Marcham Mill Bridleway 17 bridge over the River Ock

Oxfordshire County Council understands that local people are concerned about the delay for works to reopen Marcham Mill bridleway bridge and this has caused some of them to attempt to use the bridge and cause damage to the barriers and potential harm to themselves.   Please be assured that the County Council is doing everything we can to work with the landowner to find a way forward and get the bridge repaired and open as soon as possible.  

This bridleway is closed because the bridge is unsafe for all public and private users – there is a big hole in it and unsafe stonework all around it that could mean one or both stone arches may collapse without warning at any time.

Unfortunately there is no ability to install a temporary bypass structure to keep the route open. The fencing is there to ensure public safety as we do not want you or your children/pets getting killed or seriously injured. The council is taking all reasonable steps which is why the fencing has recently been reinforced as adults and children have attempted to gain access to the bridge and have caused damage to the fencing meaning the money available to spend on repairs is having to be spent on improved barriers. Note that by attempting access you are endangering your safety and compromising the safety of others.  

The bridge is a grade 2 listed structure so has complicated the extensive works required to repair the bridge and make it fit for all public and pedestrian, cycle and equestrian use. OCC has commissioned detailed engineers survey and report about repair and strengthening options and is working hard behind the scenes to take these forward with the district council’s conservation officer and the landowner.

Oxfordshire County Council is seeking a safe and open crossing as soon as is reasonably possible and it is hoped that some solution will be possible in 2016/17 financial year. 

A special message to local parents is for you to speak to your children and discourage them from trying to access the site. There are many hazards that are not visible and could endanger their lives.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Oxfordshire County Council

Countryside Access Team

01865 810226

