Drayton Parish Council Consultation Response Thames Water Abingdon Reservoir: Pre DCO Informal Consultation on SESRO

The GARD local group have produced a comprehensive and professionally accredited
resume of the issues regarding this, and Drayton Parish Council agrees with their concerns .
In particular we support their view on the following:

  1. Proof of the Need: The need and functional case for the reservoir are not
    adequately proven. The Water Resource Management Plans (WRMP) have still not
    been approved by Government, and the EA and Ofwat have expressed concerns.
  2. Viable Alternatives: As the need appears to have been volumetrically over stated
    we feel that alternatives providing adequate supply at lower cost/lower environmental
    impact, and earlier completion, have not been given sufficient consideration. Perhaps
    the Severn Thames transfer?
  3. Design Strategy: The civil engineering design principles for the reservoir wall
    have been widely called into question as flawed and unproven. Similar projects have
    shown problems of inadequacy even during construction and not under final loading.
  4. Competence: A real concern is Thames Water’s historic inability to address
    mains supply leakage and sewage containment. This does not inspire confidence for
    the community, and neither does their widely and often reported financial situation as
    a viable business. A particular concern since large infrastructure projects of this type
    routinely suffer from flawed briefing and end up over time and over budget.
  5. Environmental impact/Biodiversity: Thames Water fact sheet on the
    ‘Environmental Impact Assessment’ provides no confidence that the environment will
    be enriched by the reservoir. The glossy pictures provided bear no resemblance to
    the actual landscape. The current environment is one of flat pastureland, with arable
    fields divided by ancient hedgerows, streams and brooks, all rich in diversity of
    vegetation, insect, bird and animal life. Vegetation is characterised by very old Willow
    trees and streams with steep banks which are rich habitats for wildlife. The area often
    floods in winter, providing a habitat for birds.
    Currently the area is well used by the local population for walking, running and riding
    on the bridleways that cross the landscape. It provides a significant green space for
    animals and people.
    Given the lack of an environmental assessment by Thames Water, plus the lack of
    any relevant detail about the current biodiversity of the area, there is no evidence at
    all that the proposed design of a bund contained reservoir would improve on the
    current level of environmental diversity.

Drayton Parish Council is not convinced by this flawed project, and supports a Public
Enquiry, as demanded by GARD and many local MPs, Councils, and campaign

Graham Webb: Vice Chair: Drayton Parish Council
August 2024