Finance & Personnel Committee

The Finance and Personnel  Committee is responsible for the proper financial management of the Council and it’s adherence to statutory financial controls. It monitors spending and works with the Parish Clerk to develop spending and funding plans. The Finance and Personnel Committee presents the annual budget to the Parish Council, for the Council’s approval, and recommends the level of the Precept for the full Parish Council to vote on. The Finance and Personnel Committee is also responsible for all aspects of the Council’s policies and strategy relating to any staff and contractors hired by the Council.

The Parish Council operates under agreed Financial Regulations and has a Budget which is drafted at the November meeting of the Finance and Personnel Committee and agreed at the December Parish Council meeting.

Drayton PC Final update report 2023-24

Asset registar 23 24

Clerks response to internal auditor for Moore 23 24

Drayton (Abingdon) Signed IA 2023-24 (1)

Explanation-of-variances-pro-forma 2023-24 Anita’s amended copy

Notice-of-Public-Rights (1)

Notice-of-Public-Rights 2024

AGAR 23 24

Drayton (Abingdon) Signed IA 2023-24

Annual Return 2024

Drayton (Abingdon) PC 2023 EA Report Signed_1394215

Annual return section 2 approved Annual return section 1 approved

Abingdon (Drayton) PC Signed IA 2022-23

AnnualReturnForm3_2022-23_e (Drayton Parish Council)

Notice of public rights 2023

Annual Governance & Accountability Return 31 March 2022


Scan of signed AGAR 31 March 2021

2021 Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance & Accountability Return

Summary Receipts and Payments for Year Ended 31st March 2021

Signed External Auditor Report and Certificate 2019/2020

The 2017-18 Annual Accounts and Notes have been audited (May 2018) by an Internal Auditor – Arrow Accounting – and their report for the last financial year  is given here: Internal Audit Report – Drayton 2017-18, The 2017-18 Annual Return and Variance Analysis have been submitted for Examination  (June 2018)  to the External Auditors (Moore Stephens), appointed by the government, and their audit report which is due in September 2018 will be published here when available . Electors Rights can be exercised from 5th June 2018 to 16th July 2018 – see  SA-notice-of-public-rights

Under the Local Government Transparency Code 2014 parish councils publish their receipts and payments. These are to be found in each month’s Parish Council Minutes, and the Council’s cash book summarising these receipts and payments in the year to date is published quarterly.

Details of the Council’s land and Assets are located here – Land & Assets

The Finance and Personnel Committee operates under these Terms of Reference

121/2020 Finance and Personnel Committee.
(e) Setting the Date for the exercise of Electors Rights. Due to the delays with the internal audit the original inspection period proposed in April has now lapsed. It must start before September 2020. It was resolved that the dates for the exercise of electors rights to be from 17th August 2020 to 28th September 2020 (inclusive) as there is a bank holiday on 31st August 2020. The accounts etc. will be displayed on the public notice board for this period, placed on the village website from 14th August 2020 and be available on this for the next year.
Proposed: Patricia Athawes Seconded: Pervin Shahin Resolved: Unanimous

SA-notice-of-public-rights-2020 Drayton PC dates

Signed summary receipts and Payments for year end 31st March 2020  –  original .pdf version

Agendas and Minutes of Meetings

November 2019

Finance and Personnel Committee Agenda November 2019

Finance and Personnel Committee Minutes November 2019

Notice of the Conclusion of Audit for 2018-19

Annual Return 2018-19 – Sections 1 and 2.pdf

Annual Return 2018-19 – Sections 3.pdf

Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2019

October 2019

Finance and Personnel Committee Agenda October 2019

Sptember 2019

Finance and Personnel Committee Agenda September 2019

June 2019

Extraordinary Finance and Personnel Committee Agenda June 2019

Extraordinary Finance and Personnel Committee Minutes June 2019

Approved 2019 – 20 Budget

May 2019

Finance and Personnel Committee Agenda May 2019

Finance and Personnel Committee Minutes May 2019

April 2019

Finance and Personnel Committee Agenda April 2019

Finance and Personnel Committee Minutes April 2019

January 2019

Finance and Personnel Committee Agenda January 2019

Finance and Personnel Committee Minutes January 2019

November 2018

Finance and Personnel Committee Agenda November 2018

Finance and Personnel Committee Minutes November 2018

September 2018

Finance and Personnel Committee Agenda September 2018

Finance and Personnel Committee Minutes September 2018

Notice of the Conclusion of Audit for 2017-18

Annual Return 2017-18 – Sections 1 to 3Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2018

