priority Fund.
County Councillor Priority Fund. It was noted that the Clerk circulated details of Richard Webber’s County Councillor Priority Fund.
Manor Farm / Henleys Lane boundary. Action updated – Jonathan Fowler to report the hedges and trees along the Manor Farm / Henleys Lane boundary to the VWHDC Environmental Health.

67/2024 Finance and Personnel Committee (Patricia Athawes). See Appendix B.

a) Payments.

i) The list of payments was received and approved.

ii) The payments to be made following the meeting were approved.

iii) The two Councillors authorised to make the on-line payments between this and the next Parish Council meeting were Graham Webb and Patricia Athawes.

Proposed: Adrian Cooke Seconded: Pervin Shahin Resolved: Unanimous

b) Bank Statements and Reconciliation. The bank reconciliation was signed and the bank statements for last month were noted.

c) Disposition of Council Funds. The disposition of council funds was received and noted.

d) Football Club Roof Repair Short Fall. It was noted that the football club have requested an additional £1,400.00 to cover the cost of repairing the football club roof following a revised quotation and invoice from Sharman Roofing to the Football Club. It was agreed to ask the Football Club to fill in and submit a grant application.

ACTION: Jonathan Fowler to ask the Football Club to submit a grant application for the additional £1,400.00.

e) Grant Application. It was resolved to approve the grant application fromOxfordshire South & Vale Citizens Advice to the sum of £1,500.00.

Proposed: Elaine Wade Seconded: Pervin Shahin Resolved: Unanimous

f) Bank Signatories. It was agreed to add Richard Wade and Susan Harris as additional signatories for the bank account.

g) NS & I Savings Account. This item to close the NS & I savings account was deferred.

h) Any Other Urgent Financial Matters Arising. None.

68/2024 Planning Committee. See Appendix C. Graham Webb was not present.

69/2024 Neighbourhood Development Plan Working Group (Graham Webb).

a) Programme Managers Report. Jonathan Fowler’s report was noted:

Walnut Meadows: The MUGA archaeological excavation commenced on 26th February. However, due to the amount of rain and part of the site being underwater it has not been possible to complete all the work. All the features (ditches, pits and potholes) have been archaeologically characterised except one which is submerged. Our contractor has suggested to the County Archaeologist that since nothing was found in the features that were examined, it is unlikely anything will be found in the 1 remaining feature. If the County Archaeologist agrees, no further work will be required. A response from the County is awaited. An Invitation to Tender for the MUGA construction has been posted to the Contracts Finder website. There has been a lot of interest with a large number of queries from suppliers being generated. One supplier site visit has taken place with another planned for 10th April. The ITT closes on 12th April. The contractor engaged by the Parish Council to undertake the detailed design of the sports pitches and drainage attended a site visit on 12th March. He has identified a potential drainage solution using pre-existing pipework in adjacent fields. We now need to speak to the land owners to obtain permission to connect to their infrastructure. Miller Homes have commenced work on the outstanding remedial actions required for the PoS at the end of Walnut Way. I am due to meet the MH project manager to agree which sections of cracked pavement are to be repaired. As a result of the drop-in event, a local youth football group has expressed a strong interest in using the facilities at Walnut Meadows. They currently play in Abingdon due to a lack of local facilities. After nearly 12 months, OCC Highways have finally appointed an Officer to deal with the road adoption at Walnut Meadows. Rather frustratingly, I found out via Miller Homes instead of being contacted by someone from OCC. Traffic Calming: A Teams call with Milestone (OCC’s contractor) took place during March. We requested Milestone proceed with the design and detailed costings for a pedestrian crossing at Walnut Meadows, a crossing on the High Street and some minor amendments to the signage near Hiliat Fields. Other proposals that have been discussed will be brought to Full Council to agree a priority as the costs exceed the funding available. Manor Farm: There has been no update on the enforcement case against Cala in relation to remedial work to the circular path. They are also continuing to spray to get rid of Hemlock. Football Clubhouse: The repair to the roof of the clubhouse, which the Parish Council funded, has been completed.

