- Convener: Janet Manning
- John Scott
- Tom Shebbeare
- Richard Williams
Next Meeting
No further meetings planned at present
Notes of Previous Meetings:
- To create a cohesive and coherent look and feel to the overall plan for the village that helps integrate the residents and gives Drayton a real identity.
To Achieve this by:
- Create a centre around a new village green that acts as a focal point for village activity and brings together the two distinct halves of the village
- To try and use the existing boundaries of the village for infill housing and commercial development to bring people closer together and stop ribbon development
- To weave both greenery and the historical background of the village into any new development to retain character and enhance the existing situation
- Creating something to give the Village an identity
Detailed Actions:
- Create a centre around a new village green that acts as a focal point for village activity and brings together the two distinct halves of the village
- The creation of a new village green in the centre of the village opening out onto Abingdon Road with a green avenue of trees opposite tying together the eastern western halves of the village.
- To try and use the existing boundaries of the village for infill housing and commercial development to bring people closer together and stop ribbon development
- Plan housing development such that it is low density and varied with small developments or groupings of different types of housing, designed to meet the whole community needs.
- Promote In-fill housing – not large estates or ribbon development
- To weave both greenery and the historical background of the village into any new development and to enhance the existing situation
- Incorporate historical influences into new development.
- Many of Drayton’s houses were built from bricks made in the village. Promote use of brick in a sympathetic and interesting manner.
- The village used to have a large number of orchards of nut trees (Walnut)
- Introduce Village Building Code that allows for individualism yet also coherence and incorporate it into Parish Council Development guidelines for example:
- Red brick buildings with crafted brickwork being used in to create designs.
- Red or black roof tiles
- White door & window frame
- Timber framed structures
- Porches on houses
- Gardens (individual & communal)
- Ensure all new developments are linked to the village by way of footpath and cycleways and are not cul-de-sacs. Other Suggested Improvements include:
- Greenery – instigate major tree planting throughout village – including green avenue from Abingdon Road to School
- Repair and provide hard surface cycle and pedestrian paths throughout village
- Examine case for reducing signage on roads
- Make tunnel under A34 more welcoming for visitors to village help link south Drayton.
- Explore ways of reducing noise from A34
- Creating something to give the Village an identity
- Create a “feature” from Drayton’s history to give the village an identity. E.g. incorporate a large brick kiln into the design of a new village hall or build one as a separate feature/icon.