June 2018

Notice and Accounts for Drayton PC 2018-19

May 2018

Finance and Personnel Committee Agenda May 2018

Finance and Personnel Committee Minutes May 2018

January 2018

Finance and Personnel Committee Agenda January 2018

2018 01 2017-18 Budget agreed Dec 2016 updated to 22nd January 2018

Finance and Personnel Committee Minutes January 2018

November 2017

Finance and Personnel Committee Agenda November 2017

Finance and Personnel Committee Minutes November 2017

The Abingdon Bridge – Drayton (Grant Appliction Form 2017-18)The Abingdon Bridge – Accounts 2015 2016

Clean Slate Grant Application Form – Drayton
Clean Slate Final Accounts – 2015-16Clean Slate Signed accounts 2015-16Clean Slate Copy of Income and Exp 2016-17

2017-18 Budget agreed Dec 2016 updated to 11th Nov 2017

2018-19 DRAFT Budget to Finance Committee

Precept Setting Report 2018-19

Clerk’s Report to Nov 2017 F&P Committee

PWLB Application Form

September 2017

Finance and Personnel Committee Agenda September 11th 2017

Finance and Personnel Committee Minutes September 11th 2017

Finance and Personnel Committee Agenda September 29th 2017

Finance and Personnel Committee Minutes September 29th 2017

Drayton 2020 Risk Assessment 2017-18

Home Start grant application

Be Free Young Carers 170822 GRANT APP FORM 2017-18Be Free Young Carers 2016-17 accounts – signedBe Free Young Carers – Leaflet 2017

Millennium Green GRANT APP FORM 2017-18Millennium Green Final Accounts 2017 v1

Business Case

2017 09 01 Walnut Sports Facility Business Case V12.3

Drayton sports pavilion reality check v3

2017 08 Cash flow version Capital DEP

2017 09 Clerk’s Note on Sports Fiels Maintenance Costs

July 2017

Finance and Personnel Committee Agenda July 2017

May 2017

Finance and Personnel Committee Agenda May 2017

DRAFT Finance and Personnel Committee Minutes May 2017

March 2017

Finance and Personnel Committee Agenda March 2017

January 2017

Finance and Personnel Committee Agenda January 2017

Finance and Personnel Committee Minutes January 2017

December 2016

Review of Effectiveness of Internal Audit Carried Out in 2016-17

November 2016

Finance and Personnel Committee Agenda November 2016

Finance and Personnel Committee Minutes November 2016

October 2016

Finance and Personnel Committee Agenda October 2016

Finance and Personnel Committee Minutes October 2016

September 2016

Finance and Personnel Committee Agenda September 2016

Finance and Personnel Committee Minutes September 2016

Drayton Parish Council Risk System – Reviewed September 2016

Risk Assessment Part 1 Financial 2016-17Risk Assessment Part 2 Council Activities 2016-17Drayton 2020 Risk Assessment

May 2016

Finance and Personnel Committee Agenda May 2016

Finance and Personnel Committee Minutes May 2016

February 2016

Finance and Personnel Committee Agenda February 2016

January 2016

Finance and Personnel Committee Agenda January 2016

Finance and Personnel Committee Minutes January 2016

November 2015

Finance and Personnel Committee Agenda November 2015

Finance and Personnel Committee Minutes November 2015

September 2015

Finance and Personnel Committee Agenda September 2015

Finance and Personnel Committee September 2015

May 2015

Finance and Personnel Committee Agenda May 2015

Finance and Personnel Committee Minutes

February 2015

Finance and Personnel Committee Agenda February 2015

Finance and Personnel Committee Minutes February 2015

November 2014

Finance and Personnel Committee Agenda

Finance and Personnel Committee Minutes

September 2014

Finance and Personnel Committee Agenda November 2014

Finance and Personnel Committee Minutes November 2014

May 2014

Finance and Personnel Committee Agenda May 2014

Finance and Personnel Committee Minutes May 2014

January 2014

Finance and Personnel Committee Agenda January 2014

Finance and Personnel Committee Minutes January 2014

November 2013

Finance and Personnel Committee Agenda November 2013

Finance and Personnel Committee Minutes November 2013

September 2013

Finance and Personnel Committee Agenda September 2013

Finance and Personnel Committee Minutes September 2013

May 2013

Finance and Personnel Committee Agenda May 2013

Finance and Personnel Committee Minutes May 2013