Minutes of the Meeting of the Finance and Personnel Committee
of Drayton Parish Council held remotely at 2pm on 21 May 2024
Present: Cllrs Pat Athawes (Chair), Graham Webb, and Richard Wade.
Also, in attendance: Anita James (Clerk/RFO) Deputy Clerk, Chris Prince and Programme
Manager, Jonathon Fowler.
Public: None
Minute No
1/24 Apologies for absence: Susan Harris.
2/24 (a) Declarations of Interest: None.
(b) Dispensations: None.
3/24 Approval of the minutes of the 9 February 2024: The minutes from the
meeting held on the 9 February were approved as a true record.
4/24 Payments for consideration from last Full Council Meeting 9 April
2024: Approved by the parish council, see Appendix A
Internal Audit: The final audit review is due on the 5 June. Outstanding
items include: VAT not reconciled to nominal ledger. Action: clerk to pursue
with the locum clerk.
Draft AGAR to 31 st March 2024: The Chair asked the clerk to check the
percentages and figures in the variance report completed by the previous
locum clerk as he suspected they might be incorrect.
Action: clerk to double check all the figures before presenting to full
8/24 Review/consider payment process in light of recommendation from
the Auditor in the Internal Audit Report: resolved that two councillors
would approve invoices and payments in between council meetings.
Payments/invoices would be signed by two non-signatory councillors at full
council meetings.
9/24 Review and Approve NALC Financial Regulations in view of
recommendations from the Internal Auditor: Carried forward.
10/24 Review and Approve Financial Risk Assessment as indicated in the
Internal Audit report 23/24. Action: clerk to update and present to full
11/24 Approval for a Multipay card as employees should not be using their
own credit card for purchases- recommended by Internal Auditor.
The chair advised that council had already approved this action in
Action: clerk to apply for a procurement card from Unity Bank.
12/24 Grant from Football Club (quote was different to invoice) £1,400
Village Hall- Football club Insurance £1,985
Parish Council declined the grant application form the Village Hall as they
had not agreed to pay the insurance.
The Football Club grant was approved as leaving off the scaffolding form
the quote was a mistake by the supplier.
13/24 NS & I- close account as inaccessible: council approved. Action: clerk to
write to bank and ask to close.
14/24 Consider investing in a short-term basis some of the funds held in the
current account, both to attain some interest and to spread the risk in
the unlikely event of failure of Unity Bank (only protected to £85,000) .
Strongly recommended by the Internal Auditor.
Council agreed that this made sense.
Action: clerk to investigate and report to council.
15/24 Third Party Funding Agreement signatories. To decide and agree two
officers/members who will act as signatory to a Third Party Funding
Agreement. This is required by The Vale when the Parish Council
applies for S106 drawdown over £20K. (JF)
Council agreed that the clerk (Anita James) and the Chair (Pat Athawes)
and Richard Wade would be signatories.
16/24 Any Other Business (no decisions can be made): None.
Appendix A payments
17-May-24 TW1281321123 -£7.38
14-May-24 INV 1885 30/04/24 -£1,453.56
14-May-24 INV 532364909 -£1,594.23
14-May-24 D00114/2022/1 DRAY -£632.23
14-May-24 90273294 DRAYTON -£72.50
03-May-24 PAY ADJ APRIL 24 -£1.43
03-May-24 DRAINAGE STRATEGY -£3,000.00
03-May-24 SALARY APRIL 24 -£1,306.07
03-May-24 DEPCLERKPAYAPRIL24 -£28.75
03-May-24 EXPENSES -£63.58
03-May-24 DRAYTON PC 210 -£1,015.90
03-May-24 075PH00148296 -£347.18
03-May-24 659 -£11,660.40
03-May-24 EXPENSES -£77.40
03-May-24 INV: A8370 -£600.00
30-Apr-24 DEPCLERKPAY -£747.42
30-Apr-24 SALARY -£1,019.68
19-Apr-24 S137GRANT -£700.00
19-Apr-24 INVOICE 100847 -£16,020.00
19-Apr-24 LOCUM CLERK SERVIC -£2,464.18
19-Apr-24 WALNUTMEADOWSADVIC -£3,309.00
19-Apr-24 TRAINING -£96.00
19-Apr-24 DESIGN & PLANNING -£804.08
19-Apr-24 S137 GRANT -£1,500.00
19-Apr-24 CARETAKING MAR 24 -£393.00
18-Apr-24 TW1281321123 -£7.12