70/2024 Rights of Way & Conservation Working Group. Richard Wade was not present.

71/2024 Landscape Management Plan Working Group. Richard Wade was not present.

72/2024Public Art Working Group (Pervin Shahin).

a) Village Trail / Footpaths. Pervin Shahin is putting together a Public Art Wayfaring Walking Route proposal that will include 3 trails with artistic signage.

b) Entrance Signs. It was agreed to repaint the word ‘Drayton’ on the village entrance signs.

ACTION: Elaine Wade to paint the word ‘Drayton’ on the entrance signs.

73/2024 The Dovecotes.

Public Open Space (POS). It was noted that the Parish Council can not consider adopting the POS until the land is handed over from the management company to the Dovecote Residents’ Association.

74/2024 Manor Farm. It was noted that the state of the hedgerow alongside the public open space and the use of poison by Cala Homes to kill the Hemlock on the Manor Farm site is disappointing.

75/2024 Public Transport Liaison Representative. It was noted that this position is vacant.

76/2024 Parish Council Website. It was noted the Parish Council website is overdue for a revamp and needs simplifying.

ACTION: Clerk to circulate details of Parish Online – www.parish-online.co.uk

77/2024 Items to be noted from Parish Councillors.

The Dovecotes. It was noted that the VWHDC’s final inspection is scheduled to be held on 19th April 2024 and the Dovecote Residents’ Association have raised a number of issues.

ACTION: Jonathan Fowler to write to the VWHDC on behalf of the Parish Council asking that the outstanding issues are fixed before the Certificate of Final Completion is issued.

78/2024 Date of the next Meeting. 14th May 2024.

The Chairperson declared the meeting closed at 8:40pm.

Signed: Date: 14th May 2024


Appendix A

Actions Checklist

Burial Ground Hedge Clearance. Village Caretaker to try and remove the stumps from the ground.
Village Caretaker Contract. Richard Wade to discuss the contract with the Clerk.
Church Lane and High Street Junction. Graham Webb to write to the VWHDC parking enforcement of the dangerous parking.
County Councillor Priority Fund. Deputy Clerk to suggest to Richard Webber a defibrillator for his County Councillors Priority Fund.
Manor Farm / Henleys Lane boundary. Jonathan Fowler to report the hedges and trees along the Manor Farm / Henleys Lane boundary to the VWHDC Environmental Health.
Walnut Meadow Dog Poo Bins. Deputy Clerk to investigate professional bin emptying services.
Village Trail / Footpaths. Pervin Shahin to circulate Public Art Wayfaring Walking Route proposal.
Sutton Wick Lane Willow Trees. Deputy Clerk to give Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks permission to cut the trees.
Football Club Roof Repair Short Fall. Jonathan Fowler to ask the Football Club to submit a grant application for the additional £1,400.00.
Entrance Signs. Elaine Wade to paint the word ‘Drayton’ on the entrance signs.
Parish Council Website. Clerk to circulate details of Parish Online – www.parish-online.co.uk
The Dovecotes. Jonathan Fowler to write to the VWHDC on behalf of the Parish Council asking that the outstanding issues are fixed before the Certificate of Final Completion is issued.

Appendix B


Income & Expenditure – Bank balances as at 31.3.24

31-Mar-24 Service Charge -24.6 234634.65

28-Mar-24 Allotment rent income Plot A5B 10 234659.25

28-Mar-24 Allotment rent income PLOT A6 20 234649.25

28-Mar-24 Allotment rent income plot A3 20 234629.25

28-Mar-24 Allotment rent income PLOT A4A 10 234609.25

27-Mar-24 Allotment rent income C2b 10 234599.25

22-Mar-24 Allotment rent income B4b 10 234589.25

20-Mar-24 DD (CASTLE WATER LTD) TW1281321123 -6.78 234579.25

20-Mar-24 Allotment rent income ALLOTMENT C1B 10 234586.03

19-Mar-24 Allotment rent income E1 E2 20 234576.03

18-Mar-24 Allotment rent income Allotment plot A2 20 234556.03

18-Mar-24 B/P to: DraytonChronicle ADVERT PAYMENT -30 234536.03

15-Mar-24 Allotment rent income Plot A4b 10 234566.03

15-Mar-24 Allotment rent income PLOT B6 RENT 20 234556.03

14-Mar-24 Allotment rent income B1a and C7a 17.5 234536.03

13-Mar-24 Allotment rent income B11 20 234518.53

13-Mar-24 Allotment rent income B3 20 234498.53

13-Mar-24 Allotment rent income PLOTS D3 D4 E3 E4 40 234478.53

12-Mar-24 Allotment rent income B2A S ALLOT 10 234438.53

11-Mar-24 Allotment rent income Allot F1 15 234428.53

11-Mar-24 Allotment rent income (B5) 20 234413.53

11-Mar-24 Allotment rent income A1 20 234393.53

08-Mar-24 Allotment rent income F2 20 234373.53

07-Mar-24 salary adjustment UNDER PAID IN SO -57.09 234353.53

07-Mar-24 salary adjustment UNDERPAID BY SO -49.14 234410.62

06-Mar-24 Allotment rent income PLOT A5A RENT 10 234459.76

06-Mar-24 Allotment rent income ALLOTMT R C5 20 234449.76

06-Mar-24 Allotment rent income B9 20 234429.76

06-Mar-24 Allotment rent income plot A8 20 234409.76

06-Mar-24 Allotment rent income PLOT B2B 10 234389.76

06-Mar-24 Allotment rent income PLOT A7A 10 234379.76

06-Mar-24 Allotment rent income B4A 10 234369.76

06-Mar-24 Allotment rent income Plot C1a 20 234359.76

06-Mar-24 Allotment rent income Plot B1b 7.5 234339.76

06-Mar-24 Allotment rent income PLOT C6 20 234332.26

01-Mar-24 Allotment rent income D 30 234312.26

01-Mar-24 Salary Feb DIFF IN SALARY -21.56 234282.26

01-Mar-24 Salary Feb EXPENSES FEB 24 -74.82 234303.82

01-Mar-24 B/P to: HMRC Cumbernauld 075PH00148296 -483 234378.64

01-Mar-24 Salary Feb EXPENSESFEB 24 -115.08 234861.64

01-Mar-24 Salary Feb SALARY FEB 24 -1362.38 234976.72

01-Mar-24 Salary Feb EXPENSES FEB 24 -176.28 236339.1

01-Mar-24 B/P to: OCC Pension Fund DRAYTON PC 210 -1071.36 236515.38

Balance as at 1.3.24 237586.74

Income add 520

Expenditure minus 3472.09

Balance as at 31.3.24 234634.65

Appendix C

Planning Applications

P23/V2380/S73. Variation of conditions 2 (Approved plans), 3 (Drainage Details (Surface Water)), 4 (Drainage Details (Foul Water)), 5 (Contaminated Land), 8 (Materials) on application P22/V2919/FUL (New dwellinghouse). Magpie Cottage 30 High Street Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JW. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Planning Permission on 14th March 2024.
P24/V0383/HH. Two storey rear extension. 25 High Street Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JW. PC: Support. VWHDC: Pending.
P24/V0435/HH. Proposed ground floor rear extension, loft conversion with rooflights, floor plan re-design and all associated works. 25 Holly Lane Drayton Abingdon OX14 4FW. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Pending.
P23/V2812/FUL. Demolish the existing garage (damaged) and re-build the garage. 9 The Green Drayton Abingdon OX14 4JA. PC: Noted. VWHDC: Pending.